I noticed something this past week.
I started studying English vocabulary. I've tried to memorize over a thousand difficult words. I do this by listening to mp3's while I brush my teeth, cook or drive in my car.
What I noticed was that the same synchronicities that occur when you consult the Tarot (for example) also happen when you learn new words. For example, at the exact moment a word is mentioned, I might see something related to that word. It didn't happen once, it happened over and over again. And although some of these occurances might be trivial, some were extraordinary, freaky even. The psychedelic involved was cannabis.
I won't go into detail here (no time), but I can only say that I started noticing it again and again. If you do the same, you will notice it too.
Now words are pretty mundane compared to the "esoteric" Tarot set. But somehow synchronicity occurs with both, if you immerse yourself in them deeply. And inhale deeply I might add.
Recommended vocabulary programs:
The Verbal Advantage (22 CD's, I listened to them thrice)
Vocabulary Booster (200 words)
Word Master (500 words, with Baroque music in the background)
Million Dollar Vocabulary (500-1000 words, using various meta learning techniques. Fun and exciting.)