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thread's Disappeared?

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Alpiniste Kundalini
It seems some threads iv put up with great debate and perspective's are just gone. I have no notification's of moving or deleting them and that bugs me out man.

threads such as - what happened to make america this way?

Not a author of but not seeing - who's still active?

These were located in General Psychonautics

And I think a few other post's are gone.

And I can't see or find this on my profiles latest started threads or the what's new link. Im posting on a phone, have been for a while and have had no problem like this as of yet. I cant see post's from these mentioned threads ether. Iv tryed a ipod now with the same outcome ill try a pc next. Have also not gotten any email notification's site notifications or PM's about moving or deleting threads.

I cant seem to find them any where or on any electrical device :( iv searched all the site and cant find these threads or post's. They know man! I can understand if your (the site) moving them it just seems they've disappeared rather then got moved to a proper subject title. Total posts number is unchanged. *
that'd make me sad :( i think its the government >.< they don't like our debate's they don't want people seeing this stuff before they vote or something. im ganna bug out.
Also - thank you mrjelly for your last input on (what happened to make america this way) I really wish you could of seen the reply I put :( but thank you for your first hand experience that's more then anyone can ask for and I'm not offended or think you were trying to push any views on me. I really enjoy 'ed the feed back and it would have been a great read for people in the future and was definitely full of real life hardcore knowledge. Thanks mrjelly if anyone in the future gets advice from mrjelly my opinion would be "take note" you might learn something. And of course the same goes to ophiuchus :D he's always there for anyone with great information and support.
Thanks for trying :D them's was fun times... Reading words an junk.
its just weird that the thread is not "soft deleted", it is hard deleted. mods only have the right to soft delete, which means all mods can still see the deleted topic. these topics appear to have totally disappeared...:evil:
Unfortunately I can't retrieve this thread. I'm thinking it was possibly accidentally deleted as it contained spam or something - not sure. I'm fairly sure it wasn't the government though..

Really sorry about this, i'll see to it that spam threads are only soft deleted so they can be restored if needed.
:D thank you for your time and help.
I'm not offended or think you were trying to push any views on me. I really enjoy 'ed the feed back and it would have been a great read for people in the future and was definitely full of real life hardcore knowledge.
Maybe your thread has come under moderation. That's why it got disappeared, if it was approved by the admin, you will get to see it real time soon.
Where is the thread I posed at these Psychonaut Forums titled What is the Matrix?

I have sent off message to Administraor, and posten in the section it disappeared from. SILENCE. No help at all about this inquiry. Yet. So I feel the need to ask the question here also
How I can post a new thread?

I registered so I can make some questions but I can't post new threads. I need to reach certain amount of posts first?

C'MON!!! STOP TO DELETE!!!! FU****F YOU ARE NOT THE BOSS OF FORUM!!!!! THE FORUM IS A COMMUNITY! A MOVEMENT! and if we respect rules, this forum doesnt have "boss"!!
WHAT'S SAYING YOUR BRAIN?? "the ball is mine and I command?" c'mon!!

...sorry bashar, I don't know... maybe ask to moderators... maybe you must wait

edit: This forum is laughters and culture, and we arent in dictatorship.

I had to delete a topic : "why the forum has lost all of his members?" (something like that).

We had a huuuuuuuuuuge wave of spammer robots registrations last week (hundreds by day). Most of them were trying to post in this topic (because it was the first on the forum list), and the second page wasn't accessible anymore. Even our moderation panel was inoperative, requesting to delete one message alone in it would make the request crash after some minutes.

Without a quick answer from the technical support (maybe Holidays) which would have been able to do it by direct request from the server, I decided to delete the topic. It permitted me after that to clean the rest of the moderated messages waiting.

We need to find an effective way to avoid spam soon. For now it's calm, but it won't last.

Sorry for the delete. Don't hesitate to continue the talking in a new topic if you want.

Abej^a G. : the one guilty for the "what is the matrix" topic delete was banned. If I understood well, he decided to delete it and some others just because he didn't liked them.

That's not why I deleted the one I talk today. ^^
There's another glitch in the matrix. Too many that the governments can't patch them all up. There are good glitches and bad glitches. We'll end up in a world as glitchy as Jak 3(the glitchiest game in the universe). Jak in Jak 3 was meant to glide, not fly. Yet, he can fly.
Welcome to the world of the purple pill. There's some dude who dipped his hands in molten lead.
Things are getting too weird that sober life seems trippy.
The matrix!
Invisible bottles and stuff.
Gallium weakening and amalgamating with aluminum. Aluminum becoming weaker. Weird! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaMWxLCGY0U
Is the sink melting??? Hahaha! :tonqe:
Hy everyone, i'm writing here hoping that Larry_Golade will read. I don't know why for the first 2 posts i did not need a mod approvation while for the third one yes (maybe the section?). Anyway i was thanking a guy who kindly gave me a piece of information and i think the forecited mod did not approved my post. But i don't mind that; i just did not understand why he closed the thread. I read forum rules and i did not find a prohibition of asking about science, synthesis and guides. I'm only asking for an explanation, as Abej^a G. wrote, we're not in dictatorship. If there's another forum rules section that i did not check in which is written that infos about synthesis is banned i say sorry for the useless post.
Thank you.
Was your thread about synthesis? Threads about synthesis are forbidden now. We can talk about extractions, but synthesis may put a light on Psychonaut that we don't need.
And about what I wrote that? ...
I was talking about ideas.. I was talking to a ex-mod who went in crazy and was deleting many post of psychonaut search and opinions
Neither I like shynthetics :mrgreen:
Sludge says well
Sludge a dit:
Was your thread about synthesis? Threads about synthesis are forbidden now. We can talk about extractions, but synthesis may put a light on Psychonaut that we don't need.

It was not my thread but yeah, it was about synthesis. So i'd suggest to update forum rules. Thanks for the explanation.

Abej^a G. a dit:
And about what I wrote that? ...
I was talking about ideas.. I was talking to a ex-mod who went in crazy and was deleting many post of psychonaut search and opinions
Neither I like shynthetics :mrgreen:
Sludge says well

I know you were talking about a different thing, the idea remains. We're not in dictatorship. If i have my post not approved and the thread closed maybe a pm explaining why these decisions were taken (since it's not written in the forum rules) would have been fair. I mean, freedom is not just for things you like . :rolleyes: :mrgreen:

Anyway, if the forum policy has changed about synthesis ok, i just did not know that (nor i had a chance to know that).

Thank you!