Well, I would like to thank the person who posted about sitting/laying in a dark room.
I decided to blend 4.5g of freshly dried Keepers Creepers ( Cubies ) up in some OJ.
This went down easy and quicker since it wasn't a hot drink.
Chugged it down all in one pull.
I may use this method most although I will try slowly chewing them and holding them under my tongue as well in the future.
There was no comeup discomfort really. i just figured out that for me, shrooms aren't the thing to take to watch cartoons ( simpsons, family guy , Adult Swim stuff ) like I enjoy on LSD or Mescaline.
I found the Mushroom to be very healing and thought provoking. I spent most of the night ( after a few hours of said TV ) in my bed with the lights off and thinking about things.
Since trying DMT, I see psilocybin as similar.It doesn't blow you out of reality as fast and completely as smoked DMT but I could faintly see some of the same type of CEV's that DMT gives and I got more out of my mushroom trip having my eyes closed and letting my mind wander and contemplate what it wished.
I am just glad to be starting to have some success w/ Shrooms. Or I am learning how to work with them. I will definitely have to take a higher dose next time, but last nights experience was a good start.
And thanks for the music suggestions Jamapricota, I have been looking for some new music to go along w/ my journeys. Lord knows 13th floor Elevators version of Dylan's Baby Blue and Radiohead sure sounded unbelievable on DMT.