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Matrice Périnatale
Tonight, i'm doing 2.5 grams with two friends.. I had a healthy dinner last night and some orange juice this morning but otherwise havent eaten in almost 24 hours, I also heard about vitamins having an effect on a trip.......

probably a placebo but still.. does anyone else have any experience with them?

I have Centrum vitamins with a bunch of Vitamin C... idk i'll take them before either way.

Happy Tripping! :rolleyes:
I heard that vitamin C increases the intenisty and duration of the trip. I'm pretty sure this is placebo, but take them anyways if they make you trip, or make you think you are tripping harder.

Happy tripping, peace
So yeah, idk if it worked or not..but we tripped at my girlfriends dorm.. and we get a knock at the door right as we're coming up.

The R.A. and the campus police officer had a complaint of marijuana in her dorm.. (weird because her roommate doesnt smoke either) so we packed up and left while they searched the room..

Only to realize the bags that held our shrooms were still in her room.. SHIT
so we spent the peak of our trip ready for the hammer to fall.. she would be kicked out of school.. lose her scholorships.. everything..

I get a call half an hour later.. (i gave the officer my number to call and just let us know when he was done) and the officer said he was sorry for the interuption and that they found nothing suspicious. OMG!!! :D

We come back to the room scared straight and find the bags on the kitchen table opened and spread out.. so I can only come to accept either..

A) He had no idea what was in them.. (i never thought ignorance towards drugs would save my ass..)


B) He knew.. but we had almost licked our bags clean.. and there wasn't enough evidence to really do anything about.

Either way.. there were small particles of shrooms in each bag and regardless of us getting off.. I spent the rest of my trip stressed as hell..
Shit 1 TD, That must of been a bad one..
If you are overwhelmed by the impact of a magic mushroom trip, the effects can be decreased with sugar vitamin B3 (niacin) and vitamin C.

So this is actually really a dumb thing to do.

You've read it with someone who took 9000 mg Vitamin C with LSD, this does not mean it works with shrooms (or works at all for that matter, the story is a bit hard too believe)

And man, YOU ARE SO LUCKY!!!
Good thing you weren't caught.
They probably smelled the bags and didn't smell marihuana.
Dumb ass mofo's....
Yeah, I find all these sources about Vitamin C after I stopped looking.. haha

Thanks for the info though.

But yeah.. it was quite crazy peaking while looking an officer in the eyes who expects to find drugs in your room.. lol

All is well :smirk:
I tried fasting and then taking a big dose of multivitamins plus ginseng befor a trip and it was BIG and STRANGE . I think its better just to not eat for 4 hours before and if you want a strong trip take more mushrooms . People used to be given vitamin C to bring them down from mushrooms but it doesnt work , it just gives you a strange body flash . Maybe try the 24 hour fasting and then take the vitamins without the mushrooms first to see how you feel .I have read that in psychiatric hospitals they give people vitamin B sometimes to stop halucinations . Sugar , fat and /or acids before a trip will make the drug be absorbed better and faster , but dont over do it .
Vitamin is the most important thing for your health and body without vitamins energy we can't survive . Vitamins C and D is the most important for your health it increases you strength, bones and good your blood circulation. Vitamins C produce from juice the largest amount of Vitamins C is in Orange and in lemons. they also save you from flu.
jeniferlewis23 a dit:
Vitamin is the most important thing for your health and body without vitamins energy we can't survive .

How about oxygen?
Vitamins don't influence your trip one way or the other. And certainly Centrum multivitamins, man, if you fart once, all the vitamins will have left your system. It's an utterly useless product.
I don't think it has ever been researched. I know sugar CAN in fact reduce anxiety a bit. Mushrooms/marihuana drop blood sugar levels, taking some sugar can take this away which _might_ give a _bit_ of relief.

I don't know about vitamins, nor is there any scientific research about it, I think. I will do some research about it at the library.
I also have similar cop shop in my flat! You want know what have saved you and your friend? Stupid cop thinked that something eatable were in bag! Dry shitake shrooms or decomposing-old unused shrooms for pizza or such! Something like that also happened at my house! I almost jump out of window when cop ask me to come in to the my room! What is this? And I am shacking! But he points to the couple of eprouvettes. Shit, goddess save that time!
GOD brings up an interesting point; Fasting can help you trip harder regardless of what drug you're taking.

Fasting alone will make you trip if you do it long enough....
any real religious loony can tell you that... but why?

Fasting lowers your blood sugar, and your blood pressure,so it probably just is that your blood serum concentration is greater.....your absorption may or may not be enhanced, but the fact is, you will not have the distractions of food in your system, and while many of us aren't conscious of the invisible processes such as digestion going on all the time, it DOES detract from your experience if you are processing food, because of the reality that your awareness is enhanced on ALL levels, not just the ones you choose, and digestive tract issues for me at least, were/is ALWAYS a downer....
I don't know about vitamins, nor is there any scientific research about it, I think. I will do some research about it at the library.
Orthomolecular therapy, using nutrients like vitamins for therapeutic purposes, was first researched and applied in psychiatry. High doses (500 mg) of niacin (vitamin B3) can have a beneficial effect on psychosis. Simply google niacin psychosis.

"Humphry Osmond is also known for one study in the late 1950s in which he attempted to cure alcoholics with acute LSD treatment, resulting in a claimed 50% success rate. He also treated Alcoholics Anonymous co-founder Bill W. with LSD with positive results. There exists however an alternate version of the events that is told by psychiatrist Abram Hoffer, MD. Osmond and Hoffer not only worked with LSD but also with niacin, which is now called vitamin B3. It is Bill W. himself who made this term popular, after he realized, thanks to the two researchers, the antipsychotic potential of this vitamin when given in supraphysiologic doses. B3 became known as a treatment for alcoholism, as well as for LSD-induced and schizophrenic psychosis (Vitamin B-3: Niacin and Its Amide, by A. Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D.). The underlying adrenochrome and kryptopyrrole (mauve factor) hypotheses were met with stiff, unsubstantiated opposition. The B3 protocol for alcoholism, despite encouraging results, fell into oblivion amongst the Alcoholics Anonymous organization, which gradually became a faith-based organisation reflecting the orientations of the other AA co-founder."
One of the last times I did some pure MDMA, I had just fast for 3 days. Drinking nothing but apple cider (not the alcoholic kind), just plain sweet unpasteurized fresh apple cider. I was preparing my body for a liver-gallbladder flush (a detoxification technique you can google if your interested).

My friends convinced me to go out partying instead of doing the flush that night, forcing me to do the flush the next day (flush involves drinking 1 cup of olive oil before going to bed).

So, I went out, took a pill. And had the best trip of my life. Pure highness. Definitely one of the best I've ever had. It came on instantly too. I was high a full hour before anyone who took it at the same time as me got high.
One of the last times I did some pure MDMA, I had just fast for 3 days. Drinking nothing but apple cider (not the alcoholic kind), just plain sweet unpasteurized fresh apple cider. I was preparing my body for a liver-gallbladder flush (a detoxification technique you can google if your interested).

My friends convinced me to go out partying instead of doing the flush that night, forcing me to do the flush the next day (flush involves drinking 1 cup of olive oil before going to bed).

So, I went out, took a pill. And had the best trip of my life. Pure highness. Definitely one of the best I've ever had. It came on instantly too. I was high a full hour before anyone who took it at the same time as me got high.
Alezander a dit:
One of the last times I did some pure MDMA, I had just fast for 3 days. Drinking nothing but apple cider (not the alcoholic kind), just plain sweet unpasteurized fresh apple cider. I was preparing my body for a liver-gallbladder flush (a detoxification technique you can google if your interested).

My friends convinced me to go out partying instead of doing the flush that night, forcing me to do the flush the next day (flush involves drinking 1 cup of olive oil before going to bed).

So, I went out, took a pill. And had the best trip of my life. Pure highness. Definitely one of the best I've ever had. It came on instantly too. I was high a full hour before anyone who took it at the same time as me got high.

I do not understand something. You believe if your liver works OK you will XP better and faster high? Damaged and occupied liver give you better high. But if your goal is liver control, step away from it. You have liver and metabolism as you have and doing something bout it is useless. :wink:
The only point I was trying to make was this: "The high was better because my digestive system was empty." I had no food in my stomach or my intestines. An empty digestive system means a faster/better high because the mdma gets to your blood faster.

The fact that I was doing a liver flush has nothing to do with how great the high was, I only mentioned it in passing to explain why I was fasting on only apple juice for 3 days.

Incidentally you are correct, the liver filters the toxins from your system (including MDMA). The MDMA is broken down by an enzyme in your liver.

So you are right, a poorly functioning liver would give you a LONGER high, but I doubt it would give you a BETTER high.

Having a clean well functioning liver, will give me the ability to have a cleaner, better functioning, healthier body. This will allow me to have many more (and safer) MDMA trips.

I appreciate the attention (confrontation?) on my personal ethic of choosing to maintain a healthy body and choosing to do good clean drugs at the same time. Obviously I don't overdo the drug use.

For your information, (in case you wanted to know) I also excercise 4 times a week for several hours a day, eat very healthy, and sleep at least 8 hours a night.

On another note: Doing something about your liver is a good idea for everyone in general. Most people have such poor eating habits that their livers are literally decomposing by the time they are 25. Eating good oils is essential for a good clean liver. The number of toxins in most cities in this world is astronomically devastating to the liver. A Liver-gallbladder cleanse is an old well-documented strategy to clean the liver out, detoxify it, and thus allow you to detoxify the rest of the body.
Just eat 300 gram chocolate and have 2 cups of cappucino. 8) :D