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The effects of Cannabis on your Dreams?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Mrboxey
  • Date de début Date de début


Elfe Mécanique
Does anyone here notice how if you are stoned or high, your dreams become a lot more real and vibrant?

I have had a few experiences where I could have sworn the experience felt just like real life..

Now, on the other hand of this, when I wake up from my normal dreams, I very rarely get the same sensation... do you think it's a direct result of using cannabis, or do you think the effect is just in my head (psychosomatic)?

I have also noticed, that lucid dreams happen more frequently when high or stoned... Any theories on why this might be? I have not had many lucid dreams while sober, however about 1 in 3 of my dreams is a more "lucid dream" than normal. I haven't gotten to the point of full control over those dreams, but some aspects I find I can control...

Not sure what that says about me lol...

Any ideas or similar experiences to share?
My situation is completely different from yours, I don't dream when I smoke weed. Whether I'm sleeping right after a joint or hours after I don't dream, or I don't remember what I dreamed, whatever it feels the same for me.
That is one of the reasons why I don't smoke anymore
there was this strain going around that i used to smoke just to go tosleep
Hark a dit:
there was this strain going around that i used to smoke just to go tosleep

What was the strain? Was it a higher concentration of CBD to THC?

You didn't have any dreams at all?

Also same question to mezzo... Was the strain you were smoking relatively higher in concentration of CBD to THC? Sounds like it might have been.

When I experienced the most vivid dreams it was a strain that was considerably higher in THC compared to CBD. Perhaps you guys were using a strain that was higher in CBD than THC....

Since THC is the active ingredient that spikes up the creativity.... and CBD is the one that cuts it down...
I smoke strains of naturally grown outdoor weed which have a good CBD to THC ratio cause i feel its way safer on the mind and kills a lot of anxiety than high THC strains.

Usually, its when i take a break from cannabis I get ultra life like dreams which seem as if I'm awake in an alternate reality while sleeping. I noticed this prominently during my one and half year break from cannabis.
toogoodforyou a dit:
I smoke strains of naturally grown outdoor weed which have a good CBD to THC ratio cause i feel its way safer on the mind and kills a lot of anxiety than high THC strains.

Usually, its when i take a break from cannabis I get ultra life like dreams which seem as if I'm awake in an alternate reality while sleeping. I noticed this prominently during my one and half year break from cannabis.

Yes, I suppose if you smoke a strain that has a higher CBD to THC ratio you wouldn't dream.. I guess mainly it's with the higher THC strains that the dreams come with.

Hmmm... I guess nobody here prefers the strains with higher THC then?
Mrboxey a dit:
Hmmm... I guess nobody here prefers the strains with higher THC then?

I've smoked hash which has a higher percentage of THC as well, but again i got life like dreams when i would take a break from smoking. Like some crazyyy dreams.... I still get them... Before cannabis happened to me my dreams were never so intense
Guess, I'm just weird then... Oh well, I wonder what will happen if I stop it completely then? Be interesting to see the dreams then...
WHEN I SMOKE POT I GO SO DEEP IN ANIZ... some ones been on my keybored.
Hark a dit:
WHEN I SMOKE POT I GO SO DEEP IN ANIZ... some ones been on my keybored.

Sounds like someone is having one of those "lucid dreams" right now :D

Good stuff then?
yeah. first day i tryed this witch is called loud. And I came down into a head ache from thinking so much.
Hmmm.... Yes... Over thinking things can get your head in a twist...

Maybe you should consider "dumbing down" when you smoke sometimes, and just flip on some music videos or some cheech and chong, nothing too deep there! :D Just relax, enjoy the ride, and when you are done, sleep it off, and wake up refreshed!

Works for me. When I do a smoke session and I don't want things to get too "deep", I throw on a comedy, a sit com, simpsons, cheech and chong, or some cool music vids and just zone out....
Danny555 a dit:
No it doesnt effected much.

Can you elaborate a little bit more... you say it "doesn't effect much", does that mean that you do notice a difference? If so, what sort of difference? Or are you saying that it doesn't make any difference? And do you notice a marked difference from nights you smoke before, and nights you don't?

Please give us some more details :)
Yep im exactly like mezzo in this regard
i almost NEVER dream when i smoke pot, which is fairly often...most days
however when i dont smoke i almost fear going to sleep at night because of the intensity of my dreams
not only that but the frequency of the dreams when i take a break from smoking goes up by heaps, i'll have as many as 5 dreams in a night sometimes