silv a dit:
Zezt I'd like to ask you what your general opinion on mary jane is though. Crystal clear as it is that it is bad for you, how do you think about the use of the drug in general (for other people who might not be/get addicted to it)?
Hi, sorry its taken me a while to reply. Must have missed your question.
From my experience with people, including a wide age range, there was this constant need for spliff everyday. And when we came togther to do session, you could sense the mood went down UNLESS people were skinning up. So you had a room full of smoke and spliffs coming round all the time. That is NOT healthy, but is made to seem cool
So WHY is it made to seem cool?
Well, I have my ideas I will share with you. When I was a kid growing up in the 1960s it was the OPPOSITE of how it is now. yeah you had the occasional warning gov. advice ad on TV about possible cancer from cigarettes, but you had ciggie ads of healthy looking sporty people lighting up cigs by streams in the countryside and saying how much they liked the taste of the baccy. You had ALL the cool people smoking, and all the uncool people not.
The 'cool people' were the actors, rock stars, film stars. And most programmes on TV and film they all had cigarettes, and me mum smoked and she was cool. So ther was no hope for me. All me friends who were older than me smoked. So I smoked from being 10
Now....the REALLY cool 'in crowd' which included black musicians, soulsters, rock stars like The Stones etc etc ALL smoked pot. they were always in the news gettin arrested and whicl all the stupid lookin straights surrounded them who you know didn't. It was almost a mythical drug to this kid
let me tell you who turned me onto smoking cannabis. my first toke was Black. Do you remember an English surreal classic cult series called the Avengers ? Well it was a chacter in it called Steed. His stand in stuntman who I met in London
From there I loved it cause it made me giggle like fuck, and altered my perception, especially listening to music. And it went on from there
In those days is was part of the Hippy/Head scene so it was WELL cool. You were part of the Revolution scene and peace and love. And the ritual was sat in circle passion big fat joint round. Noone hogged it then
When I came hom and started hangin out in jamican culture the vibe was completely different. Some scenes were had a real violent vibe. And it was amajor culture shock
Soon I began using tokin as a way to deal with life. But I went through periods where i'd just have one spliff a day, then once a wekk. But generally I reverted to every day, and mostly at night
but i wont bore you with any more ramblin. Directly--i would recommend not smoking. Some people have pain, and the only drug that helps them is draw. For them obviously they need it. But the thing about draw is it stays in the system. And soon it permeates your system. Drogginess. And allthe day centred round your toke
I believe Indigenous people have access to tobacco that is mildy psychoactive, but they will only use it for spiritual occasions. Not every day every day which is inhealthy in my opinion