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This insane world...

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion zezt
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
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I find more and more a sense of being in a very increasingly insane world. let me tell you though what I mean by 'world'. I do not mean the Earth, and the wonderful sacred natural world, but rather the toxic fucked up world of business, and profit, and exploitation of all beings and the earth.

it is that world from which we see, pick and gather, and eat, the magical vegetation which inspires us in even deeper relationship with this home of ours

But now most of us have TVs and all kinds of gadgets which are mindcontrolling us. Like a satanic screem that is saying 'look at ME ME ME, listen to MEE ignore the natural, it is dead and boring. Try this app and be cool.'

I What are thoughts about this world? Do you feel the same? Or....?
Is the world going more and more insane?
When you switch on the news it sure looks like the world is getting increasingly mad.

You can also switch off the news and just ignore it all.
Instead of watching news go walking in nature. Instead of reading news, read a novel.

My own feeling is the following.
There are so many things that we can do nothing about. There is so many insane stuff going on in the world. You can focus your energy on it or not.

There are for example people who watch conspiranoid video, s all day.
Watching alex jones (or any other conspiranoid personality) will make you think the world is getting increasingly insane. I think focusing to much on news, insanity and conspiranoid theories make people depressed, angry, confused and mentaly and physicaly ill.
I think moderation is a good thing when taking in news.

Maybe the world is getting increasingly insane. Or maybe it is just as insane as before.
What i am thinking about for the lasts six years is how to keep sane in a insane world.

Sanity is the healthyness of the mind. Being sane is being healthy.
Being healthy is being in balance.
Sanity is living in harmony with nature, with your fellow humans and with the tao.
Sanity is living mindfully. Being mindfull and aware observing the ideas and emotions that play around in the head. Being mindfull is the opposite of walking around half asleep.

Everybody has there own choice as to what it is they like focus there energy.
zezt a dit:
I find more and more a sense of being in a very increasingly insane world. let me tell you though what I mean by 'world'. I do not mean the Earth, and the wonderful sacred natural world, but rather the toxic fucked up world of business, and profit, and exploitation of all beings and the earth.

Just think about Van Gogh, in life considered only a madman, and now one of the greatest artists...
I totally understan what zezt is saying. This world is insane (in a way).
And there are many many ways of looking at this insane world and the sometimes fucked up people in this worls. And there are many ways (philosopy, s religions, lifestyles ect) to deal with this world.

This place is horrible!!!! (In a way)
And how older you get the more fucked stuff you will see and experience in this world.

I am not trying to say thay my way of dealing with things is the best.
Everybody needs to find his or her own way of dealing with it otherwise you will go insane at some point eventually.
I think humor is a way of dealing with things. Laughing about this insane world sometimes helps me keep my sanity. Without humor and without music i would go insane.

I also think it, s not healthy to focus to much on the negative and the insane.
It, s better to focus your energy on the positive and on the things you can change to make your own world more beautifull.
Switch of cnn and build your own paradise world.
Make art and express yourself.

I do not know if i make sense?
What do you think?

What i am NOT saying is that positive thinking will change or safe the world.
What i am trying to bring across is that human beings need to find a way to be in this world without going insane.
Of course. I remember stupdily forcing myself to watch two beheading videos on youtube, and I really paid the price. I was left VERY traumatized.
However, I dont mean that you must live in some pinky fluffy wuffy little bubble. I have explored the darkside. I have watched documentaries about evil killers etc to try and understand, because people that do terrible things are human like me and you. I have had thoughts that if carried out would be evil, and if we are all honest most of us do. EVEn 'little innocent kid' will. Wanna kill the kid who took the last piece of cake lol

Good and evil are two words that we conceptually abstract from a dynamic process. They are like extremes of experience, but experience or reality is NOT independent things, but an interwoven process. There is no light without dark and vice verse, and no life without death and vice versa

You are so right about sense of humour. I was always a right giggler as a kid, and when I met LSD and then especially magic mushrooms later in my life, I got it from them that laughing is deeply healing and sacred. it sees though phoniness, and that is why authoritarians usually hate it

laughing insanely is sanity lol
It's just a giant propaganda control structure built to enslave you. Go back to sleep now.
About duality. It is my believe that there is no true duality.
There is light and there is the lack of light (what we call darkness)
There is life and the lack of life. (What we call death)
There is sanity and the lack of sanity (what we call insanity)
There is health and the lack of health.

It is my believe that when we talk about dark and light we are actually talking about the same thing. Two sides of the same coin.
Evil and cruelty i think comes from a lack of compassion wisedom and understanding.

Now about living in a pinky fluffy wuffy little bubble. Some say ignorance is bliss.
I do not think ignorance is bliss and i guess you feel the same.
Often having knowledge is a heavy burden. But when you don, t have knowledge you will always stay stupid and learn nothing.

Shamanomenon a dit:
It's just a giant propaganda control structure built to enslave you. Go back to sleep now.

This is just a stupid mindless oneliner that ads nothing to this discussion.

Go back to sleep. Wake up.
Whatever. Stop preaching and write something that actualy ads something to this discussion.

I dislike preachy people who want to tell other, s what the world is like by using oneliners.
About duality. It is my believe that there is no true duality.
There is light and there is the lack of light (what we call darkness)
There is life and the lack of life. (What we call death)
There is sanity and the lack of sanity (what we call insanity)
There is health and the lack of health.

It is my believe that when we talk about dark and light we are actually talking about the same thing. Two sides of the same coin.
Evil and cruelty i think comes from a lack of compassion wisedom and understanding.

If you say it that way, to me you are not respecting the reality of darkness. You are really saying |IMO, darkness doesn't exist in its own right as part of a dynamic with light, and so we will call it a 'lack of light'
Same with death. WHY does 'life' have to be assumed the prexisting superior entity.

I see that as duality, whereby one part of the dynamic is assumed preferential reality over the other part of the dynamic

In reality, they are interwoven. Here right now is death. Movement is the death of the movement. I type, and each time I type a word is it is a 'death' of that action which is also the life simultaneously

UNLESS this is what you mean
Can you please explain yourself more. I am not sure i understand what you are trying to say.

The sun gives warmt and light (energy)
When we move away from the sun it gets colder and darker.
The darkness is the void. It is the void of space. When a sun shines in the void it spreads it, s light warmt and energy waves in the dark void of space.
If there are no stars (suns) in the void and there is only the darkness of the void. What is this void? Nothingness? Or something close to it?

What i am trying to say is the same thing you wrote before.
Without life there is no death.
And without death there is no life, because life feeds on itself (and on the energy of the sun).
In nature nothing is wasted. What is death is food for the living.
I do not believe in the paranormal or the supernatural. I do not believe in life after death (as in heaven spirits ghosts or reincarnation)

I believe life is energy. Light is energy. Warmth is energy.

When we talk about dryness what is it we talk about? Is dryness a force on it, s own? Is dryness a energy field?
Can you buy dryness in a bottle or a box?
I think dryness is the abscence or lack of moisture.

Now you can shine a light in the dark. However there is no device that shines dark in light. If you want darkness you need to block or take away the source of light. That, s why i wrote darkness is a lack of light. If you say darkness exist as a force on it, s own please explain how.

Now about the darkness, the void or even emptyness.
I do not think there is such a thing as a total emptyness or a total void.
However i do not claim to know the truth about the universe and the darkness of space and how it all began or how it will end.
As we speak scientist are doing research to find out about darkness energy emptyness and stuff.
This are very intressting topics: light, space and time, emptyness. Black holes, darkmatter, gravity and such
The only thing i can think of as a source of darkness may be a black hole.

The nasa published a panoramic photo of the andromeada gallaxy. You can see so many stars.
It makes me think about why the stupid humans keep on figthing. Why does the insanity keep going on.

What do you think. What is it you believe?
finarfin, i believe zezt is simply saying to be careful with your verbage. if not, then thats what i would say. dont focus only on positive, as this is ignorance, and will do little to better a situation. all variables must be considered for what they are, which i believe should be done from an objective, or non-dual state. in this state decision making can be done to improve a crappy situation as opposed to just ignoring it. i dont believe thats what you are doing (hopefully) but others certainly are. we must be clear with language in esoteric territory, since it is so grounded in expressing a feeling as opposed to making an observation like "this car is red". not everyone can see the esoteric car, so in this sense, it pays to be a poet.
ophiuchus a dit:
finarfin, i believe zezt is simply saying to be careful with your verbage. if not, then thats what i would say. dont focus only on positive, as this is ignorance, and will do little to better a situation. all variables must be considered for what they are, which i believe should be done from an objective, or non-dual state. in this state decision making can be done to improve a crappy situation as opposed to just ignoring it. i dont believe thats what you are doing (hopefully) but others certainly are. we must be clear with language in esoteric territory, since it is so grounded in expressing a feeling as opposed to making an observation like "this car is red". not everyone can see the esoteric car, so in this sense, it pays to be a poet.

Sorry but i do not understand.
Please try to explain it a little more. I feel a little lost and misunderstood in this discussion. English is not my native language.

I never wrote one must only focus on the positive and ignore the negative
If that, s what you get out of reading my post you completly misunderstood what i was trying to explain.
To put it simple: i need a healthy*balance between positive and negative. And between action and rest. If i only focus on the negative it is very likley i will be unhappy get sick or go insane.

I also wrote people need a way to deal with being in this world. There are many ways people deal with being in this world. My way is only just may way

About the example of the red car. Making an observation that a car is red is one thing. But what has my intrest is why we see a car as red. How does light and color work. How do our eyes and brain (eyes are part of the brain)
i understand and agree with you, and its not your english, your english is great. but the thing about english is that it can easily be misunderstood unless one is very specific. this happens all the time with people whos only language is english... :rolleyes:

"I never wrote one must only focus on the positive and ignore the negative"

youre right, you didnt write that, but you understand that what you wrote could be confused that way, and thats all that i meant to point out, and i assume zezt too, but i wont speak for him.
The world is becoming a world where the 1% is hogging more and more wealth and power at all costs. The top 80 richest people now owns as much as the bottom 50%. They make more laws barring science and banning everything from less harmful substances to nootropics to skating and tear down nature and parks and other stuff to build nothing but condominiums. The only free place left in this planet is this place called "the kingdom of north sudan" and that's only if anyone figures out technology to get fresh water from sea water and have a greenhouse or something since it's mostly desert.
SWIMchem5 a dit:
The world is becoming a world where the 1% is hogging more and more wealth and power at all costs. The top 80 richest people now owns as much as the bottom 50%. They make more laws barring science and banning everything from less harmful substances to nootropics to skating and tear down nature and parks and other stuff to build nothing but condominiums. The only free place left in this planet is this place called "the kingdom of north sudan" and that's only if anyone figures out technology to get fresh water from sea water and have a greenhouse or something since it's mostly desert.

There is truth to this. But this is also a bit simplistic statement that has the smell of (political) populism to it.
This whole 1% meme has become another oneliner that is over used.

I sometimes got the feeling people tend to point the finger at the 1% and the elite and stop thinking.

I am skeptical about ideas the point at one group of people as the source of all problems.
The group is not the problem. The problem is the paradigm leading to this situation.
Yes, the problem is IMAGINATION and this is something I am exploring. HOW the one percent, or 'the elite' or the powers that be or trhe government or the secret government or the illuminati or the globalists or the bankers--ALl these labels.

Try stop paying taxes and you will find out who 'they' are. they are the ones who can destroy a country with bombs, and create starvation, and make sure some country gets their central bank

so make no mis-take. There ARE A group, and/or groups on a same agenda who have the power, because they can take your money and then walk over you when your dying

and they can pump propaganda into millions of 'living rooms' simultaneously on their same-old-look-the-same news channels about the same shit they want to create as your imagination

THEY not only CAN do that they ARE doing that

One of the ways they maintain the hierachical power ctricture is via divide and control. Create conflist and chaos to divide up communities into smaller communities in conflict with each other

And they do this on different levels, including violence of course, via economic and actual war, and propaganda and occultist means. We have to wake up to all this

We cannot play their game and blast them with our super weapons. THAT is what they love and it brings them profit. They love war, and sacrificing others who they see as less evolved as themselves

what we can do is begin seeing through their mind control which conjures our imagination of reality. This is not some '2012' trip lol But the opening to a looking into things as we go and unlearning the spells they have and are putting on us. This is getting the spirit

I will give an example of the occultist mind control

On 9/11 notice that THE day also --which is repeated and repeated by the politics and their media as '9/11' also is the emergency number for the US. THAT correspondence was deliberate contrived as mind control--a targeting of the collective unconscious

Now dig this. And I only found out this a little earlier today:

They also make fun of people who show the January 7th coincidence, 1/7. 1/7 is actually the number you call for emergencies in France:

"9/11 = 911 = American police's phone number...1/7 = 17 = French police's phone number. That's weird"

So, what do you think? Coincidence or deliberate mind control contrived by the same control freak sick mindset that some are calling the 1% and who are behind 9/11. 7/7, and Paris? Has Holland had one yet?
Conspiracy talk is not something i want to get into at this moment.
I know all is not what it seems.
But i am not going to speculate about these terror attacks.
If this is going to become about all kinds of random conspiracies count me out.

Saying we need to wake up i think is a cliché and has become meaningless to me.

I agree that people have been manipulated for a very long time.
It all goes back to ancient times.
There is a lot to say about it. To much for now if you ask me.

We also had terror attacks in the netherlands. And we a whole bunch of conspiracies and coverups.
zezt a dit:
So, what do you think? Coincidence or deliberate mind control contrived by the same control freak sick mindset that some are calling the 1% and who are behind 9/11. 7/7, and Paris? Has Holland had one yet?

the numbers are very powerful, as evocations that they cause


