Usually I trip at home with my girlfriend, we spend a lot of time listening to music (mostly psychedelic alike), eating fruits (we found out mango's taste great when your tripping), drinking tea, playing, a LOT of talking, drawing, looking into each others eyes, dancing.
Personally I think watching a movie is a waste of the trip. We love to show each other things we created (music, drawings, paintings) or talk about thinks we come up with.
Also, when we are tripping we do everything together, we even go to the toilet together.
But basically when you trip, you can do whatever comes to mind, we even ended up in the park on the swings one night
If you've tripped more often, you could just do everday stuff, go to the store (if you're sure you can act normal in that state of mind), or go somewhere where there are lots of people. I love to watch people do their everyday stuff when I'm tripping, the looks on their faces, whatever busies them.
Why don't you make a dinner or try to bake something.
Everything is possible