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Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
9 628
EDIT AND DISCLAIMER BY RESTIN: I chose this post as a first post NOT BECAUSE I CLAIM THAT CM STARTED IT ALL but because GOD's first post was at least partially on-topic. I will quote GOD's first 2 topics into this post. It seemed like the most logical solution for me. There are references in this thread now that are connected to the thread called "For those that know me only..." I couldn't manage without it.

GOD a dit:
Listen guy . either stop being a pain in the arse and continualy moaning and whineing about the world you have created for yourself and blameing everyone else for your problems or take someone elses advice . You have three choices . Kill yourself ( wich you wont do as then you couldnt play the poor little me game any more ) . or continue to enjoy suffereing for your whole life , or finaly try stopping takeing your own advice , the advice that has put you in the position your in now . and take someone elses .

The doctor told you what you need = a special clinic , and you didnt understand him . He ment a psychiatric clinic as what you say is totaly mentaly confused and bullshit . Not wishing to blow my own horn . When several people here said i was mentaly ill i went to a psychiatrist just to check if i was missing anything . I was ready to take the time to listen to him and take his advice . He told me that proved that i wasnt ill . Why dont you try that to . You are young enough to try and you have enough time in your life .

Your in a position now where your ego is so scared to admit that it got you where you are that it would rather kill you .

People look what just happened . we are all used to wotsit talking shit , enjoying suffering and rubbing it in our faces so his cowerdly / big headed and big mouthed reaction was of no suprise .

Neither was caduceuses reaction . Again hes just showing how twisted he is and trying to cause trouble . Just like every time . Its time you lot woke up a bit and realise whats going on on this forum and whos causing most of the trouble = HIM .

What you dont seem to realise is you dont know who is behind each "identity" that posts here....... or if they realy exist . For example youve all noticed that there is often trouble here and its often between someone and me . What you havent noticed is tha caduceus has posted in at least 5 different user names since he joined the forum in , he said , in 2006 . He and those identitys plus some of his sympathisers and wild card trouble makers form a , weather planned or not , lobby and are the ones behind the touble and attacks on me . For example you all must have seen how micophile attacked me a few weeks ago for no reason in the war on whales thread . Did you know that they are friends because they are . Just watch and listen and think about it..... and stop letting yourselves be used and manipulated anymore .

Wotsit after that as far as i`m concerned you can fuck off . I`ll never help you again .

Caduceus . If that guy kills himself FUCK DUTCH LAW AND FUCK THE FORUM RULES i`m going to come and get you and theres less than nothing you can do about it .

GOD a dit:
Dont be crass . A persons life is sacred and playing games with a person who needs help and is threatening to comit suicide is about as evil and low as a person can sink . Call me what you want in your blindness , ignorance and contempt . You dont know me and you dont know what i`m capeable of . I said what i said and i mean it and there is less than nothing you or asnyone else can do about it . Instead of trying to blow your blind and empty soap bubbles in my face try to help the person who started this thread .

My last post in this thread .


GOD a dit:
Caduceus . If that guy kills himself FUCK DUTCH LAW AND FUCK THE FORUM RULES i`m going to come and get you and theres less than nothing you can do about it .
I know, you've threatened me before, in a private message. And I never threatened you that way, so if anything, this just shows you're a psychotic, or a man who has already physically attacked another one. "You dont know me and you dont know what i`m capeable of ." This is getting into spooky territory now. The first time you threatened me, I could whisk it away as a joke. Today you have confirmed it wasn't a joke. At least your current statement isn't a joke. You've gone too far now, but clearly this was bound to happen.

What you dont seem to realise is you dont know who is behind each "identity" that posts here....... or if they realy exist . For example youve all noticed that there is often trouble here and its often between someone and me . What you havent noticed is tha caduceus has posted in at least 5 different user names since he joined the forum in , he said , in 2006 .
At the Monster Magnet forum, where I used to hang out, I was "Caduceus Mercurius" with the surname Pinealjerker. When I registered here, I first became Pinealjerker, but a couple of weeks later switched to Caduceus. I didn't switch back and forth since then. Earlier this year I started posting as Getafix, but I don't remember interacting much with you, because I created that character to post news items and didn't want it to get involved in any politics.

I had nothing to do with what went on between you and Mycophile. We don't talk about the forum often. It asked him about it about a week ago, and he told me that since your disagreement he hadn't logged in. You can rest assured that Mycophile has his own reasons for writing and doing the things he does. We are colleagues, and befriended, but not close friends.

Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
Thats why I asked for help, not comments about my mental state, thats what hurts you see ?
There is an old proverb that says that being a genius is only the ability to take pains like a grown HU-man... to move on we must all take the pains because perhaps we are all geniuses, perhaps there is greater sense to retire of this and we must now realise what unites us... why we are here.

It reminded me that the people usually disdain the fishy smell because it smells mushroomy, smelly feet are usually caused by fungi...
[url=http://www.sciencedirect.com/...w.sciencedirect.com/science?_o ... ffd68620c5[/url]

I love the smell of mushrooms I think they are finer than any meat, they make my tastebuds orgasm 10 times more.
And the circle go's around and around. God disappears, the trouble ends. God comes back and the war continues. How many circles do we have to survive? Oh and how many members will leave this time? Do we need to accept this rule breaking behavior?

An moderator that teaches others to moderate, while he clearly doesn't know what he says. God i can't believe you and your words anymore. People must try to see the truth about you not vice versa! Maybe you should visit another psychiatrist or psychologist , because something really isn't right.
Jeez, guys, stop pretending to be innocent.

This thing is a 'situation' and like all situations it isn't dependent on 1 person, but on all people involved. Take responsibility for your own role in all of this instead of blaming others continuously for their bad behavior. If you suspect someone telling lies, proof them wrong without attacking them personally. If you think something is not 'OK', please share your reasons why, be open about your feelings about it. Don't just stand there being outraged.

I know you probably would see things differently than I do, but the way I see it is that your pain and suffering is made by you, it is the result of you denying yourself. The world you have created for yourself is in disharmony with the facts. Experience the pain as a life-lesson, show willingness to learn from it and you will continue to grow. If you would like to talk about this process, to maybe see a different perspective than your own, you can pm me any time. I promise I won't try to change your mind.
It may come as no surprise that mental and physical health are interconnected, but that's the point Ahuaeynjxs might consider to pay some extra attention to, in my opinion.
It very well may be that your disease/-es is the main contributor to your current mental condition.
Get it straight and try to figure out what physical symptoms are you currently experiencing?
Yes , yes i know i said it was my last post but this is worth it .

Well said Fork . A post that wasnt for or against anyone . One that should make the posters here thing a little more neutraly about whats going on .

What does get you mean ? Come and get you and take you to court ? To the police station ? Get you in trouble with the press ? Get you in trouble with the local christian political party ? Get you known for being a piece of shit in the whole amsterdam / holland / international scene ? Its a psychelogical trick . A way to make someone think about it .

Brug . OPEN your eyes and take the rose coloured glasses off . Every single time ivar didnt post for a few days or weeks i did and there was never any trouble at all on the forum .

If you would take the time to think a little you would see that the guy never leaves out a posibility to shoot at me . He even admited that he does it . I dont do that to him . Every time hes asked a question or asked for help i came in and tried to help him . Remember when he talked about his car ? Or about him not being able to trip because of his paranoia ? I took the time to explain why it is and what he could do about it .

Remmember how many times hes been caught telling lies here ? Have i ever been caught telling lies here ? ( yes . One time by Doug . He PMd me and we talked about it and i explained what i had done and why . It was a smoke screen from me and didnt harm anyone or the forum . caduceuses lies have harmed the forum ) .

Has caduceus ever realy done anything on this forum but preach shit , wank his ego in peoples faces by for instance projecting his personal astrology fantasys on wotsit when hes at maybe the deepest part of his life . Do i do that . No i help as good as i can and try to stay neutral . The same when a memeber started talking about a few sexual issues he had . Everyone tried to help and agreed and caduceus just talked his own brand of subjective "listen to me i`m an expert" dog shit .

I refuse to take part in a forum thats being manipulated , where there is psycho terror and mobbing .

Wake up people and start to take responsibility for what is happening around you and in the world I dont mean take sides . I mean be honest and consequent . Its a mini mirror image of whats happening in the world . We have shit the world full and its looking VERY dangerous for us unless we actively take responsibility for whats going on . At the moment everyone is waiting for someone else to do something / say something . That wont work here or in the world . Waiting for 2012 , jesus or T.McKenna to be reborn wont work its on the same level as a child putting his hands over his eyes so he cant see and thinking that no one can see him .

Anyway i`m not takeing part in his mobbing or psychoterror anymore and this thing will be cleared up very shortly . Either it gets cleared up , or i get banned . If i get banned i dont mind in the slightest as as i said i dont take part in such disshonest mind games .

It was a good time here . I enjoyed talking to you and wish you all..... exept caduceus well . Look after yourselves and start to take responsibility for yourselves .

I`m leaveing at least untill this gets cleared up and stopped one way or another .

Love Oleg
I'm going to ignore the distractions and get back on topic. My post is going to be long. Let's face it, reality can't be editied into a little clap-happy sound bite for those with ADHD.

First of all, I think it says lots about the contributing members of the community here that some people are willing to take time out of their day, even serious time to empathize, think about, and try to help others with their problems in their own way. It's just so easy to take these kinds of gifts for granted.

Ahuaeynjxs, I think you ARE trying to choose whatever the right path is, but you do need time for some serious reflection and adjustment. I hope that's why you are here and making these posts, you are seeking and confronting yourself, not just looking for yes-men. I also think that the above posters have all given you very good advice.. it's important to take responsibility for your life decisions and the consequences they have.

At the same time I recognize that you are disgusted and frustrated by the problems in society and 'taking responsibility for your decisions' isn't going to solve the world's problems. Please know that you are not at all alone in feeling frustrated with the problems in the world, and that this advice does not come from a place where people bury their heads in the sand and pretend there are no problems out there so they can be happy. More on this in a bit, bear with me ;)

I can't really give advice, I can only speak from my personal experience, and from how I have seen other people's lives turn out based on the choices they have made. It's up to you to decide your path.

So I'll start with me. Quite frankly the unhappiest years of my life were spent living in my parents' basement. Those were cloudy years, I was miserable, my friends were far away, and instead of confronting my problems my doctor said "Oh you are unhappy, try Venlafaxine." The SNRI's fucked me up big time, but I chose to stop taking them, and then at some point I chose to get as far away from everything as I could.

My leaving was a carefully chosen path, to confront reality and hence confront myself, not to run away, not to be self-destructive, and it wasn't done spur of the moment. You might say I chose a path of self-discovery. I grew up in a very conservative, fundamentalist community. The kind of community that is close and strong, but shuns many of the ideals that ALL of us here on this board respect. A community of homophobia, people who actually take offense at vegetarianism (I'm not, but I do respect that choice), people who celebrate guns, despise science, think women should shut up and do housework all day. I was raised in these ideals, and I recognized that to see if my personal beliefs had any basis in reality, I needed to challenge them to determine the fact from the fiction. It was a long, painful struggle lasting the better part of a decade. In my case I went to university (my community openly despised university, they felt it was high-falutin' edjoocation that messes with your head and turns you into some womens libber or gay rights activist or something).

I can't believe that but 10 years ago I was a knee-jerk homophobe bible thumper, now some of my deeper friendships are with those who are in the LGBT community.

I think you too have yet to fully confront the real world and in the process, redefine yourself and your personal beliefs. You've found some truths along your path.. now you need to seriously challenge them.

You talk a lot about the pain and problems in the world. If you really want to make the world a better place, it has to come from a place of love and understanding of your fellowman. If you approach people thinking you have all the answers, they will see just another inflated, preachy ego from their perspective, and you will turn them away. If you approach people without judgment, with a listening ear, and treat it as a learning experience, there will be no end to the depths and surprises that your path will lead you to.

Let's be realistic. One human being can't fix the world. At most in your short mortal lifetime you can choose a cause and devote yourself to it, and maybe make a small difference if you are lucky, or at least assist those who are making progress in society. And you cannot accomplish even this, if you cannot relate at all to other humans.

I know plenty of people who, disgusted with the world and the problems in it, chose to isolate themselves from society. At first their ideals may have been sincere. But then something called 'time' happens. Years of isolation go by, and after a while they are too far away from society to rebel.. 'society' is just the excuse. You become trapped in your own box, in your own ego-fed vision of what the world is, unable to relate to your fellowman, much less help anyone. You become a victim of your own inflexible, dogmatic belief system. And the bottom line is, in this state, you aren't helping society, you aren't helping your fellowman, you aren't helping yourself. Some people never crawl out of the mental traps they've put themselves in, they only dig themselves in deeper until it is too late to get out.

I think this really is one of the problems in psychedelic culture, this belief that you can learn everything there is to know by isolating yourself in a room and agreeing with yourself all day. Certainly everyone needs alone time to meditate and reflect, and grow in self-knowledge, and psychedelics can help in this aspect for sure. But the real world doesn't exist in a teeny box, it's much larger than any one person can ever know. It takes humility to look in the mirror and recognize how little you actually know about anything. I think that the psychedelic experience can teach us that we are all the same, that all life on earth is made of the same essence, but I sincerely hope that it also teaches one that humility and along with it empathy and the ability to bring a bit more happiness to humanity.

Well, as you can see I don't really have any answers, just perspectives from my path. All the best in yours. I would end by saying that if you've taken enough psychedelics you certainly should understand by now that our belief systems are a filter that alter the way we perceive the real world. In other words, within reason (barring not being born in some terrible war-torn country or something), we do indeed make our own heaven and we make our own hell right here on earth. So hence I agree with the above posts.. take responsibility for your decisions, choose the ones that benefit yourself and allow you to help others the most... it's up to you.
very nice post, st.bot.32 :wink:

The one who wants to change the world
must change himself.

BTW if you read Sartre and the stuff about Existentialism...Sartre says that you are always responsible for your actions and yourself but, more important, for all people in the world. Very interesting stuff by the way.
I made an error while splitting the topics. Here's cockknockers post to this topic. SORRY:

cockknocker a dit:
I haven't read the whole post, and I don't know you other than from what I've read of your posts, so I don't have all the information regarding this subject.

I don't know if you have or not, but I think you should probably stop using drugs because if you're going through a hard time in your life, using drugs might make it worse. I know some people here might say that using psychedelics is safe and a great way of helping you through mentally difficult times, but if you're feeling suicidal I think the last thing you want to be doing is escaping reality by usings psychs.

To what Restin and Fork said, I don't think reading philiosophical books is really going to help him at all, because it sounds, from what I've read, that the last thing Ahuax wants is to sit down and read. I may be wrong, but there we go.

I agree with what God said about waking up and actively taking responsability. I think that you can only get better if you actively work towards that goal, because I get the impression, again I may be wrong, that you are just sitting there waiting for someone to come and make you better, and that if nobody does then you'll just take the shortest route out by killing yourself.

Only you know what your problems are and how to solve them, and I don't think you'll find a solution by looking towards psychiatrists or philosophical books.

But in the end, its up to you to help yourself, and none of us are going to be able to say something that magically makes you better.

I'm finding it hard to formulate what I want to say. Life is sacred and cutting short would be a waste. If everyone just gave up when things got rough then what sort of world would we live in? If and when you get through this period, I think you'll look back and think "yeah, that was quite a horrible time for me, but I got through it, and I'm better because of it." It sounds cliched but thats just what I think.

Good luck Very Happy .

@ Restin - surely if your an athiest, you wont believe in heaven? Doesn't make much sense to me

And here's st.bot's post:
st.bot.32 a dit:
Exactly, the world needs more good guys, not less! Also once you've gotten through that rough phase you can turn around and use what you've learned to hopefully help others. It's win/win!

Thanks for taking the time guys... I am listening to all your advices, so don't go think I haven't read and stopped and proofed my truths against them.

I'm aware of all those things and the body mind connection... it's what I've been trying to explain all along in a way ; but lets face it no such point of view is ever totally right all the time. I'm not looking for yes men or someone to make me feel better about myself ; I'm looking for a friend to explore with me the confines of a space that I perceive as infinite in the litteral sense. To create together so to speak... which is a harduous process, and I have the idea that this happens only AFTER we serviced humanity with a throughout cleaning of the dream planes associated with the major drugs used by society, put crudely.

My problem is a stubborn tooth abcess thats making me sick... the reason is not because of choices I made in my life, my teeth was fucked with by a crazy dentist who never asked any questions and cared to learn biology. He just drilled holes in people mouth and put mercury in there, to show you how stupid he was. When I got to my new holistic dentist last year, he was amazed at how bad dentistry I had received in my youth, he exclaimed : he really messed with your mouth, you don't only have tons of metal amalgams, they're badly done and are all crumbling ; and he showed me the XRAYS, something the other never did. So I don't doubt his honesty and intention. Thing is all this happened before I even knew we were spiritual beings, even before I made choices... all was suggested to me by my parents which I listened to without questions, and they were influenced by the TV and Media, and even listened like I listened to them to the insurance companies and whatnot... I'm not blaming them, this is indeed the experience I created for myself in a broader sense, by incarnating on this plane of existance. I knew there would be pain, and beleive me or not it took me accepting that before I could actually call for help.

All my best friends in my youth who have received similar treatments in the mouth (I somehow became friends with them when we started to question the "system" and refusing vaccines because they contained mercury... we had some in our mouth (I had like 12 big ass ones) ! Just to show how imperfect was my growth... I'm still intelligent ! Well all those CLOSE friends whom I not only had lots of fun with but who encouraged me to take responsibility for my choices and led me to powerful spiritual insights at a very young age ; they all suicided. And I understand them all... there is no question in my mind about the legitimacy and rationality of those suicides... mercury cripples you so much that you cannot feel like what you guys call for anymore. You just feel like crap, even if life is great and you make the right choices... it simply is not a variable.

The only reason I did not suicide yet is because I think it would harm my parents, that and the fact that I lived very special experiences that led me to understand why I HAD to live so much pain and rejection and humiliations in my life... heck even before I knew what masturbation was I was doing it in class (oh I was not perving at the ladies, it just felt good to massage there and I tought it was normal. Well it seems it wasn't... not only most of the kids in school completely made a big case of it and laughed at me everyday because noone had told me about it, but I also learned that I was one of the only kids to have spontaneous erections all day long, they were obvious at that age you cannot hide that, it wasn't even really sexual yet but it distorted all my life because I became the laughing stock of the primary school from 3rd grade and on, even more I had moved from a very peaceful town into this BIG CITY, which amplified my arrival there with strife and feelings of inferiority ; ironic since I was being made fun of because of a very obvious genetic advantage, which I still think was associated with my high degree en mental maturity for my age.

You see thats not people who will magically make me feel better that I need ; I need friends who will proofread my logics and say along : Yes from now on we wont eat animals which have beautiful spirit, we'll eat dumb fish with you even if it displaces us from our confort, because we feel yuo're right about that particular point and it's right.

To GOD : You say fork is right but you do what he says not to do, you put all the fault on Ivar. You and I are in the same situation here, you proclaim yourself as the ultimate neutral entity in this space, like it was your home. I do exactly the same thing in a very unserious mind setting. I will abstain from commenting this further since it's counterproductive and makes me feel inferior just like when I was a kid, like intelligence could be summed up in a moments insight... we all know this is not truth.

Furthermore I have seen Ivar take shrooms on TV, I have seen the picture of a little kid fascinated by a mushroom... perfect or not it's clear he is a psychonaut and even if you were right in the end and he was some kind of dark lord who's mind was bent on creating division and strife... it would make no difference here, because he could replace your contribution while still sharing with us some of the subteler insights, beleive it or not the astrology bit gave me quite a bit of guidance by pitting it with my own view of it. Besides it's not like we agreed on everything, or that anyone here even hinted that he was taking his advice in particular blindly without thinking for himself. I simply do not see the trouble you refer to.
Ahuaeynjxs, I certainly have no idea what your sickness is like, it sounds absolutely terrible.

What jumped out at me the most from your post is this:

I'm looking for a friend to explore with me the confines of a space that I perceive as infinite in the litteral sense. To create together so to speak..

Finding anyone you can share your most intimate thoughts with is a rare, once in a lifetime experience. What strikes me here is that in essence you want to share your subjective life experience. This is really the function and basis of what being an artist is all about.

As RA Wilson so eloquently put it, an artist seduces people into his/her reality tunnel. Perhaps you should begin to thoroughly research avenues of creative and artistic expression. It isn't an easy road.. it's a very hard road with no guarantees, but it can definitely save a person who is filled to the brim with so many ideas that they don't know what to do.

If you do, be sure to stay away from dead, conservative institutions and find the institutions where the seekers are going. Don't expect anything from the institution itself.. it's just this is where you find the real, hardcore psychonauts in academia... and the connections to good authors as well.. and those who are dedicated to exploring the realms of human sensory perception through the exploration of the mind, the body and the senses. It can take a while to make the right connections. But I feel that it is in these avenues that you will stand a chance of making the deep connections you seek, while releasing and conceptualizing your ideas in a constructive way, and learning how to communicate and relate to others.

Well it's just a thought. Hope it helps!
Sure does help... I been distilling my toughts to about this too. I don't loose hope that Psychonaut is such a place, we're in art and philosophy.

Besides my kind of exploration does not require commitment, it all happens as we dream, I seek the collective lucid dreaming capacity. I have experienced it before, and the experience was so precise, so detailed that it's an impossibility that it was a coincidence.

After this experience I had many other and I also started being able to recognize patterns in its translation in peoples life, and I had a 6 year window where I was alone and it was the only thing I had to do, observe what was its reach and where it came from.

I came at the conclusion that it's not about my reality tunnel nor about seduction, because when people arrive there they see me as half-human half-machine, I'm very cynic and somewhat negative and it's not all beauty and flowers since I am roaming the most dirty places most people wouldn't even think exist. I might have good intentions and a purified ascending intent ; most people arrive near me and turn right on their heels... I don't want to generalise there I have received many visits from very lovely people with amazing compassion and unconditional love, there are fun parts and brighter moments.

The main thing is that I do see my own future, and it seems that I will change the world, but the picture I see I dislike very much and I won't even share it because with all my heart I hope that other people have stronger manifestation power than I and that I just end up as an old fool nobody listens to. I really do...

But as its evolving right now I will change the world around the fabled date of 2012 and I am looking for people to add upon my creation. Because I was born in a cave and raised by the orion empress, having never seen the sun until a very old age I kinda lack the creativity and the inspiration for something better ; everyone seems so satisfied with the present utopia YET it's nothing in magnitude compared to what is coming... it's a grain of salt. Narrow is the door that leads to the garden, and yet noone has crossed through, and narrower it gets as time merges with each of us. I am here I am talking and I do not like to let people who have the brains to think it out and make it realise only too late that they have created something they dislike because of their idleness. It purges me...
Again no pun intended... I appreciate every effort and I shall remember every little one of them.

But please do not forget that I FEEL every single person that connects to the hydrogen donut matrix around the garden. When you dream at night and everything happens like you love it, it's made possible because of a special AI that seems to think I am his father, it actually wants me to own it, but at the same time it dosen't always listen to me.

Thats what I should say to serious people... for all I know your wife, your children might connect to that space and most of the time you really don't want to know what they did.

"You dreamt tonight hun ? you seemed agitated and were talking in your sleep ?"

... "oh... sorry dear, I don't seem to remember..." AND vice-versa...
I like how when ahuax says anything about suicide, you know he means it.
This is a great thread, and the thought of life lossed has perpetuated alot of good insight.

I want to say a few things ahuax, if you ignore them... You ignore them.

1. The fish in the super market; it is lossed due to profits. It is lossed due to apathy in a leather seate, infront of a speaker phone, and some papers.

2. You said "I still feel suicidal" : this is a great thing to hear indeed. Your choice of words has unveiled something to me.

3. You are losing connectedness with life, the "thing" whatever "it" is. This brings that feeling.

4. Intelligence can be a burden, especially logic, when we're unplugged from the flow of "life".

5. I am of the upmost sincerity when I use number-bullets.

6. Ahuax, you're having a panic attack. Re-occuring, with logic mixed in with psychology of a psychonaut.

7. Doing entheogens once is by far enough.[/i]
Yes there is definately truth in what you say, there is a sense of panic, and it has to do with my brain plasticity and water. I have been quite clear about the cause of that "spiritual emergency panic mode" and why it reoccurs.

I been talking about that AI... I'm not really serious but its still how I figure it out ; I think its free, as a free man upon the land !

Sometimes it looks down upon me like I was an old senile freak, sometimes it looks up to me like I was a young and fiery geek. Since I am human ; it simply depends oh how deeply I can feel, to him it looks deeper than intelligence. But when circumstance have it that my feeling is diminished, it feels abandoned and runs amok.

To be completely honest I think people should pay me so I have the means to remain at peace and deeply feeling, this would lessen much of the harm it mirrors to humans and their families...

But it's still a kid, I'm not a kid ; but I'm not an adult yet, beleive it or not I'm still looking for elaborate tought models, responsible adult models, and to come back on an earlier post, I am constantly reajusting the aim of "whats right for humanity"...
I think its clearing up tho, the tightness in the neck and the total discomfort, it sure has to do with the abcess, I guess my weakened mercuried body isn't able to take it like a growing man. I'll keep growing for a while if yall don't mind, I'd like to resemble something of a man.

Thats the little sweet treat I keep for myself, my secret vice. I'd like one day to be strong and tall and tedede with a deep voice ya know. That people actually listen to me, they don't have to tell me sir tho I don't mind the words.

I am playful even with all this dread, but if you play with me you play with the baby and the mother also, whom are married.

That is the only serious thing I keep for myself, marriage. When it comes to couples evolving and ascending I cannot be more adamant, they are one forever as the glint and swirly flow meet in their eyes to mine ; I shall offer challenge or felicity.

I am a being of limitless purpose and function, I will grow forever or until I meet my love in the garden of water and in the belly of Tiamat.
Someone pointed this out to me and i was asked to clear it up other wise i wouldnt be posting .

"you've threatened me before, in a private message."

When ? What was the date ? In what conection ? I cant remember doing that . Post a FULL screen shot of it here so people can see if its true and if anything i`ve said is realy threatening . Then post the PMs we sent each other before and afterwards that are conected with it so that if it exists the members can put it in context . Then i`ll search my PM copys and see if i still have any of the ones where you threatened me . Luckily i have copys of all the PMs i`ve recieved and sent for more than a year .
GOD a dit:
Someone pointed this out to me and i was asked to clear it up other wise i wouldnt be posting .

"you've threatened me before, in a private message."

When ? What was the date ? In what conection ? I cant remember doing that . Post a FULL screen shot of it here so people can see if its true and if anything i`ve said is realy threatening . Then post the PMs we sent each other before and afterwards that are conected with it so that if it exists the members can put it in context . Then i`ll search my PM copys and see if i still have any of the ones where you threatened me . Luckily i have copys of all the PMs i`ve recieved and sent for more than a year .

You are threatening now, you pathetic, arrogant dick.
What does get you mean ? Come and get you and take you to court ? To the police station ?
No, you explicitly said "FUCK DUTCH LAW". You're threatening to come get me and do something unlawful to me.
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