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The Church of Satan

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion magickmumu
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But exactly, only one way to truly find out, a shame it's so definitive Razz

A shame but I am also happy. I mean what if you definetly found out that you'd burn in hell painfully before death? You wouldn't enjoy it....and suicide wouldn't be the answer for sure :P
restin a dit:
But exactly, only one way to truly find out, a shame it's so definitive Razz

A shame but I am also happy. I mean what if you definetly found out that you'd burn in hell painfully before death? You wouldn't enjoy it....and suicide wouldn't be the answer for sure :P
after death you mean I guess.. ?
well, you wóuld learn to enjoy your time here while you still can :P until you are being sent to the lake of fire to burn for all eternity :P. But fuck it, at a sudden points all of your friends will be there and you can eat marshmallows together :D
Anton LaVey the founder had a purer purpose imo, one of challenging the christian dogma and weakening its hold on the collective psyche. the new guy is just another bad catholic i believe swapping one BS for another sort of BS.

the reason i like Magickal systems is they oppose the programming we get as children, which like it or not stays with us into adulthood. what im talking about is akin to the ritual arguments tibetan monks use for the same purpose. there is no truth, ultimately. the tibetan monks argue to destroy dogma. holding polar opposite belief systems in your psyche does the same. that is the value of magicK. the *therefore>therefore>therefore>therefore>* thought processes set up in the psyche as a result of entertaining opposing beliefs. it is a journey not a destination. am i making sense?

everything is permitted, nothing is true
the *therefore>therefore>therefore>therefore>* thought processes set up in the psyche as a result of entertaining opposing beliefs. it is a journey not a destination. am i making sense?

i would argue it is an attempt at a progression of thinking instead of circular thinking, because pretty much anyone who claims to have found the t word (err, truth) by the very nature of having found the truth has to engage in circular thinking to reinforce his/her belief system
Anton LaVey the founder had a purer purpose imo, one of challenging the christian dogma and weakening its hold on the collective psyche.

That's what I wanted to say with the 9 rules.

the reason i like Magickal systems is they oppose the programming we get as children, which like it or not stays with us into adulthood. what im talking about is akin to the ritual arguments tibetan monks use for the same purpose. there is no truth, ultimately. the tibetan monks argue to destroy dogma. holding polar opposite belief systems in your psyche does the same. that is the value of magicK. the *therefore>therefore>therefore>therefore>* thought processes set up in the psyche as a result of entertaining opposing beliefs. it is a journey not a destination. am i making sense?

To be honest, you are right but that has nothing to do with Satanism. Satanism is, next to its deepness, only a counter-dogma to Christianity, in a philosophical way (as I describe it).

The rituals are in my opinion not much more than lightshows and mystizism, to attract people.
And actual carnival full of life broke loose out of a simple spontaneous question. :D

I usually equate: divinity is consciousness. We are God looking at itself and laughing. And like Mckenna said: "The start of any intellectual life is the ability to sustain opposites simultaneously." (paraphrase though)
"The start of any intellectual life is the ability to sustain opposites simultaneously."

I think it is (scientifically) still unknown what makes consciousness.

Chimpanzees also have a knowledge of death.

Some apes also use tools.

What is in the 1% of genome that makes us different from the apes?

I usually equate: divinity is consciousness. We are God looking at itself and laughing.

OK, if I accept that I am God, what tells me that there's no God above me? Maybe it is like an onion, we always get another layer of divinity?

Is consciousness divinity, too?

By the way: I never saw God as a conscious (creature). I always imagined divinity as a power, without human-like consciousness...
I'm an atheist,but I dont close my mind from thinking about soul existence. I just dont belive that the higher power controlls my life,or helps me in any point.

I would call myslef an "mystic atheist" :)
Mikey_Massacre a dit:
I just dont belive that the higher power controlls my life,or helps me in any point.
What about your environment? The world around you, the people you know, the streams that push you. I know they are able to be controlled in some way, but they are still a higher power. It just doesn't have to be some entity similar to man like christians believe.

Not stating anything, just some food for thoughts :wink:
Well,at some point youre right. But the only god(in the meaing of something with endless power) i belive is my mind :)

I'm not saying all religions are bad,Buddism at some point is great.

But belives(or myths) about heaven,hell,eternal life and so on are to hard to swallow for me.

Probalby we will all find out at the end,and see who was right :wink:
Indeed, where it goes wrong is the myths being used as a tool to obtain power, with christian hell as a nice example. But most of these myths can be very interesting when interpreted metaphorically: for example hell or heaven could be being on your death bed in retrospect of your life?
I read the Satanic Bible as a kid, and I must say that it's far from what most people believe it to be.

Hell, I mostly agree with what's said in the first part (the philosophic part) and apply some of those principles to my everyday life, while totally disregarding the second part, which is about esoterism.

Mr LaVey idea was that most human still need some magic in their lives, and that's why he included the rituals in his bible.

As he said, "Satanism is nothing but Humanism, if it weren't for the rituals." (or something like that.

So I guess I'm a humanist, which suits me fine.
Well I agree with metaphoricall interpration,but(in what I belive) our lives continues after we die,in somethink like neverending circle.I'm not sure is it gonna be something like Buddism belives(that you may be a bird,fly or something). But thats just a theory,like many others.

Who knows maybe the Egyptians were right,and we end up with Anubis who weights bad and good deeds? :lol:

Many people had something called "near death expierience" and they said they saw God,heaven or hell. In my opinion its the DMT in our brain that activates these visions.
"Many people had something called "near death expierience" and they said they saw God,heaven or hell. In my opinion its the DMT in our brain that activates these visions."

Why and how should it be DMT ? Where is the DMT stored and made ? And how is it released sudenly in an amount that could cause a trip ? Why dont people who have near death experiences report any come up or come down ? The reported experiences bear no resemblance to DMT or other drug experiences . Why is there no confusion , no personality loss and no losss of clarity .
Thanks very much for the link , i enjoyed watching the video . Its interesting speculation backed by no facts . If you listen to what is said you will hear he says about his theory "could" , "might" , "you can concieve" , "it seemed" , "it apeared to me" and "might sugest at least a strong paralel" . Nowhere did he say "it is" or offer any real evidence of a conection . He also never claimed to have had a near death experience with wich he could compaire to any DMT experiences he either has or hasnt had . Neither did he quote anyone who had had both and said that they were similar .

The questions remain :- How could DMT be released sudenly / instantaniously in an amount that could cause a trip = a minium of 50 mgs ? If it comes from the pineal gland where is it stored ? If it was stored in the pineal gland you would be able to remove one and extract at least 50 mgs of it . If it isnt stored iin the pineal gland where does it come from ? Can the pineal gland produce and release 50 mgs of DMT instantaniously ? Why dont people who have near death experiences report any come up or come down / DMT flash / separation from reality ? The reported experiences bear no resemblance to DMT or other drug experiences . Why is there no confusion , no personality loss and no losss of clarity as with DMT ?
I agree with you. Its still a theory. My fault for using it as a fact.

Your questions are right. Where is it stored? I don't know. I'm sure if there will be more sciencetist reaserch with DMT maybe few of this questiones would be answerd.

My theory why there is no come down(no facts,just my thoughts) is that the DMT produced in Pineal glad is a kind of "natural",that our body got used too it. :roll:
you wanna say death is no more than a drug in the brain ???
I'm not saying death,but near death expierience.Its not my theory,but Strassmans. And if you watch Perception -The reality beyond matter video,it makes more sense.
yes it makes sense... especially if you consider the brain being the "operating centre of the body" as a last resort for consciousness having experiences ???