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Trippin´ hard...

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I Love weed.. but nothing compares to E!
How can anyone make something better than pure pleasure in a pill?
I have some E with me, but I dont use it... I dont know... I think I like LSD more, and therefore I am always trying to trip whit it, instead of other stuff. I like E but I dont use it since I dunno... maybe half a year...
Then send it this way... /forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif E is very very hard to get here in NY right now /forum/images/graemlins/frown.gif

EVERYBODY I know is dry.
Are talking about pills or pure MDMA?
/forum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Man SMOKING CHARAS in CHILLUM! There is nothing compared to this!
anyone ever really flipped badly on weed? i did last year after 15 years of use. not nice at all. i sometimes think the thc levels of weed have raised to something we can't hold anymore. i enjoyed my own homegrown greenies this summer but those baggies you buy in holland are way too much...
I'm talking about both. Pills and MDMA.. They are both pretty much the same. The only difference is that some Ecstasy might have other "uppers" in it as well.

I prefer pure MDMA though. If I wanted to roll and dance I would take pure MDMA and an ephedrine "Red Dawn" cap.

I used to throw the best E party's in the area at my house. Tons of people would show up. I'm soooooo eager to throw another party but it's been almost a full year and NO E! /forum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

I've seriously thought about moving to Europe just to have easier access to it. It's defiantly my #1 favorite choice drug.
Is it difficult for you to get E in the states?
Here in Portugal, and all over Europe I guess is fair simple to get it, MDMA or pills. It's very easy... more than other stuff, like weed, LSD, shrooms... etc... I think that besides hax, it's the second easy-to-get drug.

I eard that the best LSD is from the states, is it easy to get it there were you live?
Good LSD is difficult to get. I can drive down to the city today and pick some up but most of the time it's pure crap.

Right now Shrooms and Esctacy are the hardest things to get. I am the ONLY source for shrooms in 200 miles of where I live. Esctacy, like I said, is just totally gone.
I'm not a drug dealer but once in a while I'll sell a bag of shrooms or box of choclates because people will pay so much. I could easily get $100 for 5 grams of mushrooms. I normally get $160 for a box of 12 (12 grams) Psychodelic Choclate Drops.

Weed on the other hand is in plentiful supply. There is also very good name brand weed in the area such as Jack Correra, Nothern Lights, Purple haze, Juicey Fruit, and kind bud.

I met a guy from this forum (Names will not be revealed) that lived in Amsterdam and we often traded pure MDMA pills for money (pay pal) or boxes of choclate drops. We both were making out on the deal. He was getting the pills for $2 each and I was buying them for $4 each. They were plain white tables and were packaged in a commerical dite pill bottle so customs would not get suspicious.

Unfortunatly that person has not posted on here in months and will not return any of my emails. I hope nothing bad happened to him.
A THC freaky! I´m always smoking Charas! Bongs of weed!
And sometimes I get pretty sonted and tripped just for smoking weed or marrocan!
Once I got really wasted! /forum/images/graemlins/cool.gif
Why not?

It looks just like a regular box of choclates. Even if it was stopped by customs all they would see is choclates. Fortunatly for us it costs a lot of money to test for Psycobin so they will not send it off to a lab.

Really the only way they would tell would be to eat one. /forum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

So turning mushrooms into choclates gets rid of all the shipping risk.

I can tell you how to ship almost anything with out getting stopped by customs.
Well that seems ok,chocolats /forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif,i would love to have some of those...

"We can´t stop here...This is Bat Country!!!"
Once I get my lab all set back up (I just moved) and my Psilocybin farm starts growing again, I'll send out a couple of care packages. It should be about 2-3 weeks before I can harvest the Psilocybin samples.

My freinds are all beating down my door because I haven't had choclates in almost a month. I had to disassembel my lab and end my Psilocybin farm to move /forum/images/graemlins/frown.gif It was sad..
Keep us updated...
Nham, Nham.... I need to eat some candies!!! Were are those drops? Heheheh