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The real blast

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user it is always best to observe yourself and the effects. i mean planning a dose is quite useful. but then ... i want to emphasize that after you have ingested a large dose, you have ingested a large dose.... so ... there's no turning back. :P

that's why i reccommend to eat the shrooms in portions.... first eat like maybe your last dose or make a tea like 3 g maybe and then wait until the effects come up and then you can see how they hit you. then you can decide quite safely if you want to eat more or not, also see if you feel like they are coming fast and intense and then better wait and see. also because maybe you can see the direction the trip is going or could be going and if you like it feel free to eat more. if you're not sure, better wait and see how you feel and when you have a "clear head" you can decide.

but maybe you want to take a risk and take all the shrooms you want to take at once??? so that the trip starts trippier??? might be cool, but consider yourself warned that it might be too heavy for you...............

peace bro and a good journey wherever it may take you! :weedman:
Thank you for your replies. I was just wondering how much of a jump it is when doses get high; like from 5 to 6, or from 5 to 7, is there a much noticable difference. I think I feel comfortable with 6 grams, and that is what I will be taking. My plan is to injest 6 grams with 2 of my good friend where we will be sitting in the middle of a park, under the stars, tripping and talking the entire night. And taking walks here and there when we need to.

Thanks man. I still have some time before my experience. I have about 2 weeks. I still have to get through some difficult exams; Biology, English, Calculus, and Chemistry. After those, I will be having this beautiful experience, and then the next day I am off to Seattle for a 3-week roadtrip with my Father, 2 Uncles, and 2 cousins. Going to be one spiritual month! :D

in order to better your trip start eating healthy food in the time before tripping and maybe don't eat at all 1 or 2 days before the trip. but the latter is up to you... for many it's like not eating for some time before makes it more meaningful, spiritual, more comfortable or deep. i think that's mainly because of the poisons that the body gets rid of in the time of not eating. but it depends for everyone ... for many people it's also that they have more energy if they don't eat for some time.... maybe because the body doesn't need energy to make energy out of food and therefore there's more energy... or maybe too because of the toxins that are brought out of the body. :P
sometimes after the first day of not eating or something like that you might feel quite weak, but when you're body no longer longs for food then you will be at peace. (i mean not hunger i mean appetite for food because of the daily routine of eating) :P

but if you eat good food and also excercise or whatever makes your body feel good that will also have a great effect.

peace and have a nice trip mate!!!! 8) :weedman:
Ok thanks BrainEater. I planned on fasting for 6 hours like usual, but I would love to do a longer fast, but I always fail. This time I am going to try to do day-day and half fast. Does the hunger eventually subside?

the idea is not to think about food. every time your mind wanders to your stomach gently redirect it onto something else. its better if you have something to keep your mind busy. remember you arent realy hungry, not after 6 hours, its just a habit eating every couple of hours. the feeling will pass after a couple of minutes if you can redirect the mind. if you let yourself think about food your stomach will expect it and you will be hungry. learning to fast for longish periods takes a bit of practice so dont get stressed if you crack. one thing fasting teaches you is the fragmented nature of I, that the human mind is more like a committy than a fixed ME and you sometimes end up in conflict with yourself.
Brugmansia a dit:
High dose of shrooms is hardcore psychonautism. Just like salvia.

Would that mean that a heroic dose of shrooms could be in a certain way comparable to a 6-8 hours long k-hole?
yes, the stomach can be quite capricious...but as with other body processes, like the need to take a crap, it's a bothersome signal that we get but after a while it completely subsides.
Alright thank you for your replies! I was wondering, if I were to start my fast at lunch, the day before, and fast from lunch, the rest of the day, wake up, and fast all day until around 10pm; well is there certain foods I should eat at lunch? Is it better not to eat meats? Should I just have a large fruit bowl? Or would it be better to have something that will hold me off for a while? Thanks,

Psychoid a dit:
Would that mean that a heroic dose of shrooms could be in a certain way comparable to a 6-8 hours long k-hole?

How the hell can you acheive such a long K-Hole ????

Higher dose ?
Tiax a dit:
Psychoid a dit:
Would that mean that a heroic dose of shrooms could be in a certain way comparable to a 6-8 hours long k-hole?

How the hell can you acheive such a long K-Hole ????

Higher dose ?

I never used K, but I don't think K is comparable to mushrooms in anyway.
magickmumu a dit:
I never used K, but I don't think K is comparable to mushrooms in anyway.

I know that, what I was asking is how can a K trip last for so long ? When I look on Erowid the usual trip is 1-3 hours long max.
LOL I knew when I posted this that it would turn out like this.... what I meant by "in a certain way" was not that the feeling would be the same, but that like K you would be too far away mentally to interact with reality. And I never had a 6-8 hours long K-hole ;)
wiyh shrooms you arent really separated from reality as such. it may be hard to see whats going on- the visuals can make it difficult to make out faces etc. but you are firmly embeded in the world. thats my experience anyway
Psychoid a dit:
LOL I knew when I posted this that it would turn out like this.... what I meant by "in a certain way" was not that the feeling would be the same, but that like K you would be too far away mentally to interact with reality. And I never had a 6-8 hours long K-hole ;)

Ketamine has a dissociative effect, unlike Psilocybin mushrooms. The effects of K are closer to that of Nitrous oxide or PCP than to the effects of mushrooms.

I got some friends with ketamine experience. They say it's like a long Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas)
Like I said I have no experience with K or laughing gas. I know Ketamine is grouped within the dissociative drugs group. Other dissociative drugs are: DXM, Salvia divinorum and the muscimol from the amanita muscaria.

Walking down the streets on a high dose of mushrooms is not a good idea. (for me anyway)

You want to be focused. Set and setting becomes so much more important when the dose is high. This is how I do it.
I usually create a magick circle or base. In the beginning of the trip I always stay within this circle. Being in the circle keeps me focused and grounded at the same time. I also make sure the space where I trip is cleaned, before taking the mushrooms. . What I want to do while tripping is going into the mushroom trance and have visions. Going into trance is almost impossible while walking around.
The best settings for me are a dark room, or a nice place outside where it's dark and silent.
I always eat mushrooms at night or in the evening. Never in the morning or afternoon.

Sometimes even a lower dose (not a low dose) can be just as strong or stronger than a higher dose. It all depends on the mushrooms and brain chemistry.
The strongest trip I had was not the highest dose.
Yeah I don't think I'll go outside my house on a heroic dose, from my experience with lower doses, this ends out by either being bored to walk after not too long or like it so much that I can't help but look like an insane freak. People would call the hospital... not the cops.
splash a bit of whisky on like aftershave. that will explain everything to enquiring minds. people see what they want to see. or wear a hospital bracelet. no one will bother you then :wink:
in the words of marty feldman in young frankenstein- act casual, say nothing :shock: