THC initiates brain cancer cells to destroy themselves

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion HeartCore
  • Date de début Date de début
I would LOVE to know WHO is it that CLAIMS Hemp SEED oil cures cancer in the first place to Kick their nuts up all the way to their brains to see if they start making sense.

Funny how you follow GODS ignorance and respond aslo without being hindered by factual knowledge.

Anyway, google for phoenix tears and spend an hour watching the people in there, then burn it down here or give your opinion.
HeartCore a dit:
I would LOVE to know WHO is it that CLAIMS Hemp SEED oil cures cancer in the first place to Kick their nuts up all the way to their brains to see if they start making sense.

Funny how you follow GODS ignorance and respond aslo without being hindered by factual knowledge.

Anyway, google for phoenix tears and spend an hour watching the people in there, then burn it down here or give your opinion.

Do you read with your eyes or with your feet?
first i've seen foenix tears and i believe all those people had the luck of having a cancer type that expressed the CB1 or CB2 receptor, if they didn't they wouldn't be there talking about it

i agree with restin

you let your feelings towards GOD cloud your judgment.
do like i did
re-READ and understand and THINK before posting, i respect you HC
but sometimes you leave me speechless
because the one showing ignorance so far is you, surely GOD is obnoxious and likes to stimulate our rage, but you are really following your deepest animalistic reaction by answering the way you do rather than use your reason.......
i'm not talking about phoenix tears....unfortunately there are people claiming hemp seed oil cures cancer
Stop being insulting and talking crap . I said "Guys claiming that hemp seed oil cures cancer and because they are nuts getting thrown out of courts dont help us " . There is a guy out there claiming / who has claimed that he cured cancer with hemp seed oil . He has / he had a web site . So you get YOUR facts right .

"More ignorance. the fact of the matter is nobody died of cannabis in the world since we recorded such things. "

Have i ever said that anyone died from useing cannabis . NO . Have i ever sugested it . NO . What you said there has nothing to do with me , what i`ve said or what we are talking about .

"so what exactly do you want to proof?"

I dont want to , or need to proove anything in this case . I asked for proof about a claim that was made earlyer in the thread and up till now no one has offered any .

I have looked at the web site you recomended and its all subjective , personal opinions .

Please stay on topic , stop throwing basesless insults and stop being so agressive .
i mean i've even seen people advertise on the internet that a miracle molecule cured cancer and they made people pay loads for a book that would explain how you could cure cancer by using this miraculous molecule, that in the end turned out to be a Stevia extract.....-..-
There is a guy out there claiming / who has claimed that he cured cancer with hemp seed oil . He has / he had a web site . So you get YOUR facts right .

Show me, the link please.

Btw I can tell you, you will only find Phoenixtears which is not about hemp seed oil. If you find what you claim you saw, I will wholeheartedly apologize to you.
"Show me, the link please."

I cant do that as i dont remember . I am lucky enough to have a self imposed filter in my mind that doesnt alow my mind / memory to fill itself full of useless crap . I look at things and remember the important / sensible bits , the rest i forget .

No one has still offered any proof about the claim made earlyer in the thread that i asked for .
however to go back on topic
no one was saying taking cannabis is good for you GOD as restin wasn't stating that.
taking cannabis can be good and bad, like anything.
what's there to be proved?
you like it? you take it.
you don't like it? don't take it

you have cancer?
you feel like trying, because anything else failed? good, try it, if you survive then it did you good.
so far no study was able to actually PROVE ONCE AND FOR ALL that cannabis, IS either GOOD or BAD for you.
it's definetly bad if you are allergic to it. however the incidence of people who are allergic is low and mostly due to the pollen of the male plants or the hairs (not the THC containing ones) on certain strains. THC allergies have not yet been encountered on a medical level as not enough people have been confronted with pure THC.
does that sound good enough?
if not why?
EDIT: on a pharmacological point of view cannabinoids (whether biosynthesized by man or plant) are antioxidants that don't really cause problems, such as vitamin A or E because, much like CoQ10, is reabsorbed by the organism at cellular level within the membrane.
now tell it bad or good? sounds pretty good to me.
The only points you have proved up till now are that you are ignorant , arogant , agressive , that you cant deal with your psychelogical issues and that you are biased and have something against me . You used to have a good reputation here , with the emphasis on used to , but you are well on the way to destroying any credability that you might have left .
Dante , we are agreeing with each other , except that i am not talking about any claim that Restin might have made or not . If you read the thread again you will see the claim that was made and that i am asking for proof for .
i have no intention to read the thread over
would you please tell me what it sounded like?
restin a dit:
a major study on human beings that is scientific enough is, I think, yet to be conducted. Such a study would need to be conducted over a human lifetime, with at least 5000 participants and should exclude external sources that would disturb the result.
GOD, I think he meant that one.
Naaah! it makes too much sense...
The only points you have proved up till now are that you are ignorant , arogant , agressive , that you cant deal with your psychelogical issues and that you are biased and have something against me . You used to have a good reputation here , with the emphasis on used to , but you are well on the way to destroying any credability that you might have left .

I don't give a fuck about credability on an internet forum by a guy that only seems to bash for the sake of bashing. When called upon your bullshit, you hide behind non existent information and when asked to back it up, you don't remember. Then you refer to name calling when being laughed at. It's funny how different your personality on the forum differs from the one you use to write me PM's with, apologizing for things that I wasn't aware of where an issue in the first place. Which reminds me, are you sure you aren't reflecting your own psychological problems on me?

I have nothing against you, I just don't take biased unfounding thread bashing which is something you've been doing since you came here.
i guess he takes at heart the scientific method which in it's stricter sense would be to question what is finally come to be solid...bashing involves unstable arguments a solid argument cannot be bashed.
however if you guys have something personal going on, take it somewhere else, PMs are there for a reason
has someone come up with a solid study that STATES that cannabis is 100% good for you? NO! that's what's GOD saying...right???
has someone come up with a solid study that STATES that cannabis is 100% good for you? NO! that's what's GOD saying...right???
Oh c'mon. No one really said that and even if the wordings reminded such a statement, it would be clear that there is another meaning behind them. Because "cannabis is good" is an unclear statement that means nothing. Just like "grass is green". And if this was the point of GOD then I should suggest that we step out of kindergarden. I didn't think it was worth to answer GOD's statements because what I meant was clear from the beginning, even if the wordings were not right/unclear.
Dante , Restin . This is getting confused . I didnt make any coment about what Restin has said . So several of the last few posts have no relevance to me . Please dont try pushing anything into my shoes .

A claim was made and i said its a claim and that claims like that dont get us , the forum , the cause or cannabis any good . Then the person who made it refuses to admit that he made a false claim and sticks to it . Nothing more and nothing less .

Unless anyone says anything sensible i wont post in this thread anymore .
that was not the point, GOD. The topic is, if THC is also actively helping against cancer if administered in various, more common ways than oil. Then HC referred to a documentary and said that it supposedly would work as well. I still didn't check out the documentary by the way. And next, GOD, you said "Are you saying that useing cannabis is good for a person ? " - therefore it was you who made this statement. When I answered, I referred to its medical values - and not the wording "good", as it was ME who ASKED if marijuana was "healthy", I simply cannot make any CLAIMS about how cannabis works on the body. - hence I did make no CLAIMS.
You guys are splitting hairs.

It doesn't fucking matter if the science PROVES it's *good* or not, anecdotal evidence suggests it is, and since all studies of this nature begins with word-of-mouth information, the reality is that it SHOULD be studied to make determinations.

The 'science' proves definitively that cigarettes will kill you, but that doesn't seem to deter a lot of people.

Medical science doesn't even know why we get cancer, but I have a pretty powerful hunch that the emotions, and the mind are involved to a much greater degree than people suspect.

Genetics can indicate a predisposition, but they do not sentence one to a certainty.

The scientist in me says that there should be studies, but the realist says;

'what's the point' ?

People don't trust science anyway.

The fact that cannabis has been proven to do as much as it does is a great illustration of my argument.

It's still schedule 1 CS........the proof is well-documented that it destroys cancer cells......I have seen different examples in scientific journals.

A culture that doesn't trust science is fucked anyway.

Why not smoke one?