I don't know what proof you need."I don't trust someone with only 6 posts."What a prick!Heartcore(if that is your real name,and your buddha picture!Who do you think you are?!)come back when you have grown a pair of bollocks.How many trips do you need to prove?And I thought I was talking to fellow trippers.What is it with you?Just try it.What harm will it do,eh?100 mushrooms,and a bottle of amyl nitrate.EASY,level 4.5.
What does it take to be part of this Psychonaut club?More than 6 posts?Or trips?HaHa!
I've never even took DMT.Ican't comment on it.But,you can't comment on this until you have tried it.I GUARANTEE that it will be your strongest liberty cap trip ever.I'm not bragging.If I want to brag then I will brag about what I've taken.(140 gms!You rum bastard!Ha!)I'm just recommending.And it is frustrating when other psychonauts just turn their noses up at a recommendation.My mates and me FUCKING LOVED IT!!They don't brag,just do.And they know plenty about mushrooms and haven't ever even had computers,never mind 6 posts!
The best trip I have had was with some shitty party LSD and I had a full egodeath experience.Do I have to prove that I am an experienced tripper,or something?But the best hallucination/mind expansion I had was with mushrooms and poppers.I AM selling it hard-I just want others to see the results.
I must be part of a small club. . . oh well,then.I tried.Your loss.