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Vaporizer Bong

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion JamBar
  • Date de début Date de début
GOD, please post a picture of your vaporizer so that we can all learn from the master.

So, it's not good to have a long whip? Vapor gets lost if it is too long? Where does the vapor go?

I think I'm second guessing myself about buying a vaporizer. I didn't realize that they are too cumbersome, expensive, inefficient, and slow (if mine is indeed even a vaporizer... I probably got one of those "crud" vaporizers, since I see particles in my whip).

Or maybe I should just work on my sucking.
I have posted pictures of one of my vaporisers in the show your kit thread . Getafix also posted pictures of one in a thread a few weeks ago . Those are ones i didnt design , i bought them .

The worlds first digital electric vaporiser was bought from me by the hash museum in amsterdam about 10 years ago so they could display it in the museum . I dont know if they are displaying it . Most of the electric / digital vaporisers available today are based on it . The idea for a keramic heating element also came from me .

" Where does the vapor go? "

It evaporates on the walls of the "vaporiser" your useing . I would have thought that that would be obvious to any thinking person . The bigger the surface area the vapor must travel over / through the bigger the loss through evaporation . A good tip is to make that distance as short as possible , KEEP AWAY FROM WATER , and to warm your vaporisation chamber / tubes before use . As i said before the grunge thats shown in the tubes of the "vaporisers" shown in this thread are either tars from the burning process or THC . In some "vaporisers" the heating element gets to hot , as seen in the "vaporisers" that are full of smoke wich means very much of the THC gets destroyed by the heating / burning process .

Work on your sucking . And powder your product first as the finer it is the more efficient the extraction process . You will always have some plant material leaveing the heating chamber and no matter what you do some will get in your lungs but if you suck sensibly it wont be anywhere as near as much as the amount that people inhale when smokeing bongs , pure pipes or joints . ( Thats another thing that any thinking person would realise is obvious ) .

I assume by "digital electric vaporiser" you mean one that has a thermistor, an A/D converter, and a chip that runs a PID control loop (like an oven). That's pretty cool... I really doubt anyone else had anything like that 10 years ago. In fact, most of the vaporizers today that are labeled "digital" just have an LED display that either shows the current temperature or the temperature you have it set to... but there's really nothing digital about the control of the heater.

Please post some links to some digital vaporizers... I may buy one. Digital is better, right?

You really should think about suing Vapor Brothers and all of the other vaporizer companies for making money off of your idea for ceramic and digital vaporizers... that's what we Americans do. You could be a billionaire! What country are you from?

Hmmm... you do have a point about the vapor evaporating on the walls of the "vaporiser" (if by "vaporiser" you mean whip, then I am in agreement with you). My whip is like 2 feet long! (oops, sorry... 61cm) I'll bet like 95% of the THC is lost in the tube! Maybe I should suck HARDER to increase the air flow and thus decrease the loss of THC. What do you think?

I don't understand what you mean by "You will always have some plant material leaveing the heating chamber and no matter what you do some will get in your lungs". I thought you told us before that "If anyone is getting particles in his mouth he is doing something drasticaly wrong". You are confusing me.

Oh well, no worries... you really sound like you know what you're talking about. You sure know a lot about cannabis and vaporizers... I'll bet you are filthy rich from selling books and paraphernalia. I'll bet you don't have to work another day of your life ever again. That's great!
Thanks .

When i say digital i mean that it had a display that showed the curent temperature and you could set the maximum temperature . The temperature feeler was in the heating element . It was an adaption of a soldering iron station . It was so good that one could have vaporised any drug in it.......

I did try to patent parts of it but i couldnt afford the patent costs . If you find out the costs of a national , a continental and a world patent youll see why . I did have a deal with a German wholesaler to import a container full of the ellectric bits but as i`m a realy lazy bastard i called it off because i couldnt be bothered to build all the vaporisers myself . Especialy because i had no patents and thought that i might end up sitting on all of it because some greedy rich bastard might be able to get someone to do the work cheeper , better and faster .

I cant sue those people because i ...... gave them all the idea . I could maybe stop their patents but it wouldnt benefit me . When i found out that i couldnt afford the patent costs i wrote to every vaporiser firm in the world i could find and told them all my ideas thinking that that would stop anyone getting strategeicaly important patents on vaporisers and cornering the market . I wanted the idea to be free and in that way ensure that they stayed affordable .

I "smoked" my first vaporiser in 1972 . In those days they were called electric pipes or distillers and were made from a transformer and a car cigaret lighter in a jam jar . A friend of a friend showed me the first one i saw but they were crap , the wires got to hot and you couldnt controll the temperature exept by turning the power on and off = most of the time you ended up realy smokeing the stuff you put in it .

I talk about a heating chamber and a stem . I think the whip is the stem ? Sucking harder just introduces more cold air and cools the vapore = it evaporates on the walls of the chamber and in the stem .

It doesnt matter what one smokes , unless one has a filter that filters the particles in the vapor out some will get in ones lungs . The problem with any filter is that they filter the vapour out to and cool it down because of the need to pull stronger . The substance in the vaporiser always has small particles in or on it and the air that one pulls in always carrys some of it into ones lungs . Dry powdered products reach the vaporiseing temperature quicker and are easyer to extract the THC from .

When i said about the particles i meant that if someone notices them in their mouth they are doing something wrong . When i say that one always gets some in the lung i`m talking about the diference in size . When i used a vaporiser i used to try to do my suck so that i could see if and how far any particles would stick to the sides of the stem and then to learn to dose my pull so that only the unnoticable , unavoidable particles got into my mouth / lungs . It tooik a bit to learn to do it efficiently but its the same as when a cigaret smoker first smokes a joint . He has to change the way he pulls .

About money and work , no i have no money and yes i`ve never worked as its against my principles . I always felt sorry for those who were unemployed and wanted to work so i sacreficed my life and didnt work so that i wouldnt take jobs away from them . You know its not easy lyeing in bed till mid day , watching TV all day and takeing mega doses of drugs untill 2 - 3 - 4 in the morning . It is comforting to know that i have helped people not to have problems with drugs because i did a massive job in clearing the market of them and disposeing of them . I still havent been given a medle yet though .

I`m always open to questions if anyone wants to ask anything..... BUT as i dont take drugs , or mix in those circles anymore i cant help anyone in that direction .
I'm sorry to hear that, god.

See, you're the kinda guy we need at the helm of the legalization effort. Somebody that's knowledgeable and diplomatic. We need to show the conservatives that we're not just all stoner fuckups without jobs.

god, you have the power to change things, if you simply want it.
it seems to me that if u were inhaling plant matter into your throat or lungs it would make you cough...like accidentally inhaling a gnat or something
correct me if im wrong
You would think, but what I'm talking about isn't large enough to make me cough.

To most this would be no big deal, but I'm a bit of a "Germaphobe" and dread any thought of inhaling something I don't need.

This isn't directed to anyone, but I don't need anyone telling me I'm doing something wrong because I'm not. If you don't relate to what I'm talking about then you don't relate.

My style of vaporizer sometimes allows extremely small bits of plant material to pass through the screen. That is all I'm saying.
Honestly vaporizers are a waste of money. All you need to do is buy a bong and go to a hardware store and buy a heat gun. My friend and I have been doing it for a a while and it shits all over the best vaporizers. Not only does it work better but you have more control over it than with a regular vaporizer.

Either way theirs no more combustion so you don't have to worry about burning plant material and carcinogens just don't put it on too high lol.