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too much

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Alpiniste Kundalini
i had to get drug tested for a while for reasons, So decided to get a bit healthy and make the most of it.
so for about 2 and a half years i worked on this. then to treat myself i bought sum mushies a mate got.
he said they were pretty strong but i didnt wont to risk them not working being manly and all lmao.
so i prepared and ate not much all day got sum movies to trip and chewed on these 5grams of dried shrooms for bout 15 mins. stupid.apparently he said they were 'super shrooms'.
nothing happened for about an hour then i started to feel uncomfortable not tripping like my body was going into shock it thought it was poisoned well it had been. i couldnt shake the building panic soon my arms were numb from Pins and Needles bad feeling then i felt like i was loosing consciousness, and i was being driven to the hospital.doc said nervous system was shutting down.
after a while say an hour and a half of shock i started to trip balls, good.couldnt focus both eyes on the same object in mirror.looked like a pug dog.
And now since this ive tried maybe 4 times to eat shrooms not much mostly just a couple of shrooms but still when i eat a couple and relax i get those pins and needles start again and this weird feeling, like my body gets alerted and switches on the alarm.i hope its just a reaction a GUARD my body has built now. not real damage....this was couple years past now.feel fine except for little pins in fingers sometimes like nerves shooting.normal?
im sad about this i didnt intentionally do this i used to love psilocybe,.
its season again and its been a while since it tried i might suck on just one shroom and see, hopefully my body can realise its not that bad if not i might just have to remember the times ive had.
any one had this experience or have any opinion. any..thanx
Stop eating them as your body's like telling you he doesn't like it. I mean. Just stop it :(
i dont think you would have done any nerve damage by eating the mushrooms, so long as they were real (containing psilocybin) and not some knock off. ill go ahead and assume they were real though. in which case, i would probably tell you to take some time, and meditate on why you want to take them at all.

this is not something you have to report back and tell anybody, as the answer will only benefit you. so, really, DO take the extra time, it could be days, or months, or even years to truely get some sort of a grasp on what about them attracts you to them. and it's not like it will come to you likie *pop*. "i have the answer!" you aren't working a math problem here, there are waaay too many variables to consider. once you have some sort of idea of how they play a role in your life, then the proper decision should start to become clear, naturally.

it is up to you from there. NOBODY can tell you if you should continue to take mushrooms or not, despite whatever they choose to label themselves (doctor, psychiatrist, psychologist, etc)

in the end it comes down to you. you're the only one who can make decisions like whether or not you should take them, or if you even want/need them anymore.

i advise you to spend some serious time reflecting on the mushroom.
I used to work for a big grow kit and spore supplier.

The different strains are no guarantee that they will grow better or be stronger, but variations do exist and can be somewhat random; mushrooms can have over twenty thousand different sexes, so relying on the spores (produced by sexual reproduction) is like assuming you'll have a son or daughter who looks identical to you (and that's only with two sexes). What they've been fed on plays a big role in their strength. With shit + pan cyans usually being the prime candidate. I've had one or two small no name cubensis produce a neon person floating in the air over me. Other times, I've eaten mountains from different grows and see very little of interest.

I feel sick for the first hour or so when I take mushrooms. But then it tends to suddenly disappear, I think it's my body finishing the transformation of the psilocybin into it's more blood soluble form.

I've taken quarters and something close to half an ounce (dry). I lost track of precisely how much I had, because I was already tripping before I'd finished eating them.

I've never had shooting pins and needles afterwards. The only time I've had something like that was after about 11 or 13 HBWR seeds, without throwing them up. And that was kind of nice, soft tingling in my feet the day after. It went away after another day or two.
be aware that the mushroom in general, and obviously including all so called magic mushrooms, are innately bound to the spirit world and they generally offer a rather deep temporal connection to various higher and lower (for the lack of a better term) realms of consciousness and frequencies of thought. for humans the different degrees of potential intoxication provide distinguished forms and levels of death. thus the strictly exclusive recomendation for consumption of various strains of psychoactive shrooms goes only for those which contain psychically, physically and emotionally "combustible forms of toxic energies" that may be converted through human digestion, nervous and mind systems without infliction of physical death. so the more humane form of transformation can manifest with just the death of the ego-mind.

therefore, they enable the user to enter a transformational process for recognition of inner and seemingly outer influences and processes or vice versa? in my impression the law of cause and effect is, may be or just appears to be somewhat shifted from spiritual planes to more mundane planes or vice versa. i guess different levels of integration of expectations and not-expectations define the overall "shape" of a psychadelic experiences, so you can learn from yourself, by getting to know yourself better, as you might say.

so i think you might have triggered something what i'd call a soul-reaction in yourself. you might have had inner and outer conflicts with your life or life situation, which forced you into suffering, that you had suppressed.... like a elemental aspect or somethin like a feeling or thought etc... however i suppose you learned with that experience and your personality grows stronger by shit like that, IF you allow it to, or just allow yourself. time is an elemental and preferrably integral variable there. if you don't allow your natural state of being to be and suppress it too intensely or for a too long time, i suppose it can come back in ways you might not have wished it would. so this makes psychadelic, entheogenic and natural intoxication a journey on the path of self-realization or reflection towards the lesson of pure appreciation of what i'd call the "state" of experience. lol :lol: :lol: :lol: maybe this also explains the need of the body to purge itself of toxic energies in some cases before being able to connect to the psychadelic vibe of nature? i mean we do "blend out" bad feelings more than we do with good feelings, do we?

i had this kind of experience and i learned about life and suffering and my relation to that. i too was sad about the appearance of unintentionality in my thoughts and actions. the negativity struck me like a bolt of lightning hammering through my brain and through my brain into my body. i can relate to the creation of pain and its process of shifting from the conscious state to the subconscious. it's like ever and ever bouncing on heavy walls faster than you can blink until it can decide it doesn't need pain, to know it is real.
no matter how bad or weird a feeling is, in my belief you have the natural ability to ground it by alligning your consciousness with mother earth and maybe also the stars, because maybe you think you have made the cosmic spirit of the mushroom angry or somewhat aggressive towards you??? i dunno man....
it's like you need to drop it, but maybe before that you need to be able to lift it, depending on its weigth and hence "gravity" in a relativistic way.. then you can ground the bad energies and allow them to flow again and hence produce the possible reality of groundation. first there is the possiblity and after there is the reality. that is the "normal" flow of energy. 8)
yo i hope this helps. pray to the great spirit of the holy mushroom, if it doesn't. :P
by the way hyper-space is every-where and from a certain perspective also no-where... how i see it, the same applies to what we might call spirit world or dimension..

peace :weedman:
thanks 'Brain eater' bro i could feel that buds will read that many times, i do feel i have moved up from that experience taken from it.
and am starting to express myself more, whilst trying to fully understand myself. which is i guess meant to take a lifetime to complete.
cheers man
Hey bud, I kinda had the same thing, minus the pins & needles. Are you sure thats not just like the hair standing up on the back of your neck type of feeling? (Oh I just remembered something!)

Heres the deal, you had a stressful experience, and you can very easily relate this to PTSD, meaning you go if you go into the same situation, you are going to develope that intense feeling(s) again and probably fall into the same thought-cycle. You haven't got any nerve damage, I can assure you that. 5 grams is a buttload though, I'm glad you made it out alive lol.

So, here is what you need to accomplish to get rid of this; you need to corner your fear, your anger, your sadness, whatever you have felt when you took them, you need to take that one. Like someone said on here, you may be running from a dog, the more you run, the more pissed off the dog is going to get. Let the dog come.

Beyond all of this, bad trips give the greatest insight, the greatest increase to heal, however you seem to have just been paranoid, not afraid of anything in particular, this is probably the better of the two scenarios. In the end, you have benefitted from this experience, you must find it.
I don't recognise the needle and pin stuff, but when i eat mushrooms i always feel strange the first hour, many people feel strange, that's normal, it was never different, i eat them, feel dizzy first, then my stomach act weird, my mind feels like it's completely empty, some somberness takes over, then my thoughts start to change, then stuff starts breeding, and then (depending on the type of shrooms) visuals kick in, and the tripping has begon.

Usually i feel weird and continue to feel just weird and nothing else when i ate too little, when the weirdness goes on for too long, over an hour or so, i upper the dose and stuff gets interesting, colours and visuals intensify, thoughts settle, and i'm getting integrated in the experience, i guess my body, or mind is trying to resist the sudden change and tries to keep reality as it is, even now when typing this down, i start to feel dizzy and weird just thinking about it, maybe it's just cause i expect it to be like this that i always feel weird the first hour, it's annoying, but for most people i guess it's just normal.
i once consumed the wrong mushrooms and thought i was poisoned... an hour after thinking i was poisoned i had the whole pins and needles in my arms things... turns out i wasnt poised as far as the hospital could tell.
all im saying is maybe its a minds thing? ....
Pins and needles, if they hurt and feel like bolts of lightning going through your body, you could be oversensitive to psilocybin. If not, I would suggest JesusC remark about 'standing hairs'. It may just be an enhanced perception of goose bumps.
that makes some sense. however if so, it would have been a overwhelmingly enhanced perception of goose bumps. lol. but well the mind makes it real and if you believe it, then it's your mistake? i suppose it would be, as we would like to call our minds our "own", do we? i guess psylocibin may be greatly underestimated and/or with some people the sensitivity may indeed be higher than with others. maybe the mind wants to translate neurotoxicity through the nervous system and in some cases it fails to recognize the "not-desire" for pain?? maybe some dormant energy wants to be experienced, also and therefore craves for being released, if it had been suppressed. energy wants to flow, i guess. and if it can't it maybe becomes pain. pain is no pain, if nobody experiences it, so it might thus think it would not be real. i hope that makes any sense. :mrgreen:
Strength of mushrooms can vary a lot. I once ate 2g dried just to test my new batch (of a normal grow box, nothing special, but really fresh, just been dried). I even ate them over time, not at once. Suddenly I was in one of my most memorable trips. Time seemed to have stopped, I was seeing a bright white light and I was hearing an intense high pitched tone. Without my prior experiences this might have been pretty scary, because it was really intense for over 30 minutes or so. I couldn't believe this had been happening from just 2g of dried shrooms - although I had been eating only the really small ones.

Shrooms are intense, and no matter how many happy, smiley, party trips you have had on x grams amount of shrooms before, they can really fuck your brains whenever they want. If you only take them with that knowledge ("this is probably going to fuck my brains really hard, but I want to do it anyways") then you are good, from my experience. Don't ever expect a happy, smiley party feeling from a shroom trip, because you might as well not get it! However if you are willing to have your mind fucked really hard, because... well I don't know why you would want that, but I just sometimes do... then submit yourself to the shrooms, and your trips will go great towards the end. I have had my best trip experiences when it all started out like hell on earth - however that was always in a very safe environment, and I knew before that I might be in for a rough ride.
It sounds like you have a big mental barrier to deal with now. Just try to tell yourself it won't be like that next time, and I wouldn't eat more than an 8th to try and get the feel for them again. Good luck.