Truth Shock Doc - 9/11, Drugs, AIDS, War, Bush-Hitler

Is BUSH the new HITLER?

  • Yes, he is most definetely!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No. there was only one...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I have no idea.

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PLEASE somebody seed the torrent file. I really would like to see the movie..
respect for the makers! every seeds is a flowering plant...
I'll start seeding again when I get home around sixish...
mine just finished.

I didn't know about THAT
in biology I learned that he dreamt of it :D
Hi there,

Yepp! I did check out he clip with Nina Hagen on Youtube.

I have to say that she had a pretty strong appearence. It was a strong momement. I know that she has a great comittment towards a lot of stuff.

Here is some info>>>


I want to see it too but there's no seeds :(

Wow I haven't made my mind about UFOs and all that but this thing about HIV and AIDS really surprised me, I had no idea..... is there anyone here who knows what's the deal with this, and who could explain it to me?? :wink:
Please check this eminent source>>>

Welcome AIDS Rethinkers to your AIDS Wiki
David Rasnick said, "To understand the fiasco of AIDS, all that is required is common sense, hard work to become informed, and above all else, courage." This wiki is being developed by those with the common sense and courage to discover the truth about "AIDS". Your experience and expertise would be most welcome in contributing to these articles and creating new entries...

We also suggest the following six video documentaries>>>

AIDS and Africa (1993)
HIV = AIDS: Fact or Fraud? (1997) (Trailer on Google Video)
Questioning AIDS in South Africa (2000) (

Deconstructing the Myth of AIDS (2001) (Google Video)
The Other Side of AIDS (2004) (Trailer on Google Video)

AIDS Inc. (2007) (Google Video)
thanks, but does this mean that if, for instance, I get a test and it tells me I'm HIV positive then there's nothing wrong with me???
misery a dit:
mine just finished.

I didn't know about THAT
in biology I learned that he dreamt of it :D

He definitely used acid. Said so himself. It was in the news a couple of months back. :D
???????? a dit:
thanks, but does this mean that if, for instance, I get a test and it tells me I'm HIV positive then there's nothing wrong with me???


That is THE THING... The wise beings are debating.

And when it comes to media surpressing real issuses. This is definetley one of those. And they surpress it in sutch a way so that the WARNINGSIGNS are there for the ones with open eyes and a mind set to see.

I mean, when for instance Kary Mullis, the groovy cool Nobelprize winner and scientist that 1993 got the price for his discovery of the PCR...

(The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a technique widely used in molecular biology and this dicovery they use in the so called
HIV/AIDS test...)

But he himself says>>>

"If there is evidence that HIV causes AIDS, there should be scientific documents which either singly or collectively demonstrate that fact, at least with a high probability. There is no such document."

Dr. Kary Mullis, Biochemist, 1993 Nobel Prize for Chemistry.

So this is something that really deserves a more thourough look...

Read part from his book here - DANCING NAKED IN THE MIND FIELD>>>

By Kary Mullis

Penthouse Sept. 1998

When I first heard in 1984 that Luc Montagnier of France's Pasteur Institute and Robert Gallo of America's National Institutes of Health had independently discovered that the retrovirus H.I.V. -- human immunodeficiency virus -- caused AIDS, I accepted it as just another scientific fact. It was a little out of my field of biochemistry, and these men were specialists in retroviruses.

Four years later I was working as a consultant at Specialty Labs in Santa Monica. Specialty was trying to develop a means of using P.C.R. [polymerase chain reaction, a D.N.A.-amplification method conceived by Mullis] to detect retroviruses in the thousands of blood donations received per day by the Red Cross. I was writing a report on our progress for the project sponsor, and I began by stating, "H.I.V. is the probable cause of AIDS."

I asked a virologist at Specialty where I could find the reference for H.I.V. being the cause of AIDS.

"You don't need a reference," he told me. "Everybody knows it."

"I'd like to quote a reference." I felt a little funny about not knowing the source of such an important discovery. Everyone else seemed to.

"Why don't you cite the C.D.C. report?" he suggested, giving me a copy of the Centers for Disease Control's periodic report on morbidity and mortality. I read it. It wasn't a scientific article. It simply said that an organism had been identified -- it did not say how. It requested that doctors report any patients showing certain symptoms and test them for antibodies to this organism. The report did not identify the original scientific work, but that didn't surprise me. It was intended for physicians, who didn't need to know the source of the information. Physicians assumed that if the C.D.C. was convinced, there must exist real proof somewhere that H.I.V. was the cause of AIDS.

wow, many people there. but please, why nina hagen? she so nonserious that the half still would be enough.. a few days ago I saw her on tv (ok, on youtube, from tv.) argueing with a scientist wether UFOs exist or not. guess what she thought. she was horrible.

Hehe, I saw that live on tv, it was unbelievable! The bad thing about Nina Hagen is that she behaves like the stereotype of a person who has taken one too many trips in the past (although that is probably not true, but she fits the stereotype). She can be really annyoing, selfish, un-rational. Not someone you'd like to argue with because she's becoming childish when her opponent has another opinion. HOWEVER, it was great that she made this narcissistic, self-indulged mofo J. Bublath leave the show. He was being such an asshole (not that he said anything bad, he's too clever for that, but his whole attitude was making me throw up). Nina said he was spreading a negative vibe, and that was totally true :)

btw I'm downloading right now (1 seed 2 peers) - I'll be seeding as much as I can, but sometimes I have to stop seeding because my neighbour (who is using the same DSL) wants to play online pretty often and my BT client fucks up the ping time...
"The bad thing about Nina Hagen is that she behaves like the stereotype of a person who has taken one too many trips in the past (although that is probably not true, but she fits the stereotype). She can be really annyoing, selfish, un-rational. Not someone you'd like to argue with because she's becoming childish when her opponent has another opinion."

Yep , I`ve met the woman privatly and she has a big mouth and a big head . She said that she was walking down schanzenstrasse in hamburg on an LSD trip , saw a picture of a grinning "guru" and became a convert because he looked so happy . I saw her at a psytrance party a few months later as the opening act playin "religeous" "music" on a harmonium ( i think its called that , its a little sort of hand pumped organ ) with a group of her converted friends , it was realy B-A-D and totaly BORING . I`ve also met her daughter Cosma shiva also known as Fotze shiva to most people i know , loads of times . ( in Germany fotze means cunt , and fits her character ) Shes just like her mom , a snoty egocentric spoilt brat .
Shes just like her mom , a snoty egocentric spoilt brat .
Nah, I think Cosma Shiva is worse than her mum because she lacks the weird crazyness, she's just annyoing. :)
About the torrent:

It won't play the picture with ffdshow in Media Player Classic.
Gspot says it's Divx 5.0 and everything's fine.
VDubmod opens it, shows very pixellated pictures and when I try to direct stream copy it into a new avi or mkv file, it hangs up and says "possible livelock"

This would be the first avi file in years that won't play with the ffdshow codec (this codec is amazing, plays everything)

*EDIT* Windows Media Player 10 does play it (doh, I always hate it when Windows Media Player is better at some task than my own skillfully collected assortment of freeware-hacker-video-tools...)
However the quality is pretty bad, maybe h.264 would have been a better choice than Divx5. Also less resolution could make it look better (higher res is nice, but only if the bitrate is enough!)

*2nd EDIT* I've been watching it for ten minutes now, but I won't watch it any further. Sorry to say that, it's not because it's not interesting what all these people have to say, it's because watching it feels like trying to watch a complicated documentary on 6g shrooms. It doesn't work because I can't follow.
When so many people are making good statements I want to see them for a few seconds, and have a few seconds to think about their statements. Here I'm bombarded with dozens of statements from different people half of which I don't know, and what I see is a mtv style moving shot, pretty shaky, not a second to concentrate on the interviewee.
And then these constant inserts of quotes from other people in thousands of different annyoing fonts and colors, I just wanna hit my tv screen!
I think it's this festival of fonts and colors and too much to read that really ticks me off. Sorry... :(
Hi there,

Kevin here. The movie is done in a very fast manner, like a trip, like a journey. If I would have put it together right now from scrath again. I would be a little bit different.

But it all channeled while I more or less lived on the street, selling my services, eating pancakes, been in exile, experienced crashed harddiscs, and was forced in exile, not seing my family and etc....

And it is a trip. See it as a TRIP and I assure you that it will be a more pleasant experience. And trust that it has a common deniminator even if you might not experience it at first. it is there... And I believe it can affect you all in many ways if you just realise that this is only a part of a puzzle... With many hidden meanings...

But still though. All the pieces of content, all the beings connected, all the issues will be connected in more depth on the coming site... The idea is in a way that this first part of the project only will show the diversity of the entire coming documentary series. And all the subjects, beings, issues will have an in depth structure of conscious connected content right there on the Reality Portal internet site.

I truly do undesrstand that it can be a bit loaded to see all the movie as it is. Drops some acid and give it a go. Perhaps that is the optimal mode for watching. People with natural ADHD loves it! Or see it in manya parts. Or see just some segment from it. And look upon it as a puzzle.

It's been the most unusual reactions. Some people had awakenings, others didn't stop crying, some other resues to speak with me or wanna hit me.

We truly recomend you all to check out eminent>>>
is a great source of inspiration.

We intentd to put it out in different torrent versions in the nearest week.

We will put the movie out there in nearest days.

The next episode of the REALITY PORTAL, part 2, BOOM BOOM BOOM

is in production. Below is a scetch/idea/suggestion for DVD cover...

That one will be about only one subject... And go more in depth...

I agree the movie is hectic and very fast paced but I also understand that this is done on purpose and it's the "style" of the movie :) I just watch some and pause it when I see something that catches my eye and then I google about it :)

edit: ok now I've finished the movie and I have to say I like the way it is and wouldn't want it any other way! thanks for sharing this I think you did a really god job becasue you had all this different information and you managed to condense it in 2 hours and it was fun and entertaining and most importantly enlightening :)
Kevin here,

nice that you liked it. It's sort of highlights from 400 hours of interviews and meetings with devoted truth-bringers.

All people and subject will be connected with in depth content for further explorations of one owns and others Universes. The idea is to create a conscious internet platform for content.

This is only the beginnings and the project, this and coming episodes, will be donated as a gift to different NGOs, sites, freedom fighters and cool conscious beings. As an instrument to spread/share awareness as well as getting a source of income for different truth movements.

Do you know some one that we should donate the project to...?