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tripping on Jazz

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion voodoochild
  • Date de début Date de début


I´m listening to John Coltrane right now, great music. I think it would be great to trip on, cause the Atmosphere of that music is really hypnotic... Somebody ever made experiences with that stuff?
I'd imagine Jazz is too complex to enjoy while tripping - but I never tried.
i prefer post moderns, pat metheny, kenny garret... joshua redman ? miles davis in his modern period ? dennis chambers ?
ornette colemen maybe too ? and many others..
Sigur Ros is an excellent advise ! But I must invite you to try Radiohead too for a smart trip. For a frenetic one DJ Furax is highly recommended(NOT with SALVIA) ;) Enjoy your Trip!!!
i dont care that you dont like jazz
why you dont create new topic to talk about others music styles ???
people, people, relax. Enough room for everyone! :truce:

it's cool just dont answer that you hate jazz in a topic about jazz !... thanks mfs
I personally love listen to Jazz, it makes the trip sometimes 10 times better.
Well, I would advice you to get the "Verve Remixed" albums (there are 3 volumes), it's famous jazz song remixed by DJ in a electro way...

While under DXM (about 700 mg), I tripped a whole night on " Archie Sheep : Blues for brother George Jackson Mondo Grosso next wave mix" on the Verve Remixed vol. 2 cd...

REALLY psychedelic :D
Ye, that just downloaded that album. It's very good if you are totally blasted and you have lot's of time and less people surround you.
Try Essbjorn Svensson Trio. Some of it is trippy. Listen to the album 301.
Pure jazz is not my kind of music.
There are some artists who i like who have jazz influence in there tracks like squarepusher for example. But pure jazz is not for me (while tripping)