UK Documentry: "If drugs were legal"

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If drugs were legal.

I thought this was propaganda, but this is actually a good documentry about the pro's and con's of legalising drugs.
Testimonies of people like a cop or a toxicologist and even a spokesman for an organisation that is for legalisation make it a very interesting documentry.
Although governments and citizens all over the world aren't yet ready for it, there's still hope for the future.

It's a long one, 1 hour, but it's well worth watching.
It's not the best documentry ever or something, but it raises some isues that need to be debated through out the global community.
And I think that for a big part it's pretty realistic.

They speak of licensing farmaceutical companies, but then that would probably again be controlled by the government, so the way drugs will be legalised raises big question marks
legalization would be ideal for psychonauts and researchers but it would harm alot of people who would use drugs like alcohol and tabocco now
so with legalization should come alot of information
teachers who give lessons about drugs, the dangers, effects etc.
also the real drugs are actually greed and power
more addictive then crack and heroine, more destructive then speed and alcohol
so legalization would just give more money and power to farmaceutical companies and they aren't better then dealers