I have a silver birch tree friend in the woods near me and when i feel realy shity i go and hug it with my eyes closed . I imediately feel its warmth and become calm and my brain emptys . Then i can see all the leaves at the top of the crown and see all the other leaves and branch tips that are around them and feel the wind and their movement .
In the bible it says that mankind are there to have dominion over the earth . That we are the shepards of the earth . Wich means that we are the gardners , that the earth is our domein and that it is a part of us .
I once read about a man who attached a peach tree to some sort of electric wave detector and then wired that up to a speech translater . The tree said something about a long forgotten promise . I think that it meant that as life on this planet grew and started to divide and form different life forms that there was a promise made that all of those life forms would never forget each other and would always respect each other . I think that that is written in our genes somewhere . I think that as all life forms on this planets have segments of their DNA that are the same that that means that we are all just small parts of one big animal / life form . Guess who got egoistic and greedy and forgot it and shits on the rest ???
Some times i think that it would be the best thing if we had a neuclear war , remember the holocaust in hiroshima , about the only thing that was left standing was a tree and within a year there were trees growing again .
Joany mitchel once sang:-
Dont it always seem to go
that you dont know what you have got till its gone
they paved paradise and put up a parking lot
pulled up all the trees and put em in a tree museum
and charged all the people a dollar and a half to see them
Oh shit i`m crying my eyes out again , i think i`ll have to go and hug my friend