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The real blast

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
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I'm having a 10 days vacation next week and am gonna buy some shrooms tomorrow or the day after. Therefore, I am planning to experience for the first time a full dose of shrooms. I am planning to take 5g dried.
The highest dose I have taken yet was ~2.5g dried in lemon juice. It was pretty intense, but I feel ready for more.
But with such a high dose, I don't know what awaits me.
So my main question is: What do you usually do when you take very high dosages of shrooms? Are you still able to walk in the streets, and enjoy it? Or is it more likely that you just lie down for the entire trip?
Last time I took a high dose, (5 grams dried), I was left in confusion and racing thoughts that made no sense. My ego died completly and I was struck very hard. It took me about 3 hours to let go, then it was complete bliss, knowing that nothing can be worse than what just happened. But I enjoyed walking on a warm summer night. Your walking skills are good if you don't stop and don't turn a lot. But next time I do a high dose, I think I'm just going to sit in my room and meditate next time. That way the hallunications are more profound, because the unchanging scene has room to morph apon other hallunications. This way you go much deeper.

"Are you still able to walk in the streets, and enjoy it?"

To tell you the truth, I did not enjoy any of my experience. I went to learn, not to have fun. So if you just want to have fun, I would say stay to the lower doses. But if you want some serious searching of your mind, go for it, just hang on. This is what my little 'signature" applies to.
No I'm not taking it to have fun. But still, walking in the street and listening to music felt good on lower doses. I should have formulated my question this way: While under the influence of such a dose, is there a chance I might be too weak to walk in the street and therefore feel it like a torture and wish I stayed home in the comfort of my bed?
No, you will be fine. You don't have a total loss of reality, as I thought. I also guess it depends on the type of mushrooms. Mine didn't get very visual at all. I think this was because we were walking. The constantly changing scence didn't give time for the hallunications to get intense. I don't know if you have ever experienced ego-death before, but you will forsure here. Oh yeah, I should mention that it is NOT pleasent to experience that in a town. To see cars and people running around is VERY scary for some reason. If you have somewhere to hang out at until you can 'let-go' then I would stay there until you feel comfortable to go for a walk.

PEACE, have a good trip :D
I didn't do my 5g trip as planned, instead I went for another 2.5g with lemon juice of extremely potent shrooms, which turned out to be an awesome trip with lots of insights. I am going to do the 5g trip this summer. But what I learned from my past experiences with shrooms, is that when I prepare my shrooms with lemon juice I get better effects, although a pretty rough come-up. I'm wondering if I should not take a little less than 5g if I do it with lemon juice, since the effect is boosted? What do you think?

"To see cars and people running around is VERY scary for some reason."

Yeah I know what you mean, I experienced that fear of other people and cars when walking in town on lower doses. I can easily imagine it gets a lot worse with higher dosage :P
we really arnt sure if the lemon juice actualy aids in the speeding up of the absorbtion of the mushrooms in your body from the acid or weather its just the fact that they are blended up into a fine powder and therefore are already broken down unlike eating them which makes them a thick mush in ur stomach. personaly i love the lemon trick and hell if it does use the acid to speed it up then great!! if not then it makes a great placebo thats for sure. when you do your 5 gram trip i would say make tea or some kind of drink so ur stomach doesent get too upset. but its all up to u. have fun tripping
I personally would never take a high dose like 5g and go around people on the streets. Whenever I take a high dose like that I need to be able to react to the trip instantly which means I must be able to quickly lie down in total silence as well as jump up and move however I like to move. From a certain amount of shrooms (like 4g and up) the trip becomes my reality and nothing must interfere with that reality. Silence and darkness (not total, but relative darkness) are essential in my opinion to get a grip on myself when things in my head become too weird.
Thanks for the answers :)

I guess when I do it I'll just wait for the effect to come-up then decide what I do :P
Psychoid a dit:
Thanks for the answers :)

I guess when I do it I'll just wait for the effect to come-up then decide what I do :P

if there's gonna be any deciding at all :p
Well the shrooms are gonna choose for me I think :P
i once knew a friend(well more like a friend who i don't like) who ate 7g of cubensis dry.

he was telling me about the experience one day. the only thing i remember him saying was something like this...

"It was the most intense shit of my life. I was in my living room standing just before the kitchen doorway thinking something was going to happen. I stepped through the door and my life changed. I don't know how, or what, but I was so fucking scared I thought I was dead."

5g is a heroic dose IMO.
I'm seriously avoiding any contact with humans and the daily life if tripping above 3 grams. It's just 'cause I'm feeling really vulnerable and small. Very earthy with goodness that reminds me of Jesus Christ (though I don't like Christanity at all, but there's a resemblance in the vibes I'm getting :shock: )

I just lay down 'cause walking feels very unpleasant, simple chores are difficult to execute.

On acid I tend to be more physically active, I'm not losing any lineair focus with thoughts and chores. High dose of shrooms is hardcore psychonautism. Just like salvia.
"High dose of shrooms is hardcore psychonautism. "

High dose of shrooms is HeartCore psychonautism..........
what type of shrooms? ive had 1000 p.sem and went to the pub. it wasnt exactly a nightmare but easily could have gone that way. i didnt have a clue what was hapening. friends and i have been so out of it in the street we walked up to a moving blob of chaos in the street, touching it and discussing what it could be only to realise it was an old couple walking theyre dog. ive found myself totaly lost, not a clue whats going on with a voice coming from the swirling darkness saying- GET OUT OF MY GARDEN. its much safer to be off the streets on large doses of mushrooms. even if its just a park- a safe one. also on a decent dose the visuals are pretty much all you can see. the problem with tripping in the street is you have no control of what other people get up to. on smaller doses, with slight effects similar to smoking a spliff you dont learn much of value. its worth the extra effort to get on a bus, go somewhere pleasant and safe and really go for it. its only 6 or so hours.where i live mushrooms are realy part of the culture. bring some weed, light a fire, if someone has an instrument take it.
I agree with you . I think most people here take serious underdoses . I didnt give a shit , if i could stand up i went for a wander through the town and talked to peoples shoes or had a pint , but playing snooker or darts was a bit dodgy .
I can't deal with straight people while tripping. I don't want to go to jail.
ive had many a funny game of snooker or pool. its getting the balls to hold still...i can bluff togetherness under almost any circumstances but its through experience. the only exception is ketamine where i look too pissed to get into the pub. its not a trip unless youve had a big enough dose and youll learn everything your going to learn on shrooms wether you like it or not. the flip side is they will only teach you so much. there is no point pussyfooting about with them, all youll learn is how to be afraid of them
"there is no point pussyfooting about with them, all youll learn is how to be afraid of them"

Exactly my opinion to . Get em down yer gob and have a real trip and not an imaginary one where you either get bored shitless or freak yourself out . I didnt like to have to look for a trip , i liked it to give me something to do . So its was entertaining .

Anyway , i`m going up the wooden hill to fairy land now , so good night .

I still havent recovered from doctor who on sunday looking in the Tardis and changing his identity . I`m praying that in the episode net week the new one travels back in time and picks up captain Jack and some how changes the time lines so hes him again . If not i`m joining the daleks .
High dose of shrooms is HeartCore psychonautism..........

HAHAHA, It's true.

Anyways, instead of opening up a new thread, I have some questions for people who have exceeded 5 grams. I have done 5 grams a few times now, and can now 'work' in that space. I think it is time for a higher dose. Did you guys just go to 7 or 8 grams, or did you take it slow, gram by gram? 7 or 8 grams seems like what I am looking for in a mushroom trip, but I have no experience with it,

do what you feel comfortable with user1919. if your in a safe place and happy double the dose