Everyone has BiPolar Disorder.
Don't fear it, it is the natural order your brain does. You have waves, just like in trips, of serotonin and dopamine, they are natural waves...
You will always have happy and sad, because without 1 there is not the other.
It also depends on what you think about when your down, or when your up that contributes to diagnosis...
Most people who have been diagnosed with BiPolar disorder often have downer periods, where they start thinking about bad things, and it's like a chain-reaction, where it's very hard to get back and out of it.
Usually when you notice your sad / happy, you're at the peak of this natural wave, and will slowly go up or go down...
The waves are not, however, uniform!!
You will have big waves, small waves, and stable periods... everyone does. It depends on your surroundings, what you eat, if you excercise, etc.
Like they say... Eat healthy and excercise.
This brings back your natural and "prehistoric" instincts, being healthy and eating when your hungry, not just whenever...
My theory is: Eat when your hungry, and when your down, excercise, do something.
It works for me, and keeps me more stable!