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Vegetarians read this!!

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion IJesusChrist
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There is a common joke about B12 vitamin. Men should date vegan women because they need B12 vitamin and there is a good way for them to absorb this vitamin that comes from things coming from animal. You see the point ?

Also I'm a vegetarian.
I have been vegan from 2006-2008. Then Vegetarian from 2008 till December 2012.

Then I started to research about it myself for the first time and looked at the evidence. This time I wasn't following friends or actor's advice but I really looked at the research myself. And guess what I found out...

I now eat meat again on a daily basis (not the supermarket crap). I don't use plant oils anymore and I don't use margarine anymore. I put real HEALTHY butter on my bread and I bake my meat in animal fats, as it is supposed to be done.

I feel SO MUCH better since I eat meat again.

Here's some food for thought and better explained than I can:

if the organic meat was more accesible I'd probably buy it.

I still feel bad about raising animals for our own use..
i am currently digging the traditional chinese (as well as many tribal peoples) approach of a very small portion of meat with a meal. i still generally do not eat it, and i currently don't buy meat, but if i am offered it i will gladly accept the gift, in moderation of course.

one thing that i found interesting that i read the other day about ancient chinese tradition was, that one should stick to a particular kind of protein for each day. that is to say something to the effect of, "if it is a tofu day, eat tofu. if it is a fish day, eat fish. do not mix many different ones, or consume an excess of proteins"
Hello everyone. I am a vegetarian and i am a great lover of vegetables. This information is new for me. Thanks everyone for sharing wonderful information. keep sharing.
For simplicities sake:

Meat (chicken, beef, etc) - Contains high levels of the protein casein linked to heart disease, cancer, etc.
Fish - Although high in Omega-3, more and more issues with mercury levels.
Cheese/Milk - The calcium found here, ironically degenerates bones. Let alone RSBT growth hormones and antibiotics flowing through.
Genetically Modified foods - Should be self explanatory.
Processed/sugary foods - Also self explanatory.
Vegetables/Plant Foods - Obviously better for many reasons, but again, for simplicities sake, I'll compare it to you hydroponics aficionados. If you raise a plant on NPK only, it will grow, but it will never be as rich as a plant raised on a combination of NPK and super nutrients. Same thing for humans. What garlic, broccolli, and a bell pepper can provide is so much more complex than a refined and reprocessed piece of empty calories.

I'm aware of all of these things, and many more. Does that mean that I never eat meat or cheese... no. I just minimize them, and when I can, try to choose the organic if I must consume them. Does it make me a better person... no. A dietary choice is not a religion on it's own. Does it mean that people haven't consistently told me otherwise... fuck yeah. Big Pharma, Big Food etc, has trained people well. I hear the buzz words... "you need meat, eggs, dairy or you will crumble up. As a man you need meat for testosterone. As a woman you need milk for calcium... blah blah blah".

It's simple, eat what makes you feel pure, not good for ten minutes and an insulin crash, not full and then incredibly sleepy, not jumpy and wirey and then dragged down, what really feels pure for the long term, and that's the diet that's right for you.

To add to that, I do take chlorella tablets and piracetam courses to regulate various other things (nootropics is a whole other conversation I know, but it is a factor), and somehow I feel pure.

If we ever get a private video library, I can definitely upload a few documentaries that go into far more detail.

there are exponentially more omegas in foods like chia seed and salba seed. not to mention nuts.

there is exponentially more calcium in dark leafy greens like kale, collard and spinach.

GMO's, poison. pesticides, poison. processed foods, poison, preservatives, poison. sugar, poison. FLOURIDE, poison...

"private video library"

could you elaborate on this? it sounds like a good idea to me, and it would not be difficult at all to create a new subforum. what would you like it to be like? (maybe PM me to avoid offtopic)
Hey HeartCore, excellent links. First one especially, I liked the breakout statistically of a lot of the explanations on Forks over Knives. I stick with my earlier point, balance is important. Some meat and fish, lots of greens, no processed crap, and certain supplements.
I heard fish eaters referred to as pescatarians recently. Pretty much describes me. I was unaware that seaweed has so much B vitamins. I think people have been brainwashed into believing that they can only be found in meat. Good to know.
seaweed has so much B vitamins


all the things that media tells us to consume animals products for, be it calcium, b vitamins, whatever, are ALL much more abundant in plants than in animals.

my personal experience with (nutrient dense) vegetarianism and kickboxing is that i do crave something about meat that i cannot receive from plants, however, it is possible to live without meat. don't know how healthy that is though as i did not feel as well while being a vegetarian, but i have a very demanding training regimen so my body is different than most in this regard, very sensitive. perhaps i will try again in the future.
Agree with Light. Veg foods have many plus points over non-veg.meat consumtion tends to increase the risk of developing common chronic diseases. In a research by WHO it is found that meat and dairy-rich diets promote other diseases as well, including osteoporosis, and kidney failure. WHO predict the cancer crisis the world now faces, based on the meat-rich dietary trends of Western nations.
Well, vegetables are extremely good for health. Their combination with white meat is excellent. However, you should also take read meat sparingly in minute amounts because that does contain some very useful minerals which are required for body growth. A very important part is that cholesterol which is generally considered very harmful for the body is required for the proper development of the brain, but in smaller quantities. Similarly, dairy (milk) products have got their own significance.
In a nut shell, consuming food items in adequate and/or appropriate amounts from each and every food group is very important for health but being a vegetarian is a lot better for health as compared to being a non vegetarian.
"consuming food items in adequate and/or appropriate amounts from each and every food group is very important for health"

i agree with this.

not sure if i agree with this though:

"being a vegetarian is a lot better for health as compared to being a non vegetarian"

after becoming immersed in the world of nutrition i decided to cut out all meats for about a year, i have to say, as a kickboxer doing high performance cardio exercise regularly, i feel better when eating meat; in small portions mind you. my diet is still heavily centralized on seasonal produce, but i find myself getting hungry and fatigued way to quickly if i dont have meat. things like nuts are great protein but one (an athlete) can only eat so many of them to get the protein their body requires...

also mind you that im not consuming a "high protein" diet, nor am i lifting any weights, to crush any stereotypes.
ophiuchus a dit:
"consuming food items in adequate and/or appropriate amounts from each and every food group is very important for health"

i agree with this.

not sure if i agree with this though:

"being a vegetarian is a lot better for health as compared to being a non vegetarian"

after becoming immersed in the world of nutrition i decided to cut out all meats for about a year, i have to say, as a kickboxer doing high performance cardio exercise regularly, i feel better when eating meat; in small portions mind you. my diet is still heavily centralized on seasonal produce, but i find myself getting hungry and fatigued way to quickly if i dont have meat. things like nuts are great protein but one (an athlete) can only eat so many of them to get the protein their body requires...

also mind you that im not consuming a "high protein" diet, nor am i lifting any weights, to crush any stereotypes.

You are very right but see, I want to clarify one of the common misconceptions.
When we say the term "vegetarian", that does not mean that meat is excluded from the diet completely rather it means that one primarily consumes vegetables and does use meat but sparingly. That is the reason why I said that being a vegetarian is better for health than being a non vegetarian.
Hey friends!!!I am here to this thread and i like the healthier and energetic foods
for the fitness and the health.I watch out these foods for the health and fitness.
Fruits and vegetarian foods so good for the weight loss and fat loss....
Lol, :D that does happen sometimes especially when a particular thread is re-activated and re-replied like this one.
I don't know I kinda like my steaks! Sure there area lot of healthy nuts and leafy greens but there is nothing like a 2 inch thick steak cooked over an open fire... that for me is heaven.
Be careful because foods cooked over open fire tend to produce lots of chemicals such as nitrosamines which are carcinogenic (cancer causing) in nature. Lots of research is currently going on in this area and quite a few studies have already proved this.
I am not kind of horrifying you but it is always better, not to be monotonous when it comes to your food and diet.