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Things to do on a trip

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Mushtube
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Hi everyone,
This is my first post on your beautifull board, I read here quite regularily lately and now I have decided to join the discussions.

I have got a question what you do on trips.
I have tripped a few times on shrooms and two times on acid, but the last time acid I noticed that I got unconfortable with two of the five people I was tripping with. We have a core-group for tripping of three people and these two aren't in that group. I got the idea they didn't like me very much and they thought I was kinda weird. I'm not sure if this is true, but that doesn't matter much. What does matter is that I don't want to trip with them in the next few months, to get to know how I think of them a little better before tripping with them again, but the people I usually trip with don't want to do it without these two guys and now I'm considering tripping on my own.
But I am a little scared of tripping alone, because if I get into a bad thought-loop I won't have the distraction of my fellow-trippers.
I would like to hear what you do as distraction (or for channeling your thoughts) when tripping.

THanks in advance!
First of all Welcome on Board :wink:

I kinda understand that you having some sort of mistrust of other people while trippin.

And there are some ways to avoid that and one of them is get to know the persons you gonna have a trip with ( especally new people ) , organize a chill out evening the day before the trip and get to know them better.

Trippin in groups is fun but sometimes there can be irritations.
You can also focus your mind on something else by going outside or another room, or just close your eyes and float off in the realms of your mind. 8)

But there's always one golden rule when your tripping with other people and that is you have to trust them..

Ofcoures when your trippin alone you wont have those problems..

Btw: an ipod or a Mp3 is very handy when you wanna have some "me" time in a group.

I'm sorry i realised that i didn't gave you an anwer to your question.

For channeling thoughts, try different a kind of music, do some drawing, play an intrument, just seek for distrations.

But sometimes your thougts are inevitable and you have to face them overcome and learn from them..
My reasons for not wanting to trip without anyone else other than myself are that I do not want any distractions. This way with no distractions, you can go deeper into the mushroom realm. When you really get into some ugly thought loops try changing the setting. Change the music if listening to any, go for a walk outside and breath in the fresh air. Do anything that would take your mind off those "negative" thoughts. Also when I get into very very bad spaces, I like to do something that I would do in normal reality. Something that reminds you of your normal sober state. This will most likly bring you much reassurance to you will be fine as soon as the effects wear off.
Get to know them before you try another trip with them . Talk to each other and be honest , then you will see by the way that they talk with you if they are sincere people . Sugest doing it in a ritual setting , just dropping trips without being serious is some time going to end in discomfort . Its a serious thing and should be taken seriously . A ritual just means being still , relaxing , meditating together for a half an hour before . Then taking it together and sitting quietly meditating again untill you all come up . Are they experienced trippers or new to it . New people tend to stare at others and to mentaly cling on to them a bit , watching to see if / what is happening . Dont take it personaly . If you do it alone , or with others , and feel uncomfortable change your set and setting . I always repeated my mantra "Love , light and healing" wich works like a sort of positive distraction , self sugestion to remind me of the way i wanted to go while i was meditating and again if it got uncomfortable .
but the last time acid I noticed that I got unconfortable with two of the five people I was tripping with.

That's why I do not anymore trip with other people. Exceptions would be 1.) an experienced shaman who can help me go further and 2.) the love of my live, but I haven't found her yet (though I still believe in once finding a girl that is equally attractive and spiritually connected - so far it has always been either one of two)
Maybe it's different for other people, but I am kind of an alone-person, I need quite a while to trust anybody 100% (I know like two people in the whole world who I really trust, except my mom maybe, but I surely wouldn't trip with her, so, no, she's not even on the list). A strong trip makes you extremely vulnerable, comparable to a spider's web - it's beautiful, but anyone can rip it apart easily. Well, a spider's web isn't exactly the best metaphor because it's actually one of the toughest, most flexible materials on earth, but you know what I mean (or do you?)

So, maybe you lost me there (I wouldn't mind) but my point is that tripping with people is not always the best way to trip although many sources tell you that you should never trip alone because of the mental comfort another person can give you, yada yada... but mostly the other person can't do that. On the opposite they will give you more discomfort because you don't feel like showing them more of you than you yourself have ever known before!

P.S. I think tripping with other people who you don't know well is the highest order of shamanism. You really need a lot of knowledge and confidence to be the head of a velada (a spiritual trip session on mushrooms, like the south american natives used to call it). And even these shamans wouldn't trip with just anybody, but only with people who they could see were determined to be led into the spirit world.
The first time i went to an organised ayahuasca ceremony i was very aprehensive . I thought either there would be dickheads there or i might shit out and have a difficult experience . As we all came up we were asked to say a few words about what we felt , i did 20 press ups and said nothing .
I think tripping with others and tripping by yourself can teach you just as much. Just don't do anything you don't want to do. I will probably never trip on a party, not alone, nor with friends. I usually try to change it up a bit. Trip alone, trip with others (gf/friends), trip with newbies (this is a great way to get to know people). Trips with people you do not know so well tend to be a bit more superficial, but it also makes you very aware of the fact that you have a lot to learn and that others might help bring this about.
Making Music. Singing drumming or playing an instrument.
Put on some nice music and dance!
The hight of synesthesia.

The folks I was with on my first trip were all good friends of mine,
but it was strange,
because afterwards, we all became like family.
I think these things can really bring people together, and it's because entheogens are the most honest thing out there, but the whole thing depends on your own honesty too.

Intent plays a lot in it too. I know some folks that like acid and shrooms because they think it makes them more badass than your run of the mill stoner. I don't like tripping with them, because they have nothing to say, aren't very honest, and are deeply disrespecting what they are doing.
No-Key a dit:
The folks I was with on my first trip were all good friends of mine,
but it was strange,
because afterwards, we all became like family.

Man I know just what you mean the first time i did shrooms was with one of my friends we were'nt incredibly close but we hung out a few times but after we did shrooms he's one of my best friends. I think when youre on shrooms anyway the people you and the people youre with either grow closer or you become uncomfortable in their presence. So far I haven't come across that seeing as Ive only tripped on shrooms twice but both times I found i grew a lot closer to my trip buddies
My first Mushroom trip was while I was closing down a Dominoes Pizza store and I had an extremely cool guy closing with me, it was a great experience.

As far as things to do on a trip, I'm chompin down 2 shrooms tomorrow night and going to see an Australian-Pink Floyd Cover Band. WOOT WOOT
use fluo sticks, lasers, trippy visuals ,lava lamps, candles u name it. seems to kick away the bad thought loop away for me. u can smell something u like or taste and ofcourse music selection. on extreme occasions punch urself till ur unconscious
I always trip outside..and choose some spectacular place- the sea cost etc..For me, tripping in a town equals to psychosis. Nevertheless, many of my mates prefer the "city ?ush". I try not to trip alone...there's a small group of people I've tripped with for maaany times so I don't have problems there...and yes, one important thing..many people advice using a sitter..BUT, in my opinion, this sitter must have an experience in taking psychedelics, otherwise he might turn out to be the dumbest creature you'd ever imagine. This is highly personal,of course. It may look irresponsible to trip alone, but I'd rather take some risks than entrust my spirit to a person who's unaware of psychedelics and my condition.
Below is the picture of my favourite tripping place- The Shaman coast. This place has been employed for etheogenic purposes since early 80's by Soviet Union's hippies and has a very unique atmosphere.
wow that place is really cool :shock:
glad you like it...here's another pic of it

oh yes, and answering the initial question..I doubt theres' s ANY way to control your cubconscious. Moreover, there's no need to do it. You won't see the truth.
that place just ASKS to be tripped on :lol:
Got a movie to add to the list (if sitting around and watching a trippy movie is for ya, I know I don't feel like doing it most of the time)

El Topo.
El Topo is by far the craziest movie I have ever watched. It's really interesting, I'll never forget that movie :)