as it seems to me, that's a authority victim freak or so, probably pretending not be one... that's relatively common, if you ask me... these people can turn to sheepwolves... maybe try to be somewhat careful man... don't trust the snakes.. be polite and look down at them, not buying their shit. if they in turn try to be condescending just smile at them, innocently, wisely, mockingly.
but let them their mental prisons if they fear to be unplugged......... because the mental prison means security for them.
haha ... hmmm ... they act like they do, probably because they don't know any better and they will learn their lessons the hard way or perish some way or another. you only have to be responsible for yourself, really...
also the drug abuse fits... to compensate other shit.... that's essentially what drug abuse IS.... :finger: :-| :-| :-|
drug use can unite the people, war against the drugs is war against the people and their unifications.
the wicked replace god with celebrity.... that's their fkn program...damn retarded, sick kids...
aranoid: :retard:
it's like they have to do to others what was being done to them....
why not just let kids be kids... :angry: :angry: :angry: :\
poor devils...and damn nazis. they must learn it the hard way, because else they can't seem to learn at all.
....i would say.... better the
right propagandalfs ftw!!!!!!!! hmmm :lol: