Matrice Périnatale
- Inscrit
- 26/10/13
- Messages
- 16
Hi there psychonauts,
My name is Rups.
I am a 18 year old girl from The Netherlands.
In my daily life I follow a study for psychology, but in my spare time I like to take trips to the universe and get to know myself better.
I got introduced with psychedelics when I was 16 years old and experimented with them ever since.
I philosophized about life ever since I was a little girl: Why are we here? What are we doing here? What's out there, outside this world? And stuff like that.
However, I have never been very interested in psychedelics. When I just got 16 I got introduced with drugs, like MDMA, GHB, speed, cocaine etc.
I saw it as an escape from the world, because I was very depressed at that time, and eventually even balanced on the edge of an addiction.
Then someone came at me and told me about LSD, from which I wasn't interested in AT ALL. I heard stories about it, but only stories about visuals and fun things, not the things like "expanding your knowledge about life" or "learn about your conciousness", and I also overrated it a lot, since I didn't have any experience with psychedelics at all. I didn't do any research about it, because I wasn't interested, but I took LSD anyway because everyone told me it was so great and stuff, so I was like: "Whatever, I've got nothing to lose"
Anyway, the first time I took LSD, my first trip, is still one of the most intense trip of all the trips I've had in my life (I apparently took a lot of micrograms of LSD the first time) and it overwhelmed me, in no time there were aliens crawling on the ceiling and bats on my arms, but I liked it, it wasn't negative. I fell in love with it immediately.
I started to experiment with psychedelics more, and also tried a lot of other stuff too (like 2C-B, 2C-E, Salvia, DMT, etc.) I started to use them to learn about my conciousness/myself, and solved a lot of problems I had at that time and in the following years.
I started to see that I wás worthy to live on this earth just like anyone else, and that every living being here is special, and that we are all equal as we are one with the universe: Nobody is better than us, and we aren't better than anyone else.
I started to appreciate myself, and my soul, and started to see that the things I used (uppers) will only try to ruin your soul, and I came to the conclusion that I didn't want to destroy something beautiful as my soul and/or conciousness.
Nowadays I am a very happy person, I philosophe about life a lot, and I also trip a lot. My favorite psychedelic is by far DMT, because I learned só much from it, só much about the earth, só much about life itself, it's INCREDIBLE.
I have always liked to write about stuff, I LOVE writing, but nowadays I mostly write about my adventure's -> tripreports.
I wrote about my first LSD experience, my first DMT experience, and a lot more. I think I'm a very lucky person, because I can always remember my trips very clearly, to the smallest detail, which is a big plus for me when I write tripreports because I can also describe it very well to others. It's the same with dreams, I (almost) always remember my dreams, even weeks later, and i'm VERY happy I have that special gift.
I still use drugs like uppers, but not on a regular base anymore and just on a recreational base instead of "escaping", I think once per 3/4 months or so.
Right now I'm still very interested in research chemicals like 2C-I etc.
Also mushrooms (I'm planning to do that very soon) and mescaline (I want to buy my own San Pedro very soon! They are sooooo pretty)
Ayahuasca is something I'm also every interested in, but I'm not ready for that yet I think. I also want to make it a very very special experience when I decide to try it for the first time, like a ritual.
I had done 2 years of research about DMT, and I already had 2 years of trip experience with several psychedelics before I even tried DMT, and I'm very glad I did because the first time was MAGICAL, and really a "goal" I was trying to reach. I want to have the same with ayahuasca, I has to be magical, just like DMT was for me when I finally decided to try it, when I finally thought I was ready.
So right now I'm doing a lot of research about ayahuasca, reading trip reports, interview people about it, and when the time is ready.. dayum!
Well, that was my about me.
If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask them!
My name is Rups.
I am a 18 year old girl from The Netherlands.
In my daily life I follow a study for psychology, but in my spare time I like to take trips to the universe and get to know myself better.
I got introduced with psychedelics when I was 16 years old and experimented with them ever since.
I philosophized about life ever since I was a little girl: Why are we here? What are we doing here? What's out there, outside this world? And stuff like that.
However, I have never been very interested in psychedelics. When I just got 16 I got introduced with drugs, like MDMA, GHB, speed, cocaine etc.
I saw it as an escape from the world, because I was very depressed at that time, and eventually even balanced on the edge of an addiction.
Then someone came at me and told me about LSD, from which I wasn't interested in AT ALL. I heard stories about it, but only stories about visuals and fun things, not the things like "expanding your knowledge about life" or "learn about your conciousness", and I also overrated it a lot, since I didn't have any experience with psychedelics at all. I didn't do any research about it, because I wasn't interested, but I took LSD anyway because everyone told me it was so great and stuff, so I was like: "Whatever, I've got nothing to lose"
Anyway, the first time I took LSD, my first trip, is still one of the most intense trip of all the trips I've had in my life (I apparently took a lot of micrograms of LSD the first time) and it overwhelmed me, in no time there were aliens crawling on the ceiling and bats on my arms, but I liked it, it wasn't negative. I fell in love with it immediately.
I started to experiment with psychedelics more, and also tried a lot of other stuff too (like 2C-B, 2C-E, Salvia, DMT, etc.) I started to use them to learn about my conciousness/myself, and solved a lot of problems I had at that time and in the following years.
I started to see that I wás worthy to live on this earth just like anyone else, and that every living being here is special, and that we are all equal as we are one with the universe: Nobody is better than us, and we aren't better than anyone else.
I started to appreciate myself, and my soul, and started to see that the things I used (uppers) will only try to ruin your soul, and I came to the conclusion that I didn't want to destroy something beautiful as my soul and/or conciousness.
Nowadays I am a very happy person, I philosophe about life a lot, and I also trip a lot. My favorite psychedelic is by far DMT, because I learned só much from it, só much about the earth, só much about life itself, it's INCREDIBLE.
I have always liked to write about stuff, I LOVE writing, but nowadays I mostly write about my adventure's -> tripreports.
I wrote about my first LSD experience, my first DMT experience, and a lot more. I think I'm a very lucky person, because I can always remember my trips very clearly, to the smallest detail, which is a big plus for me when I write tripreports because I can also describe it very well to others. It's the same with dreams, I (almost) always remember my dreams, even weeks later, and i'm VERY happy I have that special gift.
I still use drugs like uppers, but not on a regular base anymore and just on a recreational base instead of "escaping", I think once per 3/4 months or so.
Right now I'm still very interested in research chemicals like 2C-I etc.
Also mushrooms (I'm planning to do that very soon) and mescaline (I want to buy my own San Pedro very soon! They are sooooo pretty)
Ayahuasca is something I'm also every interested in, but I'm not ready for that yet I think. I also want to make it a very very special experience when I decide to try it for the first time, like a ritual.
I had done 2 years of research about DMT, and I already had 2 years of trip experience with several psychedelics before I even tried DMT, and I'm very glad I did because the first time was MAGICAL, and really a "goal" I was trying to reach. I want to have the same with ayahuasca, I has to be magical, just like DMT was for me when I finally decided to try it, when I finally thought I was ready.
So right now I'm doing a lot of research about ayahuasca, reading trip reports, interview people about it, and when the time is ready.. dayum!

Well, that was my about me.
If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask them!