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The Eleusinian Mysteries

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
9 628
"After having acquired all which it was possible for him to learn of the Greek philosophers and, presumably, become an initiate in the Eleusinian mysteries, Pythagoras went to Egypt, and after many rebuffs and refusals, finally succeeded in securing initiation in the Mysteries of Isis, at the hands of the priests of Thebes. Then this intrepid 'joiner' wended his way into Phoenicia and Syria where the Mysteries of Adonis were conferred upon him, and crossing to the valley of the Euphrates he tarried long enough to become versed in the secret lore of the Chaldeans, who still dwelt in the vicinity of Babylon. Finally, he made his greatest and most historic venture through Media and Persia into Hindustan where he remained several years as a pupil and initiate of the learned Brahmins of Elephanta and Ellora."

From: Ancient Freemasonry, by Frank C. Higgins, 32°

Secret Teachings of All Ages: The Life and Philosophy of Pythagoras


Three thousand years ago in ancient Greece a mass religious event took place every year in which a sacred brew was drunk by initiates in a ritual setting.

"Blessed is he who, having seen these rites,
undertakes the way beneath the Earth.
He knows the end of life,
as well as its divinely granted beginning."

~ Pindar

The Mysteries were celebrated at Eleusis, from around 1500 BCE to the fourth century CE, in honour of the goddess Demeter and her daughter Persephone. After Persephone's abduction by Hades, god of the underworld, Demeter left Olympus and vowed never to return, nor to allow crops to grow on earth until she and her daughter were reunited. Demeter found refuge in the palace of the king of Eleusis, Keleos, and as a mark of gratitude, she founded a temple there. Fearing that humankind would become extinct without food, Zeus ordered that Persephone be returned so that Demeter would also go back. Before Demeter returned to Olympus she instructed the kings of Eleusis, Keleos and Triptolemus on how to celebrate the rites in her temple, which were to be 'Mysteries' (secret teachings).

Up to three thousand people were initiated each year - any Greek-speaking person who had not committed a murder could present themselves once for initiation. Among those who underwent the rite were Aristotle, Sophocles, Plato, Cicero and a number of Roman emperors such as Hadrian and Marcus Aurelius. The celebration of the Mysteries began in the autumn, with four days of rites and festivities in Athens. On the fifth day, a solemn procession to Eleusis began, during which rites, sacrifices and purifications took place. On the sixth night, cloaked in secrecy, the climax of the Eleusinian ceremony took place in the inner sanctum of the temple, into which only priests and initiates could enter,.

"The initiates often experienced in vision the congruity of the beginning and the end, of birth and death, the totality and the eternal generative ground of being. It must have been an encounter with the ineffable, an encounter with the divine." ~ Albert Hofmann

Before the climax of the initiation, a sacred potion made of barley and mint, called the kykeon, was administered. The possible psychoactive ingredients in kykeon have been hotly debated. It has been suggested that the mint in the mixture might have provided the mind-altering element as the mint family contains the plant Salvia divinorum, used by the Mazatec Indians of Mexico in a divinatory context. Terence McKenna has suggested that Stropharia cubensis, or another psilocybin-containing mushroom, might be the key.

The most convincing theory about the nature of kykeon results from extensive research by Gordon Wasson, Albert Hofmann and Carl Ruck. In 'The Road to Eleusis' they argue that the parasitic fungus ergot, found on particular wild grasses, is the psychoactive component of kykeon. It would have been simple for an Eleusinian priest to collect the ergot from the wild grass growing near to the temple, grind it into a powder and add it to the kykeon. The theory is further supported by the fact that ergot is commonly found on grain, Demeter was the goddess of grain, and ears of grain featured prominently in the ritual.

LSD is a modern product of ergot, providing an intriguing link between the Greek religious rituals of many thousand of years ago, and today's entheogenic explorations.

As Albert Hofmann - inventor of LSD and investigator of the Eleusinian Mysteries - puts it:

"If the hypothesis that an LSD-like consciousness-altering drug was present in the kykeon is correct - and there are good arguments in its favour - then the Eleusinian Mysteries have a relevance for our time in not only a spiritual-existential sense, but also with respect to the question of the controversial use of consciousness-altering compounds to attain mystical insights into the riddle of life."

From: Council on Spiritual Practices - The Eleusinian Mysteries


Mithraism revolved around not only religion but also advanced astronomy, philosophy and science, and it also embraced what would now be called alchemy, astrology, magic and the occult. The plant sacred to Mithra was mandrake, well known for its associations with magic. The Magi were followers of Mithra before becoming associated with Zoroastrianism (the Illuminati often passed themselves off as Magi).

Soma/Haoma was an Indo-Persian drug used in Mithraic ceremonies. It was the "divine", intoxicating juice of a "legendary" plant drunk by gods and men to induce ecstasy. A powerful stimulant, it was associated with spiritual and medicinal qualities. It could also cause hallucinations, trances, visions and "inner" sight. It was said to confer an inner fire and immortality on those who took it.

From: Illumination - The Mithras Deception


No exploration into yoga and meditation would be complete without a look at the ancient lineage of sacred plants and herbs that many assert are at the origins of religious experience and spirituality. We live in a time of drug hysteria that calls for a more intelligent understanding that doesn't lump every psychoactive substance, plant, or herb into the same category called dark and dangerous. The Soma was an ancient brew or drink prepared by sages and yogis that was said to bestow health, strength, insight, spiritual visionary experience, and communion with divinity. This sacred drink, also called “Amrita” or “nectar of the gods,” opened the mind, heart, and inner landscape while purifying and healing the body. The word “Amrita” means nectar. It comes from the word “Mrita,” which means death and “A-mrita” means non-death or immortality. Soma use dates back to the ancient time of the Vedas and origins of yoga.

Researchers have suggested that the Soma was made from psychoactive mushrooms or possibly from a combination of plants, like the middle eastern Haoma or Syrian Rue, and various herbs. The formula and exact nature of this “nectar of immortality” has been lost, possibly forever, in the mists of antiquity. The Amazon region holds what is probably a similar sacred brew, called Ayahuasca, which means vine of the soul or vine of the dead. For centuries, and probably thousands of years, this plant admixture has played a primary role in indigenous people's spirituality, healing, and discovery of a vast pharmacy of medicines and healing herbs. We owe much of our pharmacopeia to the legacy from indigenous peoples and the sacramental practices.

From: http://www.maps.org/news-letters/v21n1/v21n1-33to34.pdf

Voir la pièce jointe 13974


Carl P. Ruck, Peter Webster - The Mythology and Chemistry of the Eleusinian Mysteries - YouTube
This is a restored thread (the original one was deleted by a former moderator). Some comments from the original thread:

Abej^a G.

yeah man good work!!! you made me curious!

I find it... Amrita: in Hindu mythology is -water of eternal life- ...in fact, -immortal-... for the Kikeon they talk about wine too... Mandragora (is aphrodisiac too and other and other....)
these plants can do many many things..

(Epic cycle of Demetra and Grain
"[...] and a flowing pure and perennial source three parts water, the fourth of wine. Commands to the slaves that the sacred ears of Demeter threshing, is not just the strength of Orion, in well ventilated areas and on a threshing floor round ... When Orion and Sirius are come in the midst of heaven, and Arturo can be seen from Aurora's rosy-fingered, or Perse, then take all grapes and portals at home. [...]")

I Misteri Eleusini

Aphrodite, Demeter, Angizia, Medea, Istar, Anahita, Isis, Ceres, Maja:
Mother Earth, potential life, life manifests itself in motherhood, life returned (death-rebirth), she who comes to the rescue, and next to them, or in their hands, often were placed the snake:
water and snake, life and knowledge, are found in the ancestral cults of every people (bible, celts, amazons, sumerian, egyptian, caduceus...


zezt wrote:

It is important to know that it was the Orphic Mysteries which influenced the Eleusinian Mysteries and that the former had reformed the originary Mysteries of Dionysos. meaning? That the Orphics imposed a very oppressive interpretation which was dualistic, conceiving of the body as being a tomb of the 'divine spark of Dionysos' and only therefore through 'purification' rituals could this trapped spirit escape the body and nature and return home above to the spiritual origins they believed spirit came from. In other words this is a dualistic belief, and is toxic myth.
The original Dionysian myths did not divide earth from heaven, and saw spirit and nature in an animistic way, and in partaking of the sacrament felt they were literally possessed by Dionysos, the god of many names, one important name being god of nature. These mysteries are very related to Goddess spirituality which understands nature and the body and cycles to be sacred, and not a trap to escape from, though of course also being aware of other dimensions that are in continuum with the dimension of earthly life.
Apparently the Orphics diluted the psychedelic sacrament. Notice that in the Eleusinian Mysteries it is all very secretive like a secret society, and it was a very punishable offense for 'ordinary' people to take the sacrament outside the authority of the family which hosted the Mysteries. So it was very much authoritarian, yet were the last Mysteries in Europe before the hammer came down.


Abej^a G. wrote:

yeah! from Orphic we are Confucio, Buddha, Ezechiele, Zarathustra, Pitagora...

(Orpheus in Argonauts [:mrgreen:] with his lyre and singing save many many times traveling companions [like a shaman...] ...)

in Dionysus' cult they eat raw meat of a kidskin, and drink him blood, like symbols of the will of identification in Dionysos.

"To the uninitiated to Bacchus (orgies) should not be divulged." (Euripide, Bacchantes)

they drank a lot of wine too... (like sabba I think...)


zezt wrote:

I think there has been propaganda against the original rites of Dionysos. I am attracted to this god for some reason. S/he is a wild erotic character. If you ever trip on magic mushrooms please listen deeply to this. it is the most powerful music!! it says ORPHIC hymn to Dionysos. I prefer to think of it before the miserable paranoid tight arsed Orphics came on the scene!
.:. The Orphic Hymn to Dionysos (Χαίρε Νύμφη) .:. by Daemonia Nymphe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TD5zbXREo4w&feature=k


Caduceus Mercurius wrote:

Hi zezt! Good to see you're still around. Nice music. I'll give it a listen next time I'm tripping.


Abej^a G. wrote:

yes but.... I read in the rites of Dionysos there was the possibility of human killing... maybe for these was there propaganda against them......
I read also in there was only girl... (beautiful orgy!)

I like Orpheus, who went in the hell to recover his love Euricide...

edit: I'm listening the music...
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
We owe much of our pharmacopeia to the legacy from indigenous peoples and the sacramental practices.

preparation and diet, and we will discover the unknowable

Voir la pièce jointe 13994
Kernos, receptacle used in the rite of the Great Mysteries

Voir la pièce jointe 13995
graminaceous infested by ergot

In Aristotle "those who are initiated not have to learn anything, but feel emotions, evidently after becoming adapted to receive it"

Firmico Materno: "I have dined on the eardrum [the secret words], I drank from the cymbal, I have become a mystes»

maybe, they had a "Preliminary initiation in Little Mysteries (myesis), the initiation proper to the Great Mysteries, known as Telete, and 'epopteia, or maximum degree of initiation."

http://www.samorini.it/doc1/sam/sam-2008-lecce.pdf ,
and from here, many others link: Segale cornuta (ergot) | Giorgio Samorini Network (different languages)

...and about the music?!
about music: tympanum (a drum) and cymbal (two flat cables hemispherical)

Echeion: mystic name for cymbal used in the cult of Demeter. Also echeia, or hemispherical vases of different sizes that produce different sounds, played using a small wand.
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
Among those who underwent the rite were Aristotle, Sophocles, Plato, Cicero and a number of Roman emperors such as Hadrian and Marcus Aurelius

Cicero: defender of Res Publica.......

Sophocles: creator of "Oedipus the king", the importance of scenography -"Mamma Roma" by Pasolini, "Le Haine" by Kassovitz: the city which has its own life

Pythagoras: golden section......

Plato: the other and real world, the myth of the apple and reincarnation.......

Aristotle: among others, the principle of the excluded middle (fundamentals of computer science by De Morgan/Bool on "true or false", theorems permanence of the sign)


how much will have engraved the Eleusinian Mysteries about them????
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
The most convincing theory about the nature of kykeon results from extensive research by Gordon Wasson, Albert Hofmann and Carl Ruck. In 'The Road to Eleusis' they argue that the parasitic fungus ergot, found on particular wild grasses, is the psychoactive component of kykeon. It would have been simple for an Eleusinian priest to collect the ergot from the wild grass growing near to the temple, grind it into a powder and add it to the kykeon. The theory is further supported by the fact that ergot is commonly found on grain, Demeter was the goddess of grain, and ears of grain featured prominently in the ritual.

Wasson in a Mycological society of America" likened the messican rite of "velada" made with psilocybe mushrooms, and the eleusinan rite; he think about indole alkaloids, and so to this psilocybin mush and not to amanita muscaria as a possible psychoactive mushroom eleusinian.

The hypothesis of the presence of opium in the Eleusinian rites, however, is not to be excluded.
Representations of the capsules of the opium poppy, too often confused with apple fruits grains, are innumerable in religious Minoan, Greek and Roman.
It's an emblem associated with the cult of the Mother Goddess of the Bronze Age, if not even earlier periods (Neolithic), and so in those cults which originated from the Eleusinian Mysteries and the other cults demetriaci of classical antiquity.
Next to the ear of corn, the capsule of the opium poppy plant is the emblem most represented in depictions of Demeter.
Papaverine, opium alkaloid, is considered an effective antidote to the poison ergotiche, like atropine present in solanaceous psychoactive.

Voir la pièce jointe 14357 Patei of Aquileia in silver.
There is represented the initiation of a Roman emperor to Eleusinian Mysterie

Statue of Demeter found in the Agora of Athens.
V century BC
To the right the particular of the poppy capsule held in the hand by the goddess (from Kritikos & Papadaki, 1963, fig. 34, p. 118 )

is in Italian, but Samorini is worth to translate: Il problema della distinzione fra melograno e papavero nell'iconografia antica | Giorgio Samorini Network
Firmico Materno: "I have dined on the eardrum [the secret words], I drank from the cymbal, I have become a mystes»

maybe, they had a "Preliminary initiation in Little Mysteries (myesis), the initiation proper to the Great Mysteries, known as Telete, and 'epopteia, or maximum degree of initiation."
from a purely subjective perspective i like the ergot theory the most, it gives more meaning to the synthesis of lsd and the psychedelic revolution in the 60s, and gives more direction to my own use of the good ol' lysergic

ive never heard that about the poppy chemical being an antidote though very interesting!!