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Want to know the truth??????

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion light-serpent
  • Date de début Date de début
For sure its outdated, the critics were all over this film and a lot of discusion stuff and parts have been debunked.

Except for the Jesus thing, they pointed out he never existed which is a well established fact.
HeartCore a dit:
For sure its outdated, the critics were all over this film and a lot of discusion stuff and parts have been debunked.

Except for the Jesus thing, they pointed out he never existed which is a well established fact.

But he has!
In the heart of every christian....

...ohw... no wait... that's fear
I must agree with spice here

Stop looking for 'explanations of truth' to come from some documentary or from some conspiracy theory.. Stop looking for reasons why the world is fucked up, as well as possible solution, in some leader or system or other people. Just think for yourself, act for yourself, in your own microcosm

Start acting! The choices you make as a consumer, the way you talk to people, the job you have, how much you sacrifice for others, your behavior, all of this is and more, is what we should be thinking about... Empower yourselves and stop whinning that the illuminatis and the world bank own the world..

All those politicians and big business people are just scared selfish rats, just like any other human, with their weaknesses and tendencies and fears, with their controlling wives and crying children, with their lack of control of their emotions, with their desires influenced by their culture, upbringing and propaganda, etc.. They dont work together harmoniously on the background in a world-wide scheme, they dont have conscience for that, they are always only working for themselves and working with others only when this benefits themselves. So do something yourself, try to improve yourself and those around you.
I don't see why "doing something" and watching an interesting video every now and then can't go together.

I also don't see the problem with an author deciding to give an eight hour lecture, if it's packed with useful and verifiable information. In fact I've got a lot of respect for those who can give such long lectures. I also have a lot of respect for those who choose to listen to these kinds of lectures rather than watch TV shows, rent movies or play video games.
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
I don't see why "doing something" and watching an interesting video every now and then can't go together.

I also don't see the problem with an author deciding to give an eight hour lecture, if it's packed with useful and verifiable information. In fact I've got a lot of respect for those who can give such long lectures. I also have a lot of respect for those who choose to listen to these kinds of lectures rather than watch TV shows, rent movies or play video games.

If you want to watch any movie but still do your 'homework', sure its fine... But if someone starts calling one or another documentary or movie or book or whatever as The Truth, then my 'shit-detector' turns on and blinks red.

I've known personally people who are into this zeitgeist but are not doing their part in anything, except trying to get more people to watch it, like religious proselitists. I do not like this. I do not like someone who drives a hummer or whatever fat-ass car, changes cellphone every 2 months, smokes cigarrete, eats mcdonalds regularly, doesnt respect others, so on and so on, and then comes talking about how the problem of the world is in some conspiracy... Well take a look at the mirror and turn off the damn tv, is what I say.
that's what I was telling him.

An 8 hour video to explain a theory of what is happenning in the world?

I explained it in about 30 seconds a few posts back on this thread.
yes, I know, the "but" wasn't meant as an argument against what you said but rather something I want to throw in, agreeing with you.
I also don't see the problem with an author deciding to give an eight hour lecture, if it's packed with useful and verifiable information.
The problem with conspiracy videos is that they need to use something that is very similar to what the media does - sensationalism. How can you possibly impress someone with a 9/11 video nowadays? It must be big. Which means that you will often need to bend things so that they fit your theory. The first part of zeitgeist for example contains absolutely no facts. The thing with the stars was proven wrong, the similarities between the different legends (proving that jesus is a copy) are mostly invented and there is simply a lot of bla bla. It also ignores the philosophical revolution jesus (or, if you want so, the figure of jesus) brought up. I do not deny that many symbols are related between myths/legends/intercultural stories but that's no argument whatsoever. The first part is the part I dislike most in the video. All through zeitgeist there is simply too much black/white thinking, which again brings us back to the veritability of what is said in conspiracy theories.
Oeh... Me coming peacefully and happily to psychonaut, what do I see in active topics, ooo someone knows the truth, let's have a look then. Oh noes, not that again. It's been here before, it has been preached to me by my pothead friends(and i really mean stereotypical potheads, yeah they do exist) and I can´t watch it, I just don't bother, I am afraid that it's too put you tinfoil hats on. I probably even could not watch it without huge preconceptions so I wont, sorry.

I have to agree with spice here, I mean everyone has to start doing theire own thinking. You may have an illusion that after watching movies like that everything is clear as water, but that´s just someone else telling you things, just the other side. Both sides can be very good in giving arguments and showing proofs about things. It ends up you believing the side you want to believe more.

Hmm sides, that's a bit odd wording. What sides... Ahh going to buy some tinfoil.
HeartCore a dit:
I do all of these things :D
I watch TV shows myself. But the thing I wanted to say was that compared to the hundreds of hours that comprise a TV show, an eight hour lecture or a two hour documentary isn't that much of a waste of time. It leaves most people plenty of time to engage in practical action.

As far as the different things presented in these documentaries, I think most of it is still much more factual and thought-provoking than an average program on CNN, National Geographic or a local TV station.
I rather recommend kymatica, or "society get off your knees by Icke" instead.

Kymatica is my #2 favourite because it points out the false ego thing, even though it doesn't really go deep into it

I didn't like David Icke, reptilians are just too far out for me and like mystic says, it creates an enemy (even though zeitgeist does as well, I'm talking addendum when I refer to zeitgeist, didn't think the first one was anything special at all either) wich isn't going to help anything
Going to watch this money as debt film soon I hope, wonder if it's a lot different then the first part of Zeitgeist

Empower yourselves and stop whinning that the illuminatis and the world bank own the world

d) Having to rely on outside sources for fuel and electricity (fuel and electricity are both commercial products of the industrial era, which is where we took a wrong turn as a species)

Don't be so quick to discard 'd'.

It is, perhaps, the Gordian knot which holds the entire junkheap together.

It's not just fuel and electricity, it's all being controlled by the banks, (and) the masters of this (corrupt) monetary system
It's at the heart of everything.
Without a lot more consciousness, bringing down this thing isn't going to do an awful lot but it's definately not something to lay aside.
Like I said, it's at the heart of everything.
But it's a symptom of a disease, and you can't cure a disease by battling the symptoms.
I dont like david icke also, but in generall i watch lectures from everyone, just to see what people have to say... and this lecture actually had some interesting stuff besides from the reptillian stuff, no one needs to watch it, but eeh, no one needs to post here too.... I could have posted how i dislike video games in the video game thread but it doesnt bring something in.

You may have an illusion that after watching movies like that everything is clear as water, but that´s just someone else telling you things, just the other side. Both sides can be very good in giving arguments and showing proofs about things. It ends up you believing the side you want to believe more.

It's clear i think that no one claims truth, based on a documentary... but as watchers of lectures of this we can advice eachother our favourite documentary, that's why this thread is made.

Once u have seen a lot of documentaries this becomes really clear, and that everything u see as truth is relative/subjective, and the real importance is the action that comes afther the thinking.
There are as many truths as people, but this amount gets diminished because it's our nature to walk along.
Just watched money as debt and halfway through money as debt 2.

It is at a time mentioned that in money, things are being made to look complicated to cover up the simplicity and thus the insight of what this mechanism means (that the bankers are the masters and the rest are the slaves)

The question from my part remains why make such a long film about it, it is so simple! This makes it look like its not.
This thing is not concentrated enough at all imho.
It's so simple.
Why make it (look) so complicated.

Hell I'm almost considering this was put out there by the banks themselves
Stop looking for 'explanations of truth' to come from some documentary or from some conspiracy theory.. Stop looking for reasons why the world is fucked up, as well as possible solution, in some leader or system or other people. Just think for yourself, act for yourself, in your own microcosm

Good advice endlessmess, but don't you think that some people are thinking for themselves? Act for themself hey? So if I disagree with how they're running the world, I can't just go up to them and tell them to stop. Some how I don't think thats going to work. I'm just one person. By people coming together, this is the real power. We are in this world togther therefor we must act together. By one person or a small group coming out and showing what they think, takes courage, but may not work.
For myself to find the truth, would mean I would have to experience what has happened and gain the information by seeing it myself.
Most humans think about the now instead of the future, so acting as one microcosm can be destructive behaviour.

I'm am totally against the monetary system. So does this make me a terrorist?
I am afraid that it's too put you tinfoil hats on. I probably even could not watch it without huge preconceptions so I wont, sorry.

For me to say your wrong would be wrong.
But dont you know? the world is flat, any one that says its round is just crazy. :lol:
We have to think outside our box.
I'm up on the mountain top looking down at all these people in their tight little boxes, brainwashed by filted media to hide the trurth.
My box has so many holes, and the world looks so much better out side.

We live in a cage, feed on scraps.

sick of it..... :x
I'm am totally against the monetary system. So does this make me a terrorist?

Yes :wink:

That might just be the thing they called to life to apprehend those that get to know too much and spread awareness.
Basically the ones that pose a threat to the continuation of their practices.
light-serpent a dit:
Good advice endlessmess, but don't you think that some people are thinking for themselves? Act for themself hey? So if I disagree with how they're running the world, I can't just go up to them and tell them to stop. Some how I don't think thats going to work. I'm just one person. By people coming together, this is the real power. We are in this world togther therefor we must act together. By one person or a small group coming out and showing what they think, takes courage, but may not work.
For myself to find the truth, would mean I would have to experience what has happened and gain the information by seeing it myself.
Most humans think about the now instead of the future, so acting as one microcosm can be destructive behaviour.

I'm am totally against the monetary system. So does this make me a terrorist?

Yeah Im against or disagree with plenty of things also, but fact is, things are the way they are, so we must contextualize our criticism and be realistic and do something practical, being inserted in this world we are.

When I meant 'acting now', of course I dont mean in the same way you criticise people for only looking 1m in front and not thinking of the consequences, but more of trying to be as conscious as possible and act now, in the present, but being aware and having in mind our grandgrandgrandchildren and what world we leave to them.

I dont find a problem if you enjoy this or that documentary, as long as, first of all you are critical about it and question things, and second of all, your 'attempts to make a better world' are not only based on spreading the word from this or that documentary..

There's plenty of other things we can also do in daily life that, at least imo, make all the difference, even if it seems small, like being conscious consumers, being good to people, having patience when things or people make us angry, give the seat to the old lady in public transport, trying to recycle things, not wasting, not throwing garbage on the floor, etc.. Daily life is an amazing practice for oneself trying to become better, and one can aaaalways improve... It is contagious also, it spreads, doing good creates good.

of course im not saying that thats the only solution or the only thing one should do, but I do feel that this makes a tangible difference in daily life and I see many people (not talking about you, I dont know you so I cant say/judge anything) that are addicted to all sorts of conspiracy theories, love complaining about the state the world is in, but in the practical daily life they are selfish, wasteful, unconscious, dont control their emotions... I think if people would do their part and be more and more conscious about things, then the social changes and structures would change by themselves..

Like for example, sure there is a monetary system, but when you are with conscious friends and trustable people in general, doesnt it automatically dissapear, without needing an official statement about it? You dont count how much money or things you give to this or that person, you just give when you have and when the person would appreciate/use, and you know that this person would do the same for you.. That is because the inner change comes before the social change, and automatically leads to it.. Forced social change in the end will create trouble, even if supposedly it had good ideals (french revolution, for example), because we humans are like baloons full of air: An outside pressure in one side will just create an equal force coming up somewhere else, so the baloon inflates in another unsuspected place.. And if you press it so much it explodes.. So the change must always comes from within first

Endlessness I don't disagree with you. Many things have to be taken into account for change to happen, the inside and the outside. This video is yet one view to many. I know I would like a better world as most of us do.
Karma is everywhere like an ocean of emotions.
Change does start from within us, which can help others.
Starts from as simply giving up your seat for an elderly person.

I am like a question mark. I question everything, becuase the truth is hidden. When you stop asking questions, you stop learning.
I hope I didn't upset you. I appreciate your time writing on this forum as everyone else who did, as this helped me and others grow, descussion makes us all the wiser. :D