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The sun has stopped !

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Ahuaeynjxs
  • Date de début Date de début
Indeed ! I wanted to laugh about the ultimate symbolism I tought everyone was familiar with :lol: I never expected it to become more than a few replies long...
Isn't it interesting how Mercator himself drew the polar region ?

the entrances of two out of three burial cairns is aligned with the winter soulstice. groups of us would trip here summer and winter solstice.
the same would have been true of the cairn ive posted in the picture thread but its been robbed out.



Wow VERY nice ! There is a distinct sacred feel in that place, how is it aligned ?

It always bothered me how the south and north pole images of the earth are always a complete BLANK, the south pole is supposed to be mostly white but with some land sticking out, not a FLAT whitened paint-shop-pro like plain like they give us on Nasa website :

If you are talking about getting to the speed of light it wont happen because the faster you go the more the light or radiation that is coming towards you from the front changes its wave length = before you got near it you would be killed by gamma rays .
You would be killed by gammarays right after exiting the earth radiation bands about 100000 kilometers off on the sunny side, NASA says... You can go to the moon but Mars is another story !

We haven't invented the plasma shields yet, DUH :lol:
I understand your general exasperation... You probably fell on some videos like this one which are massive programmation tools , they come in all shapes and flavor, anything inciting action out of fear will do.

(Spare yourself watching the whole thing, it's blatantly exasperant)

http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=dl80K_MB6 ... re=related

As you can see they even use techno music so the listener gets hypnosed by the video and denounce the video games ; AS IF !

Well I'm not better if you look at it sternly ; I'm saying when you see the illuminati watergate open, don't throw yourself in blindly to save your own skin from the falling meteorites (metaphor).

I'm saying face the meteorites and know you are them, love them and you will rise like you were crystallised in the sun. You need to be physically, emotionally and mentally fit when this happens, or you will start beleiving, or even worse ; unbeleiving !

But I'm not really saying that, just keep in mind that it's all programming tools, the hollow earth, the plain earth, the UFO, the IFO, the ET, the IT.

I'm saying study and prepare...

You know the song by now, I'm just interested in things that are old and have not been talked about much, there was manipulation of our history, HUGE manipulation... thats where my interest lies, if there is truth in there we will find it eventually, it will resonate without fear, we all know that in our hearts.

Don't we ? :paranoid:
Do you all see what I mean ? The holographic step is stepping out of victim toughtform but also PERSECUTOR tought form.

If you think you can become the master of your world ; you persecute your own DNA !!! Saying you beleive in god, that you are god, or that you don't care about god because you are powerful over your life tells the same thing to your DNA. Our bodies are not only ours, we share it !

http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=4iCcnDuY6 ... re=related

Thats why it's so hard to unmix deep feelings about all thats talked about lately ; it's all so simple, yet so complex. I'm not surprised Dr.Mercola sells lots of supplements, there is some truth in what he says however.

I say you be neither, but you know the earth grows whole foods and that keeps you healthy, you know it makes electric fields that keep you healthy, you know how to build your house then to remain healthy.

But thats all very complex, much more that we could imagine right now, because the NEO-cortex is still a mystery to science, we know it needs EPA and DHA in huge quantities to remain flexible and grow, we know it needs all trace minerals. That already implies that you need a golden sea algae tank and eat lots of algae extract in your self-suffiscient home, you need to build it with resonating materials, you need WHOLE, living (enzyme activated) foods.

And if you're not about doing it, if you have children you need to give them just THAT. Not a metal box like I've grown into, my DNA speaks up now !

And stuff we don't know yet, thats also where my interest lies !

Cheers ! :)
Did you guys ever think where the expression HOLY SHIT come from ? One day I was walking in the field and came upon this very big pile of DUNG, some HOLY things were growing on it !


This guy is hilarious, but he makes some sense !

http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=s9DZBzKpp ... re=related

Think about THAT the next time you eat french fries !

mmm potatoes *drools*
That video about the New Biology, genes controlled by mind? What is mind then and what controls it? It sounds a bit like another "free will" religion to me. Isn't the mind ultimately a product of DNA?

Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
we know it needs EPA and DHA in huge quantities to remain flexible and grow, we know it needs all trace minerals.
Do you know this product? I'm drinking 30 drops a day right now.

restin a dit:
I once will take a HUGE bowl of weed and read precisely all that you wrote.
I do that every morning, afternoon and evening. Perhaps that's why I'm digging this thread so much.

Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
It is a normal thing that your BS detector is going off the scale, because I am stepping out of time to bring you not only the information as understood by scientists and channeled by visionaries, but I also bring back the virtues into the picture, connecting the dots as a duty to truth.

As a stream of consciousness my communication flows with stealth, I believe in nothing, this is just meant to be written :)
Dig it?
I even heard smoking tabacco (the commercial one in stores) changes your DNA.
And after googeling it now it seems to be true.
http://www.redorbit.com/news/health/953 ... index.html

In evolution (yes it happens everyday) everything changes/evolves.
Nature is constantly building up ressistance against natures violations when they move their habbitat. I mean cum on, there's been an evolution of life on Earth ever since millions of millions years ago! The Earth is an Ark of life!

I don't know where we are going through now.
But there's been a mindblowing event of changes last decade.
Ladies and gentleman, I think we live in a very interesting age of time.
We have yet to discover the tip of the iceberg, but we are so close now.
Change is upon us, and mind will alter the ego :)
It's how carcinogenics work, by changing the DNA. Earth is around 4.5 billion years old, there has been evidence of unicellular life since 3.8 billion years ago.

If the history of earth would be rescaled to a month of 30 days, life would originate around the 3rd or 4th day. Around the 14th day photosynthesis evolves. Eukaryotic cells don't evolve until day 20. Multicellular organisms around day 24.

Only the last 10 minutes of day 30 there would be humans.
Are we then the climax of evolution?
Evolution is multiorgasmic? Hurray!!