Truth Shock Doc - 9/11, Drugs, AIDS, War, Bush-Hitler

Is BUSH the new HITLER?

  • Yes, he is most definetely!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No. there was only one...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I have no idea.

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Glandeuse Pinéale
The first part of the Reality Portal evolved awareness documentary series is finished. A 2 hour journey through dogmas and taboos. Around the Universe chasing freedom and human rights in an ever more chaotic world. Reality Portal documentary series has just released a first 2 hour pilot for the documentary series and it has all ingredients for becoming an success.

TRAILER here>>>

LOGO here>>> ... 2bda992e0c

A platform for a broader global shared reality perspective aiming at connecting some of the most devoted openminded beings in the world like:

101 year old LSD discoverer Albert Hofmann warning the world against Bush, but also with Cannabis guru Jack Herer, Luke Brown, Martina Hoffmann, Yoko Ono, Sean Penn, Scott Ritter, Neale Donald Walsch, Dalai Lama, Scott Ritter, Albert Hofmann, Nina Hagen, Alex Grey etc.

Created on the Run, without money, but 100 % devotion to transform the future for mankind. Mostly filmed in Amsterdam, but also in Berlin, India, Sweden, Wienna, Switzerland etc.



POSTER HERE>>> ... ae6625a5af

Please help sharing this info with mankind...

Kindest greetings

Reality Portal CREW
Where can we find the full lenght film? Do you have to purchase it? or is it online?

D: Conspiracy theories are the projection of your own insecurities.

I will watch it, though, cause I'm interested in these things.
Forkbender a dit:
D: Conspiracy theories are the projection of your own insecurities.

That's often true but not always. There is a difference between unanchored paranoia and healthy awareness of what is going on. For example what's going on in the US at the moment is a real thing and can't really be dismissed as being paranoia. Guantanamo bay is real, black water is real, deportation of minorities is real, creating new laws to setup americans against illegal minorites is real. If you don't believe me, try watching the daily news show on once in a while.

It will be put up on

in the next coming days.

It has taken a long time to put together and is cut down from 400 hours.
The vision of creating a movie to transform the world came already 1992. And NOW - the first part of this puzzle is finally finished.

It will be donated to NGOs, Freedom Fighters, Insightful Inspiring Interesting Internet sites, artist and devoted beings, as a tool to share, screen, sell. To unify different truth movements and broader perspectives.


I'm watching the Blackwater/Bill Maher thing. Really creepy stuff. Has nothing to do with democracy. Has all to do with fascism!!!
Here is some more of the devoted truth bringers and frredom fighters. Some have been forced into exile, like myself to be able to put a broader truth and a message like this together.

So, please help share this info with your friends...
wow, many people there. but please, why nina hagen? she so nonserious that the half still would be enough.. a few days ago I saw her on tv (ok, on youtube, from tv.) argueing with a scientist wether UFOs exist or not. guess what she thought. she was horrible.

gonna watch the movie anyway :D
HeartCore a dit:
That's often true but not always. There is a difference between unanchored paranoia and healthy awareness of what is going on. For example what's going on in the US at the moment is a real thing and can't really be dismissed as being paranoia. Guantanamo bay is real, black water is real, deportation of minorities is real, creating new laws to setup americans against illegal minorites is real. If you don't believe me, try watching the daily news show on once in a while.


Oh, but I don't deny that. I'm fully aware of all the shit that filters through the media. It's just that most 'independent' documentaries tend not to see their own paranoia, whereas most mainstream media tend to tell only what can be proven without any doubt, which is very little. I find the whole idea of a global conspiracy of some sort of elite (who may or may not be partly lizards :wink: ) controlling all of mankind kind of blind. I don't know about this specific video, as there are a couple of interesting people on it, so I will try and watch it sometime.
Do you have the clip with Nina Hagen?
I heard someone else talking about this...

Will let you know my thought when I seen it... But I can tell you that I actually hosted Europes longest LIVE UFO broadcast around 1993 -94 on Swedish TV. It was a 7 hour UFO special with booth celebrities, doctors, priest and psychiatrist... And they ALL had seen stuff. Actually we had more than 50 guest and that was also a rocking program...

I saw a UFO when I was 8. Don't know what is was though. Some unidientified light.
RealityPortal a dit:
Do you have the clip with Nina Hagen?
I heard someone else talking about this...

Will let you know my thought when I seen it... But I can tell you that I actually hosted Europes longest LIVE UFO broadcast around 1993 -94 on Swedish TV. It was a 7 hour UFO special with booth celebrities, doctors, priest and psychiatrist... And they ALL had seen stuff. Actually we had more than 50 guest and that was also a rocking program...

I saw a UFO when I was 8. Don't know what is was though. Some unidientified light.
I once saw an "UFO" when I was tripping with a friend on shrooms, he saw it too :D it was kinda strange. but I don't think it was something extraterrestrial..
no idea if I can find the video.
found it:
(but it's german.)
I just can't stand her...
I'm awfully sorry but WHAT THE FUCK GOT INTO YOUR MIND?!

Hitler had a well planned industrial method for specifically removing a specific and well defined number of "üntermenschen" He was quite succesful at this. And your actually comparing basicaly a fool who got too much power and doesn't know too well how to handle it with this?
Hey RP, a friend of mine spoke to you in Amsterdam and we wanted to come to the release party, but we found out a week too late :?
I'm really looking forward on seeing the whole thing though.

It's all about spreading knowledge and consciousness
Hi Misery>

i will check it out shortly. Will let you know.

Who are you talking to?
And what do you mean with your Hitler comment?

Please be so kind and clearify specify...


Reality Portal
Hi Space in Place,

Would be cool to hear what you think later. It's like an explosive journey and trip and a bit like a "shock medicine", Or like mushroom Magazine said. A wake up call...