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"The End?"

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random a dit:
I could even say the rest of the biosphere life that exists in this planet.

That's why some people choose to go vegetarian, right there :)
At least vegetables don't scream in the process :twisted:

I like to eat most of what the biosphere has to offer.
Ha, reminds me of the quote: 'We weep for a bird's cry, but not for a fish's blood. Blessed are those with a voice'

I liked that one!
In short words shows pretty much of the hipocrisy that walks upon the earth!

Btw, I love sushi!
st.bot.32 a dit:
Ha, reminds me of the quote: 'We weep for a bird's cry, but not for a fish's blood. Blessed are those with a voice'
I love that quote
GOD a dit:
Do Re Me Fart Sol La Ti Do . Or so i learnt it with the psychonuts anal orchestra .

Linear time is a part / thing / rule of our universe ( not only ours ) but for the multiverse / 10 th / 11th dimension , or whatever one might call it if it "exists". is irelevant . Linear time is first a start and after that an end = cause and effect but in quantum mechanics there is the unsharp relationship = the cause and effect of anything / some things is not clear = maybe the quantum world is not linear = maybe time is not always linear in our universe either........

Put me right if i`m wrong or said it wrong please .

linear time is not a rule of the universe. It is a psycholigcal cage imposed on slaves--us via patriarchal mythology/propaganda. A good example of this is is anciently at near the beginning of writing with the Enuma Elish which is the myth of the solar hero god Marduk attacking the Great Goddess of Chaos, Tiamat and then imposing the linear notion of time onto the universe!

yes your damn right QM has found a very different weird world of nonlinear reality submicroscopically!

Really the more anceint Goddess mythological understanding is that time and eternity are not at odd with each other. For in this authentic mythology we have birth death regeneration, etc, nature moving in cycles, spirals, fractals, not in the linear way that the patriarchy insists with its Apocalyptic visions of 'ends' followed by static versions of reality with out darkness and death and pain and tears
Zezt... you actually make some sense, you have been doing your homework I see.

Thats great news !
I think when you arrived here, you got to see one particular side of zezt, but in the months before that, he was already writing things like he did here. At least I remember him talking about the patriarchy, the goddess religions, cyclical time etc.

Just now I tried finding some of his older writings, and the very first thing I stumbled upon was this...
Pretty intense !

Incredible even I would say... crispy clear rivalities, in the politics forum.
There will be an afterlife, but it's just a matter of faith. My faith is strong, so I feel the existance of God in every moment, strongly believe in a day of resurrection, judgement and eternal hell or heaven.

We will be resurrected, just as we've born. We don't know anything before birth, we were not asked if we really want to be born - as human. We'll reborn again afterdeath, without our intention.

In my belief, the resurrection in afterlife is not something just by soul but by bone and flesh as now. We spoil millions of our DNA copies to everywhere we touch, sit, spit, defecate etc. These are very robust in their consistency and could withstand thousands of year. In my view, God -who is the greatest genetic engineer- will turn this world after apocalypse into somehow a giant PCR machine smart enough to make our new copies to judge for what we've done in our life. Introns -large segments of untranslated DNA segment of our genome - would serve some functions then.
Thats good beleifs that in the wrong hands could be used to create a worshipping cult. If thats what you need to maintain a logical suite of actions in the world, and that it makes you feel more purpose ; I think it's great that you live by those feelings and your faith.

For me however, faith is not mystical or dependant upon a particular diety, it's the power of electron transfer in the body, the capacity of our sillica to vibrate faster, until we hit the speed of light and finally be free (which could take a while)

You seem to be on the right path of understanding with your philosophy about DNA however, its very useful to me, your perspective.

I remember being asked to incarnate, and why, I also remember my pre-life existance in great detail. Today I was rolling down the road home in my car, and a child started looking at me very peacefully at a red light. He was at MOST 1 year old, certainly not old enough to move in the baby seat or turn his head much. He looked at me for a good long minute, very emotionally and kind of observing me with wise eyes. I was already astonished at the clarity of his eyes and the coherence of his emotions, he felt deeply intelligent, like some child prodigy, thing is... he probably did not even learn to say mama yet. He still looked at me without blinking, and seconds before the light turned green, he raised his hand very slowly, very peacefully and said goodbye in a most peculiar way, folding his hand in half very slowly (it showed his muscles weren't even developped enough to wave) but he still folded his hand 4 times, before turning his head back and facing the road.

When I live experiences like this, I don't think there is a GOD I can understand ; there is certainly something, HUGE, that I cannot comprehend. It's so huge that I cannot even know how it interacts with the world... let alone predict that he has an agenda for our DNA. I think its blasphemy to think we are godly enough to understand him, I think the pope himself is blasphemous in his position.
Ahuaeynjxs, as soon as you label "him" you create duality when there is only singularity.

I simply call it "the unmanifested", and we are manifested and exist, therefor we are life.

I see a system in our society and its patterns, and I see ways of solving them, and I see other people doing the same. We are indeed approaching what you call "him" and I call the Unmanfested Infinity. The goal for our lifes are not doom and gloom but true identiy with oness and one hell of a fun time beyond our wildes imaginations. We will co-create it in the ways we focus on.

Peace! :)

- Enivid
You know I don't say him because I think its a white bearded man, you really know that I use it because there is no better word. Saying IT would not resolve the problem any further :P

To me the goal of life is to surpass the speed of light with your body, DNA AND mind... which is very complex and rarely fun.

To be free... approaching the speed of light and joining the oneness looks like one grey dull peaceful place to me. It's not even something I figure I'd rather die...

But you also knew that. You posted at least 5 similar messages with the only actual content is we're becoming one, all is one, we all love the one, we're all the one, and all is now, and we're all the same.

Every time I answered that in my perspective that is the boundary, the chains that bind us once we liberate our mind to that particular truth. You know I don't think it's untrue, but I am alone in knowing why you feel compelled to say that my point of view is incorrect.

You also know that...
non-existence allows no existence. nothing can be created out of nothing.
have you ever seen true nothingness in this life?

this is a virtual reality, not reality. in reality, we are equal immortal god/s living in godmode. this godmode universe is completely different than what we see here on earth or in space. everything here and in space is an illusion. since we are already allmighty and allknowing, there is nothing left to discover. there is nothing outside of us gods to play with. therefore, we create virtual realities, or, put in other words, we play hide and seek and forget who we really are - we get lost. there is no purpose or meaning but we make us illusionary purposes because our true existence as immortal gods is so meaningless. the human body is simply an avatar, a temporary prison of flesh, which we inhabit and through which we experience human life. there are infinitely many other virtual realities. we played them all before but temporary amnesia is the price we have to pay in order to properly play in this game. this truth is deliberately difficult to find out because we designed this virtual reality. in godmode, this undertaking is a piece of cake.

infinity->finite existence->infinity->another finite existence...

i hate my life and the fact that many people suffer(ed) so badly in this world. wars, terror, poverty, inequality and one billion humans who barely have something to eat is the status quo of this world. we are responsible for this. this is our manifestation. the majority of us gives away responsibility by believing in religion or by being obsessed with materialism. this is all wrong.

Good !

At least this vision takes responsibility... but gods have never been all knowing, I dunno where you took that. If you mean we're a part of the infitite not-understandable thigny "up there", well I rather see it as we are like a particle of its sneeze than its right arm, if you allow me the expression.

We're still giants, and GREATER than most of us remember, but not in a directly fashionable way. We are meant to free ourself from the limitation of these light galaxies conundrum, it's not a purpose we invent, because it's revealed to us through pure chaos, and manifested in order.

If it was all so meaningless, there would be no reason for people to fight and suffer, which would mean it's all a big joke, I'm not going to buy that version anytime soon ! :lol:

Society maybe, but not the creation as a whole... how depressing that tought must be for you, you have to seek lucid dreaming and see that things you cannot imagine exist in other places...
Let's keep up the pace, or we'll get lost again.

What is it that makes the deeper end of us fantasm and enjoy movies where everything gets destroyed... if we hate so much this world we live in... why do we recreate it at night to better destroy it when the sun rays clear our subconscious and blinds our unconscious ?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIhFbGH0 ... 4&index=14