Hello!I was lucky to find some hands of RA,lately,but i never saw the guy who sold them to me,again.And that´s the problem with acids cause when you try them and find that they were good you lose sight of the person who sold them,i wish i could get a whole sheet of acids,that would be a blast!I know from personal experience that Hoffmans and "pombas" are not good Lsd,that's why they are the most common to be available,as well as the crappy BartSimpson's.But the main question is that it doesn't matter what drawing the stamp has,what matters is how it was dipped in liquid lsd,and how it was kept after being dipped,until it reaches your hand.Guys that hand me over the acids as they are in their hands are dum'asses because either it's their hand or their pocket that,really,has the most lsd.Don't accept lsd that is handed over to you wrapped in rolling papers,cause they absorb the lsd,look for a crystal like glow in the stamp,it´s perfectly possible and usual that the guy that sells that to you,gives a little lick on the stamp before selling it to you,and obviously this ruins your trip.This is why for me,the best is liquid lsd,witch i still haven't got the luck to try.But i don't think we should question ourselves,like "acids don't hit me,i might have a problem" or i have a "high tolerance level",because i'm preety shure that's not correct.If you abuse on them(taking a lot),and keep taking them on the same "scenario" always with the same music and people,probably you will have the same felling and your trips might not be Overwhelming as well.Your trip is what your mind really wants to happen in it,so i think we should take them wisely.
Hope this helps,greetings!!!
Stay Cool!!!