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The talk bad about alcohol(ethanol, "drinking alcohol") thread. Ethanol is deathanol!

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion SWIMchem5
  • Date de début Date de début
So the premise is that of the bandwagon mentality? So do we just call ethanol lifanol?
Voir la pièce jointe 13326
I don't want to just be another brainwashed conformist! So governmental kool-aid is god somehow? The dumb ones have controlled society for thousands of years. No one notices when scientific oppresion occurs! No one!
BBC News - Modified ecstasy 'attacks blood cancers'
Morpheus: The blue drink or the red drink.
Me: Screw it! I'm taking the purple drink!
Alcohol = blue drink. People are consuming way more than 1,200ml yearly when they should be consuming less than 1,200ml a year. The more people consume ethanol, the less proactive they are and the more they conform. It's like Neo from the matrix taking over 10 blue pills a day.
Voir la pièce jointe 13328
I agree with Larry.
SWIMchem5 is repeating the same things over and over again (just like drunk people sometimes do:yawinkle:)
The problem is that the goverment is trying to control what we do and don,t. what we put in our body,s.
People should be free to do what they want. The government should stop being our big brother/mother/sister telling us what to do.
Educating people is fine. However people should also educate themselves and be responsible for themselves.
If you ask the government to put warning on drinks you act like a child who needs daddy and mommy to tell em what is good and what not.
hey!!! larry... not nice... :( really no need to become offensive...and i think you're somewhat projecting something... also as if you had thought "really" totally deeply about it... man... argh.. :? what if we're being played out against each other like that? and what if the status quo of many nations in the world, simply is based on dumbness and dumbing down, besides alcohol scientifically fitting in such a category. i think the analogy/comparison of alcohol and the blue pill is maybe not the best in all cases, but considering the state of the world how it is and how it has been for a while, in general i would say it's not really bad either.
also not saying it always has to be bad, that all drinkers are stupid, and that is not even the point, but i can surely understand the anger of swimchem5 towards the ignorant "culture" that there is in so many places of the western world and that is a lot based on alcohol.
stupid barbarians!!!!!
besides actually it seems to me swimchem5 didn't really demand anywhere what larry said...maybe if he is demanding something, he is demanding to be free from the oppression of the alcohol based society or so, and that is certainly justified on the plain of human dignity, pursuit of freedom and happiness and what not. yeah, there are many levels, right??? *sigh* :(
and also what if at least partly it can be concluded that the alcohol culture is behind the war on drugs, so why not fight back or at least discuss or go in such a direction... doesn't mean you always have to go exactly in that direction, you know? so wtf really!? :Oo:
maybe both have some points or so... stupid to say only one is right... why be so aggressive and go against your own people? why not say it in a different, positive helping way? :(
i say we will lose if we always go against our own people like that... :(

I do not think the alcohol culture is behind the war on drugs. I don,t think that cultures that are not alcohol cultures are in any way better then non alcohol culture.
I think the problem is not alcohol. The problem is the government and religion. The governments are playing big brother/sister/daddy/mommy and telling us what to do.
I know that alcohol is not healthy. But don,t you think people are responsible for themselves? don,t you think people should be free to make there own damn choices. Why must the government have to put warnings on everything? to warn dumb people from doing dumb shit?

Okay warnings may be a good way to inform some people. And it may change the way we think about alcohol. I agree on that.
However i do not think alcohol is THE blue pill or something like that. The biggest blue pill (problem) are the government and religions (big brother/father/mother/sister) who dictate to us what we can and can,t do.
There are country,s where alcohol is prohibited because of religion. Do you think people in these country,s are smarter?
I do not think so. These people live in a religious dictatorship and i do not see what is great about that.
Religion is the biggest reason why alcohol and other drugs as well are prohibited.

if people want to drink let them drink. You may tell them it is unhealthy. But if they don,t listen or don,t care what can you do?

Please feel free to answer these questions.
calling someone a brainwashed conformist because he likes to drink is a form of discrimination.
it,s not okay to (negatively) discriminate someone for his sexual preferences or for the color of there skin.
Why should this be different with drugs? I think judging people because they drink alcohol is stupid and short sided.
I call conformist brainwashed people conformist brainwashed people.
If you want to see some brainwashed people go look in a church/temple/mosk, maybe you will find some of them there.
BrainEater has a point. We both have our points. The semi-alcoholics and the psychonauts, and the both. The premise here is that ethanol is too advertised and there's no alternatives or one simple warning. However, the bigger premise is that there's no culture that is non-alcoholic culture. The mind is very complex. I think that since the beginning of time, the few controlled the many using ethanol. I read somewhere that in the 1800's, the Russians didn't drink. Then a shitty king came along and forced alcohol into the culture and throwed wine parties and pressured Russians intensely to drink alcohol and made death threats. The once very advanced civilization is now only second most advanced. At least they made phenylpiracetam recently which can inprove the mind. Why can't societies which consume little to no ethanol be left alone? If they had their own group and can be left alone, they'll have somewhere to talk to like-minded people about. There has always been tribes, societies, and cultures that have been divided by governments. It's divide and conquer. Maybe someday, we settle this over a glass of soda with some 2-methyl-2-butanol. ;):jook::tonqe: :+1: I think I should get around to getting some 2m2bOH(2-methyl-2-butanol) sometime. Peace!
Why are my questions not answerd?

There are places where alcohol is prohibited. The muslim faith as well as the buddhist faith prohibits the use of alcohol. There are a lot of people who do not drink.
I think ethanol is worth putting a warning on. Even lab ethanol which haven't been denatured needs the "Ethanol is deathanol" warning. The Buddhist thing sound good. They were always about trying to reach enlightment and not doing anything that can stop them from reaching it. If alcohol(ethanol) and alcoholic(ethanol containing) beverages have a valid warning and some people still consume it, at least it will not be so much because of the constant advertising and colorants and flavorings added. I assume most people drink ethanol because they are taught that it's not a drug and that they just want to "fit in". I personally believe that ethyl alcohol causes genetic mutations(some of them undetectable until further generations) and these genetic mutations get passed on from generation to generation. Most other things that causes genetic mutations can be prevented using antioxidants. However, antioxidants do not protect against the genetic mutations that ethanol causes. Buddhists have often been persecuted. It's likely because their ideas of general non violence, abstaining from booze, and reaching enlightment would cause a loss in the power structure in selfish governmental bastards. Stupid fucking government killing Buddhists monks in other countries, and then they say "freedom of religion". Maybe the U.S. government uses the excuse of "oh, they're not in our country, their in that other country". If we really believe that governments should let us do what we want, why is it that people don't notice or protest the constant torturing and imprisonment of Buddhists from other countries? Why not fight back and protest when hippies were prevalent? Why not now with Buddhists? Why not collectively drop the Kool-Aid for a while and stand up for something? If people see others trying to make a difference, they rather gulp some Kool-Aid on the couch and don't even sparingly read up. People call the local news "news" and most people rather get used to the ever-collapsing(at a slow but exponential rate) system and have even more Kool-Aid. The structure of the system makes reaching caring, peace, and awareness like reaching the stratosphere. The computer isn't letting me separate things into paragraphs lately.
My vision of bees also got ruined recently. I thought bees(the actual insect) turned pollen into intermediates into nectar into honey using special chemicals they produce, but it turns out that all they do is use nectar to make beeswax and extract the honey part of it. That was a huge downer. Perhaps we don't have a world that can fit into any specific set of formulas. It may actually be that only if I had a specific barbiturate and propranolol, I can test out the false memory creation properties and if I screw up, propranolol is there to alleviate the sadness and trauma from a sad false memory. I guess in the end, we each do what we do. To each their own.
How about fermenting propanol and ethanol at home? Then you can distill to get purer product. Propanol seems somewhat better, as propionaldehyde is less toxic than acetaldehyde. The article reads threonine can be used for fermenting propanol. Propanol as an end product of threonine ferme... [Arch Microbiol. 2004] - PubMed - NCBI
Is propanol the future of fermentable alcohols?
Furthermore, chlorobutanol can be made from chloroform and acetone. Chloroform is made from acetone and pool bleach(NaOCl). The problem with making chloroform is that if anyone notices a giant bucket, it'll seem very suspicious.
2-methyl-2-butanol would theoretically be an awesome alternative to ethanol. Ethanol hurts the reproductive system at nearly any level. It also displays toxicity due to toxic metabolites. 2-methyl-2-butanol is not toxic and is only dangerous because at doses too high it displays too much sedation. Unlike ethanol, 2-methyl-2-butanol does not cause genetic mutations. It's also easy to manufacture on an industrial level and it's cheaper. 2-methyl-2-butanol does not cause amnesia, hangover, or irrational behavior. It's more clear headed and can boost confidence and sociability so it can be anti anxiety.
Perhaps ethanol's damage is gradual, but it may likely cause genetic mutations that cause people to be more fearful and conform more. Even cutting back on it helps.
Finarfin a dit:
Why are my questions not answerd?

There are places where alcohol is prohibited. The muslim faith as well as the buddhist faith prohibits the use of alcohol. There are a lot of people who do not drink.

Maybe it has something to do with fusel alcohols like isopropyl alcohol and others. I'm not entirely sure. It could be something in the hops. Some people can't stand the substances in hops. Maybe it's that some alcoholic beverages have gluten in it. Some people are gluten intolerant. It's good to know that there are some faiths that rarely if ever drink booze.
Hi, I'm not here because I have a problem with alcohol, but it has affected my brother. Now I'm seeking out the best possible way to help him recover. He is 23 years old and he constantly drink until he pass out. Last night my parents found him and his friend totally drunk in his room, vomit all over the floor. They are pretty much intoxicated that night. When we tried to confront him, he seemed to be a whole different person. He would go from crying to laughing manically. Our family had a long talk about his alcohol dependency issue, and we decided to move in Louisiana to find a good rehab center for my brother. We are doing this to help him avoid the people that had contributed to his alcoholic behavior. I've been searching on the internet for about 4 hours now just to find a rehab center that provides a good alcohol addiction treatment program. Any suggestion guys? I'm having a hard time looking for a good one, so I'm looking forward to get some suggestion from you guys. Thanks in advance.
Very sorry to hear about your brother. Alcohol is one of the most dangerous drugs. He HAS to want help himself, and not do it for others. he needs information about what alcohol can do to the body. For one terrible example, it can cause disease of the liver, but this will not be known about toll it is often too late.

I cannot tell you how important it is not to lecture him, but to be there for him and LISTEN to what is making him want to just do what he is doing which is his way of escaping from his reality

In other words. Most of us now are made to feel dependent on the 'experts' for therapy. But the best therapy begins with each other. LOVE, listening, care.

yes I know that alcohol needs detox, and he needs help with that. B ut problems are often in the family, but other members are in denial that THEY are part of anothers problems. So this is really complex and that is how you need to let him know he can trust you to LISTEN so he will then begin letting what is bothering him out. WHATEVER it is. Real listening is doing that. Let him know you love him. That is best medicine
zezt a dit:
Very sorry to hear about your brother. Alcohol is one of the most dangerous drugs. He HAS to want help himself, and not do it for others. he needs information about what alcohol can do to the body. For one terrible example, it can cause disease of the liver, but this will not be known about toll it is often too late.

I cannot tell you how important it is not to lecture him, but to be there for him and LISTEN to what is making him want to just do what he is doing which is his way of escaping from his reality

In other words. Most of us now are made to feel dependent on the 'experts' for therapy. But the best therapy begins with each other. LOVE, listening, care.

yes I know that alcohol needs detox, and he needs help with that. B ut problems are often in the family, but other members are in denial that THEY are part of anothers problems. So this is really complex and that is how you need to let him know he can trust you to LISTEN so he will then begin letting what is bothering him out. WHATEVER it is. Real listening is doing that. Let him know you love him. That is best medicine
Thanks for the reply zezt.
You're right, he has to want help himself. But we're always here to support him. We're still talking to him and I think he's now listening, he's realizing the reality with his alcohol problem. We'll surely help him when he decide for what he wanna do to recover.
Thanks again zezt, people here are really wonderful.
I have ready this article about addiction and marijuana (https://www.bonzaseeds.com/blog/super-blue-dream/) and its pretty fascinating. I know that marijuana isn't addictive but this article says marijuana can help you stop from different sorts of addiction like smoking tobacco, drinking alcohol, and some other drug addiction. I have no experience even a little in using cannabis products and i dont even smoke but this got me curious. Any one? what are your thoughts about this?
I think that Alcohol is bad for us but we keep drinking it because it is good lol. Obviously consuming alcohol excessively is bad.

The ethanol found in alcohol is really not good for us, especially, if you drink too much and heavily. Ethanol in alcohol can cause liver disease when alcohol is consumed excessively.