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This insane world...

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion zezt
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Well there's more then occultism to it... I don't think it's in my English power to nuanciate the true meaning of what I was trying to express there.
Mind control is something we all apply, it's when we become aware we can stop doing it to eachother. But then again, we find ourselves trapped in a reality passing us by faster and faster. There are not many other places to go then to jump "numb with zero mindstate" into this "insane world".

Have you seen the videos of animals being tortured for medical welfare or car safety? There's no justifying that. People die, we get ill, we should learn to accept these errors. We should stop correcting errors and stop playing god by killing off thousand of others by saving 1. Or what does the life of a chimp less worthy then ours ?
I know it's hard on the human psyche when relatives get ill.... But can't our ego and fear step aside in favor of all earhtlings? Do we even know what love is or are we acting out of selfishness?
we agree completely about the horror of animal 'vivisection'

Animals were the first slaves, 'then' women.

Their insane mindset objectifies others, and the 'other' becomes passive material for them to do what they want with. This goes for animals, all other species, humans, and the whole natural world

I am about understanding roots of this insanity. it is the patriarchy and includes their religion, cults, philosophy, occultism, science
Well I think we should start there, make sacrifices.
New age people like to teach it isn't about sacrifices, but I see no other way.
Thus in this case, we must be prepared to die, we must prepare ourselves that relatives may die. We have come so scared of if we took our entire world as hostage and prisoner as a coward who is afraid to die alone.
MK Ultra is beyond music, beyond tv, it is everywhere... and it's to us to recognize the humming sound of it, find out the root of it and change the message to one of unity, love and peace.
Not through money raising funds, but by simply changing our lifestyle here and now.
zezt a dit:
Being aware of the elite groups use of occult language is not distraction or disinformation. It is seeing things as they are. But this, in my experience, is a very deep taboo. People don't want to go there. But I will keep prodding you!

The meaning of occult is hidden (out of sight). These groups use to be occult because they tried to hide information and knowledge as well as there exsistence from the cross and the crown (the church and the royalty).

The mistake zezt makes is that he thinks in dualistic terms of absolute good and evil. Wrong against right. Male against female, master and slave, I think zezt has a dualistic and cartoon like view on reality. Sort of like how childeren or some teenager see it sometimes.
The world is way more complex then this black and white version of reality.

People and groups are not good or bad in a absolute or strickt sense. Everything and everybody got good and bad sides and a whole spectrum inbetween. Everything got a history behind it.
Things are never as simple as they against us.

The problem with the conspiranoid and the so called truth movement is that it judging to much for my taste. Research (a word the conspiranoid use a lot) is used to judge and to take a moral high ground.
I am not intressted in these conspiranoid priest. I have my own moral code, i do not need these priest to tell me what to think.

I would like to advise zezt and other conspiranoid types to observe more and to judge less. And to try to look at things in a more objective and relaxes way.
But we do observe something utterly wrong in our world, do we not Finarfin?
I'm not talking about an inner psychonaut world. I'm talking about it in general
What world are we leaving kids to come behind?
that is just it. the deep understanding of cycles or better spirals has been suppressed for many. It is mindblowingly ironic. All around, our whole life is spiraling. We go to bed, sleep, and there are cycles of vibrations ---beta, alpha, theta, delata, and then spiraling up to awake, here's the day, day and night and day and night~~~~
We spiral through moods, galaxies spiral, water spirals, and yet people think that life and death do NOT spiral. They believe 'when your dead your dead. THAT'S IT!' thereis no understanding we are all selves spiraling on this wonderful abundant living planet Earth our home. it is really weird. it suits a predatory mindset which uses mindcontrol of divide and rule to divide us from the primordial knowing which many Indigenous peoples and pagan people still have
Demahdi a dit:
But we do observe something utterly wrong in our world, do we not Finarfin?
I'm not talking about an inner psychonaut world. I'm talking about it in general
What world are we leaving kids to come behind?

Well if you read my previous post you may have noticed that i agree that there is wrongness and injustice in this general world.
I also noticed a little frustration which I almost took personal.
I don't know if you have children, but when I compare my youth with theirs, there has been an evolution in another way. Cultural engineers are not to be taken lightly and I also believe they would kill of Thousands in their benefit.
Though I don't think we should stop at 911 but look all the way back from this current day.
What makes people that dumb to trust in a system that kills off their fellow human being and homeplanet?
Finarfin a dit:
This is what wanted to say. We are all part of this system.
We have our own role in the system.
And when you ask people what they are doing they say there just doing there job.

Now ofcourse there is a elite and there are corporations with to much power.
But i think the whole systeem needs to change from the inside.
It, s not just the top of the pyramid it,s the whole system.
Yeah, that's right. But it's very hard to change inside of this system.

I mean, of course I could just stop being part of the system and go to live in the woods (which would propably kill me in a year since I live in Finland and it's like -30 degrees in winter), stop using electricity and stop buying unethical food from the supermarkets and start hunting instead but I mean seriously that's not a very easy thing to do.

Of course I do my best to avoid the most unethical choices I could make but it doesn't really change the fact that I'm still making a lot of unethical choices every day, just because I'm too lazy or other things are more important to me than that. I mean, I'd rather watch movies than go hunting every day, you know?

But one thing I'm pretty sure of is that I'm not any better than anyone else here. Everybody is fucking selfish and I'm no exception.
Finarfin a dit:
Is the world going more and more insane?
When you switch on the news it sure looks like the world is getting increasingly mad.

You can also switch off the news and just ignore it all.
Instead of watching news go walking in nature. Instead of reading news, read a novel.

My own feeling is the following.
There are so many things that we can do nothing about. There is so many insane stuff going on in the world. You can focus your energy on it or not.

There are for example people who watch conspiranoid video, s all day.
Watching alex jones (or any other conspiranoid personality) will make you think the world is getting increasingly insane. I think focusing to much on news, insanity and conspiranoid theories make people depressed, angry, confused and mentaly and physicaly ill.
I think moderation is a good thing when taking in news.

Maybe the world is getting increasingly insane. Or maybe it is just as insane as before.
What i am thinking about for the lasts six years is how to keep sane in a insane world.

Sanity is the healthyness of the mind. Being sane is being healthy.
Being healthy is being in balance.
Sanity is living in harmony with nature, with your fellow humans and with the tao.
Sanity is living mindfully. Being mindfull and aware observing the ideas and emotions that play around in the head. Being mindfull is the opposite of walking around half asleep.

Everybody has there own choice as to what it is they like focus there energy.

The truth has been spoken, nice lines..
Whyra a dit:
Yeah, that's right. But it's very hard to change inside of this system.

I mean, of course I could just stop being part of the system and go to live in the woods (which would propably kill me in a year since I live in Finland and it's like -30 degrees in winter), stop using electricity and stop buying unethical food from the supermarkets and start hunting instead but I mean seriously that's not a very easy thing to do.

Of course I do my best to avoid the most unethical choices I could make but it doesn't really change the fact that I'm still making a lot of unethical choices every day, just because I'm too lazy or other things are more important to me than that. I mean, I'd rather watch movies than go hunting every day, you know?

But one thing I'm pretty sure of is that I'm not any better than anyone else here. Everybody is fucking selfish and I'm no exception.

I do not know if primitivism is the answer? Maybe for some it it?

As for living a ethical life and making the right choices. Nobody is perfect you know.
Everyone makes mistakes and some people learn from there mistaked. Some don, t.
It is not about absolutes.
It is about finding the right balance.
Thinking in absolutes is the dualistic way of thinking.
As long as there are others, including other species, being exploited by this insane world which is escalating as I type--then you cannot really BE sane unless you allow awareness of what is going on, and do your bit--whatever you can--to speak out and stand up against what is going on. If you do not, and want to ignore to stay 'blissful' then it is apathy masquerading as a phony bliss

A lot of the psychological pain--which this insane culture conveniently calls 'mental illness'--is because OF the insanity, and will be a combination of one's own personal problems in this world and also awareness of the problems OF the world who are affecting all of us as we are all interconnected. it is dis-connection which brings dis-ease
zezt a dit:
As long as there are others, including other species, being exploited by this insane world which is escalating as I type--then you cannot really BE sane unless you allow awareness of what is going on, and do your bit--whatever you can--to speak out and stand up against what is going on. If you do not, and want to ignore to stay 'blissful' then it is apathy masquerading as a phony bliss

A lot of the psychological pain--which this insane culture conveniently calls 'mental illness'--is because OF the insanity, and will be a combination of one's own personal problems in this world and also awareness of the problems OF the world who are affecting all of us as we are all interconnected. it is dis-connection which brings dis-ease

Sane insane. Another dualism to devide the world into. See what is going on? You, re with us or with the terrorist. It, s the false dilema of the excluded middle.
When you take a minute to think about it maybe you will understand how narrow minded this is. It, s a black and white world view. Very simplistic and childlike of you ask me.
And what does a psychonaut do to put it in perspective??? :snakeman:If we'd only have the tools...
Hello my friend. Insanity is becoming more noticeable and it is a good thing actually.
According to the Mayans, as we all know, consciousness is naturally being raised since the beginning of the year 2012.
In older ages, if your behavior was slightly ''odd'' or misplaced, the use of violence was socially accepted and encouraged.
For example the family members were allowed to beat you up. And if it didn't worked the Church was allowed to make an intervention.
Immorality was not only totally unaccepted but punished with torture and ultimately, with death.
A lot of people were killed during medieval times, for this very same cause we are discussing here.
So we have to understand this change that is taking place in our world.
This fight between Good and Evil, Order and Caos, is (hopefully) coming to an end, for humanity to finally find love, peace and balance.
Sometimes is very hard to remain positive, I know how painful the world can be... But if we adopt a contemplative state of mind, our problems will gradually cease to exist.
I found the world such a nice, relaxed and peaceful place in the 80's and 90's people seemed a lot more on happier. Life is becoming so much more stressful.
This world is about social network and fake people, heartless people who only care about how many "likes" they have.. -__-
“And how do you know that you're mad? "To begin with," said the Cat, "a dog's not mad. You grant that?" I suppose so, said Alice. "Well then," the Cat went on, "you see a dog growls when it's angry, and wags it's tail when it's pleased. Now I growl when I'm pleased, and wag my tail when I'm angry. Therefore I'm mad.”