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The way LSD was meant to be taken

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion ToastedAlly
  • Date de début Date de début


Dose: ~300 ?g
Weight: ~230 lb.
sex: male
age: 19

Hello everybody,
I'm here to tell you all about this little secret I found; Take your acid in the morning, exactly an hour before you intend to wake up.
I tried this for the first time yesterday morning. I set my alarm for 6:30 am, and placed three 100?g tabs under my tongue, after disabling my alarm and taking a swig of water; I knew I wouldn't need any help waking up. For a couple of minutes, I could not return to sleep because I was too excited about tripping (reminiscent of trying to fall asleep on christmas eve as a child). After a couple minutes, however, my body realized it was 6:30 in the morning and fell back into a deep sleep.
I dreamt for an hour about being a middle-aged, slightly overweight doctor, somebody known and loved in the small southern town I worked in. No events from this dream were recalled.
I awoke to find my face in a large quantity of drool, which I later figured was a result of the fact that something was in my mouth, which caused salivation. I immediately realized I was caught dead in the middle of a full-blown trip. I checked my time to find it was 7:31 am, precisely an hour after I'd taken the dose. The first thing I noticed was that I felt very cold, and for awhile struggled to gain warmth in my bed. The room was awash with colors and swimming shadows. I realized in hindsight that I should've cleaned the room before I went to bed, as the mess was very disorienting. A poster on my wall of Emma Stone (who I originally only found to be marginally attractive, poster was free) contained a foreign, unfamiliar face, a shadowy, sinister, crawling version of the face it used to hold. In a "sober" state, I would have been disturbed by this, but instead I found myself lusting after the evil image.
After pacing my room in complete and utter insanity, I decided to take a shower and get the fuck out of there. As an RA, I have no business being completely mindfucked in my building, where my boss and my residents live; however, I knew that at 7:30 on a saturday morning, I would see nobody stirring for a few hours. The shower was mainly uneventful, but very fun and the warmth was nice.
I got outside with my backpack and hopped on my bike. It was a glorious golden day, gold color thanks to a nearby fire, although at the time I didn't realize this was from the fire and so I assumed it was part of the trip. I biked to the foot hills of the mountain range I live next to and locked my bike, and began climbing the mountain. When I got to the top of the first plateau, I found a nice perch and enjoyed my last cigarette (I forgot to buy another pack, too late now, I thought to myself). From this perch I watched the city beneath me begin to stir, sounds and lights saturating the late-sunrise scene. Eventually I decided that, since I can't go back to where I live, I should have an adventure. And so I turned to walk toward the tall, rocky mountains. I walked into a first which I was dismayed to find full of voices. At first I was worried for my sanity, but then I looked around to see swarms of hikers, joggers, dogwalkers, etc. It was Saturday. I spent most of my time in the forest trying to get lost, trying to get away from the voices, but they were everywhere. Eventually I was able to appreciate the trippiness they added to the experience. (In hindsight, some music would've been an excellent remedy.) I was shocked when I eventually reached a rocky, crumbly cliff face, which I decided to climb. Eventually I was high enough up to where no voices could be heard. The silence was incomplete, though, thanks to a very faint, echoing music that was ringing through the mountains. I'm still not sure whether it was real.
At some point I got lost and ran out of water, which brought on a brief moment of panic. It soon passed, as I realized these mountains were full of people. Besides, I'm an eagle scout. I figured if anyone was to survive an acid trip lost on a cliff face without water, it would be me. I slowly made my way down, and got back onto a main trail. I got back into the city, where I was able to make my way to the trail head, where my bike was. At this point it was a little past noon.
I went over to my buddy's house to smoke some bong and eat some almonds; after he ran out for some groceries, we went for a long bike ride through the city, and I saw several parts I'd never seen before. This was amazing, and the bike riding was so smooth I felt like I was gliding over the concrete. The social experience of being with this kid, who'd never taken acid before, was slightly awkward, as I realized half of what I said made no sense, and that I was unable to properly interpret what he was talking about most of the time. He was understanding and forgiving, though, which was nice. I've been tripping around him before.
I spent the come down eating and smoking pot, and I had a nice evening followed by a nice night of Halo: Reach.
This trip wasn't amazing, and no particular part of it was really worth describing in detail; what's important about it is that it was the first trip I've spent without thinking, "GAWSH, I'm SO tired!!! I wish I could sleep!!!" the whole time; normally, this makes for a very unpleasant trip. Also, I didn't spend an hour waiting around for the acid to hit me, I just woke up full on tripping. This made the trip much more concrete and I never had any thoughts of, "Am I peaking now? Will I be tripping any harder soon? Should I have taken more?" The trip was extremely pleasant, and I had an amazing adventurous day. I would recommend this technique of dosing to anyone, at least to try it once. It is the greatest thing that's ever happened to me.
Hey! I'm with you - I think tripping is more beneficial during the day - you can see, you can hear, interact... I don't like looking at black all the time while completely tripped out, but if I do I can just go under my covers if its day out.

Next time I do an experience it will be the same way, set an early alarm and yay! good morning chaos!
what prove very nice for me is to start tripping between 2 and 4 in the morning, peak in the dark, and when the effects slowly diminish the sun rises to a new and colorful day. there's nothing like a sunset after peaking :D
the only problem is sleep. skipping one night of sleep can give you a hangover the next day. I can't imagine tripping instantly in the morning. I need at least an hour to fully awake and get out of the sleepy mud.
thats a mad idea bro one i'll have to try for sure.

another me and my brother have been meaning to do when we have a vile, is to drip a couple of drops inside each others mouth when caught asleep, wait an hour then wake them. lol :shock:

another my friend said is to have a bong ready with a good half point of DMT sprinkled on top. and when u wake up in the middle of the night for a piss one night smoke it without hesitation. he said it gets pretty deep. :p
i also love having the trip start coming on hard as the sun sets, At a good Bush DooF. critters come out
sidefx a dit:
another my friend said is to have a bong ready with a good half point of DMT sprinkled on top. and when u wake up in the middle of the night for a piss one night smoke it without hesitation. he said it gets pretty deep. :p

whoa :!:
Hmm, I did this.. sort of. I was already a bit tired and actually took it at midnight and set the alarm for 1am.. which failed to wake me (and my friend!) up. Instead, we woke late in the morning pretty much sober with no noticeable effects; shit sucked.

The reason we did it was night was actually because it was in the summer and our body clocks were a bit jumbled so it seemed like an okay idea at the time -.-"
sidefx a dit:
thats a mad idea bro one i'll have to try for sure.

another me and my brother have been meaning to do when we have a vile, is to drip a couple of drops inside each others mouth when caught asleep, wait an hour then wake them. lol :shock:

another my friend said is to have a bong ready with a good half point of DMT sprinkled on top. and when u wake up in the middle of the night for a piss one night smoke it without hesitation. he said it gets pretty deep. :p

the dmt thing sounds cool, but it someone dosed me lsd while i was sleeping i'd be pissed (not that i dont LOVE lucy)
but dosing someone while their asleep, or even while their awake without their consent is Nottt cool at all. my friend nick used to dose unknowing people.

the dmt thing sounds cool though, i agree with the "dont hesitate", its best to blast yourself before you get a chance to think about it
my friend nick used to dose unknowing people.

do you know some outcomes of this? I've always wondered how often a very bad outcome would come from this type of thing...
if someone dosed me without my knowledge and it turned sour on me i'd probably get quite violent with them
i once had a bad trip that was very violent (not physically, mentally) and it took all of my prior knowledge and restraint not to choke my best friend out
was one of the worst experiences of my life, not to mention the guilt

waking up to take a piss and hitting a cone with DMT sounds like you'd blast your head off your shoulders :shock: