Tap water in 31 Amercan cities is carcinogenic

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
The Environmental Working Group released a report Monday indicating that millions of Americans are regularly drinking hexavalent chromium, made famous in the film "Erin Brockovich" as a carcinogen, through their tap water.

The group -- whose study was first reported in a story Sunday by the Washington Post's Lyndsey Layton -- tested water from 35 U.S. cities and found that samples from 31 cities contained hexavalent chromium. The highest concentrations were found in Norman, Okla.; Honolulu; and Riverside, Calif. The substance had been a widely used industrial chemical for decades and has evidently leached into the groundwater in many areas.

The EWG report states:

"Despite mounting evidence of the contaminant's toxic effects, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has not set a legal limit for chromium-6 in tap water and does not require water utilities to test for it. Hexavalent chromium is commonly discharged from steel and pulp mills as well as metal-plating and leather-tanning facilities. It can also pollute water through erosion of natural deposits.

"The authoritative National Toxicology Program (NTP) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has said that chromium-6 in drinking water shows 'clear evidence of carcinogenic activity' in laboratory animals, increasing the risk of gastrointestinal tumors. Just last October, a draft review by the EPA similarly found that ingesting the chemical in tap water is 'likely to be carcinogenic to humans.' Other health risks associated with exposure include liver and kidney damage, anemia and ulcers."

Drinking-water supplies all over the country are increasingly tainted by chemicals used in natural gas drilling. And Erin Brockovich, for her part, told the EWG that she's rather astonished to find that hexavalent chromium is still a prospective health threat in so many communities.

"It is sometimes difficult to understand why I still have to warn the public about the presence of hexavalent chromium in drinking water 23 years after my colleagues and I first sounded the alarm," Brockovich told the EWG. "This report underscores, in fairly stark terms, the health risks that millions of Americans still face because of water contamination."

(spice's voice: It is difficult for me to understand how you can be so damn naive. These are basically the same people who were trying to kill you back when you were a whistleblower. How'd you manage to forget that?)

The list of cities found to have hexavalent chromium in the municipal water supplies are as follows:

• Honolulu, HI
• Bend, OR
• Sacramento, CA
• San Jose, CA
• Los Angeles, CA
• Riverside, CA
• Las Vegas, NV
• Salt Lake City, UT
• Scottsdale, AZ
• Phoenix, AZ
• Albuquerque, NM
• Norman, OK
• Omaha, NE
• Madison, WI
• Milwaukee, WI
• Chicago, IL
• Ann Arbor, MI
• Louisville, KY
• Cincinnati, OH
• Buffalo, NY
• Syracuse, NY
• Pittsburgh, PA
• Villanova, PA
• Boston, MA
• New Haven, CT
• New York, NY
• Bethesda, MD
• Washington, DC
• Atlanta, GA
• Tallahassee, FL
• Miami, FL

http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_thelookou ... g-chemical

My government LOVES me :oops:
Alex Jones is not consistent, he doesn't 'walk the walk', he talks a good line of shit but those that pay attention can find cracks in the facade.

He's a closet Zionist
Was hoping my city was on there for a good excuse to get the fuck out.

"My government loves me!"
spice a dit:
Alex Jones is not consistent, he doesn't 'walk the walk', he talks a good line of shit but those that pay attention can find cracks in the facade.

He's a closet Zionist

He could be an open zionist for all I care - please look at the issue.
Even if you don't agree with the stuff Jones says in his 24/7 focus on terror, the tap water issue is very real problem indeed and should be looked into by whoever left in the US who actually care about their tapwater.

Professor Paul Connett: Your Toxic Tap Water
Nope, sorry, what I am doing is an example of what an Ad Hominem attack is not

The major difficulty with labeling a piece of reasoning as an ad hominem fallacy is deciding whether the personal attack is relevant. For example, attacks on a person for their actually immoral sexual conduct are irrelevant to the quality of their mathematical reasoning, but they are relevant to arguments promoting the person for a leadership position in the church. Unfortunately, many attacks are not so easy to classify, such as an attack pointing out that the candidate for church leadership, while in the tenth grade, intentionally tripped a fellow student and broke his collar bone

What I say about him is directly related to these issues, I'm not calling him out over cheap condoms and hookers here, and IF YOU DON'T know what I am talking about, why have you waded into this topic?
'He could be an open Zionist for all I care' you say

thats where you are missing the boat, man, an open Zionist isn't going to tell you a damn thing, all you have are nut jobs on the internet that are willing to drop hints....oh, the horrors :roll:
You're speaking like a fucking RETARD. Please do STFU and RTFM.
There is clear evidence that the water in several states of America is polluted, that is the issue.

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand that the energy Alex Jones is putting out is completely paranoid, confused and disturbing. Why? Probably because Mr Jesus Rocks Jones have been actively involved in spreading information that is negative, for over ten years - which will change a man.

The problem is, however -- when you actually look into some of these matters, you see that he is actually right in several of the allegations he's putting forth, and the tap water issue is one of these issues. It doesn't matter if he's the pope, the black pope, CIA, a zionist or indeed Akhenaton himself - the water in the states we are discussing here - is still just as polluted, and that is a concern.

IJC- I deleted what I had written in the spirit of the holiday.....but I read this guys reply again......I'm sorry, i can't....

on5- look, dickhead, you don't GET to delineate WHAT the parameters of the topic are, that is a consensus decision, and you aren't a consensus.

Since you are so damn smart, why doncha go up there to the top of the page and see who started this thread ?

It's my thread...... take your ass out of it, I'm sure mom is calling you

Did you actually manage to get that you fucking kindergartner? :axe:

Take your five posts and crawl back into your closet you fucking simplistic twit. Just because YOU can't get it doesn't mean no one else can.
I love your spirit, I just wish you would use it on the enemy lol
(this post is not directed at IJC, but is a general statement, which one can take as a disclaimer)

Well, you have to figure out who the enemy IS first.

If a person trusts the government (expanded definition of 'government' includes government-regulated industry, because of the lobby, and religion, because all of our politicians seem determined to make us co-exist with it, contrary to the clear stated aim of the constitution for it to be separate. It was unambiguous too) in the face of all the evidence;

they are my enemy because they are aiding and abetting, by being an ostrich

If I make links to events and/or facts that are not commonly, easily seen, don't blame me for shining a light where a lot of people aren't comfortable looking.....TOO FUCKING BAD, you were supposed to be over fear of the dark long ago.

You got two types of reasoning-

Deduction-Typical, left brain Sherlock Holmes style thinking, working with the facts. Cause/Effect

Induction- Unusual right brain thinking which is the 'Eureka!' of Archimedes....often, inductive thinking introduces new paradigms into accepted ways of thinking, and if you study history, you will find that inventions that were the fruits of inductive type ideas always utilized factors that were staring people in the face

Effect/ Cause

Where you, an individual, place your focus and attention, is massively under-rated, THIS,AND NOTHING ELSE, is what determines what you can and cannot do.

Who is the arbiter of where you place your attention?

Why have you allowed them to decide for you what the nature of your perception is, what the potential of your perception is?

How many of you are even aware that this has been done to you?

wake the fuck up
Jack Herer(the pot not the man) told me to also say-

Of course the fucking water is polluted.

I thought everybody already knew that. How could you not know it, with this mentality we have in these 'modern' times of pouring everything down the sink, on the ground, in the air?

Yeah, it was all intended to be used like Chinese industries with quotas to meet.......fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

Now.....where does it come from? Where does the BULK of it come from, smart guy? Some dude making dope in the garage or Monsanto?

You answer me THAT mr.on-point, you fucking debate master you.

If I FELT like giving you an elementary school lesson in critical thinking, I could effortlessly draw the lines all the way from the Warburgs to Monsanto to GM to IGFarben
to the Federal Reserve to the UN to Israel. You could too, if you approached the subject with the proper skepticism and knowledge base. Sorry that you are unable to do that, but not everyone is, and most importantly, not everyone WANTS to.

Can you possibly make a simpler connection, say, one between.....John McCain and Israel?
(hint: he has accepted $$$ runnning into SIX figures from pro-Israel PACs as of two years ago, and thats what is on the official record....gee, Wally do you think that might have a corrupting influence?)

Do you have the ability to inductively interpret what their relationship is? (use the rules of induction, I have explained it to you)

get a clue junior, and the next time you tell me to stfu, maybe you better have some ass behind it

read this to get your head in the right place, because UNTIL YOU UNDERSTAND the implications of this document, you will be stuck in second gear perpetually, and you will never understand what is being done to us.

http://www.worldaudit.org/The%20Elkhorn ... 0Davis.htm
more reading for your 19 year-old, genius-in-the-making self

http://lonestarwatchdog.blogspot.com/20 ... s-can.html

OK smart guy, why would the Federal Reserve do this?

Is it because of the 'separation of church and state', that the constitution promised us?


Federal Reserve isn't the government, it's basically a bunch of Jew banks and banks controlled by Jew groups. (get off your ass and do some research, don't expect me to spoonfeed you)

What are the tenets of Judaism? Were they big fans of Christ, do you think?


http://whatreallyhappened.com/content/p ... y-changers

Why would Putin do this?

Was he 'punished' around this time frame for doing this?

(remember, there was a lot of civil strife right then, tanks, etc in the streets.... think it was coincidence do you?)

Let me summarize:

We do NOT have enough transparency in government or industry to know when we are being 'steered' to think certain things that are misconceptions....the only way is to work backward from the truth.

The truth is that we are sheep. Those religious alliterations weren't just stuff some guy pulled out of his ass one day, it was OBSERVATION.

THE Truth is that many of us are not interested in the 'big picture', we are too damn comfortable with our ipod, our beer, yes even our pot....these are the people who, mentally, are in for a REAL BIG ASS-BUSTING when they realize the truth.
Actually, death is probably preferable to most who see things this way. The analogy is a kid born into wealth who loses every dime after he is about 23 years old.......suicide time, because the paradigm-shift was too much, the cracking of the illusion was that fucking shattering.
http://redactednews.blogspot.com/2010/1 ... human.html

http://www.naturalnews.com/029325_Monsa ... ption.html

"Saving the world," and other lies
Monsanto's public relations story about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are largely based on five concepts.

1. GMOs are needed to feed the world.
2. GMOs have been thoroughly tested and proven safe.
3. GMOs increase yield.
4. GMOs reduce the use of agricultural chemicals.
5. GMOs can be contained, and therefore coexist with non-GM crops.

All five are pure myths -- blatant falsehoods about the nature and benefit of this infant technology. The experience of former Monsanto employee Kirk Azevedo helps expose the first two lies, and provides some insight into the nature of the people working at the company.

In 1996, Monsanto recruited young Kirk Azevedo to sell their genetically engineered cotton. Azevedo accepted their offer not because of the pay increase, but due to the writings of Monsanto CEO Robert Shapiro. Shapiro had painted a picture of feeding the world and cleaning up the environment with his company's new technology. When he visited Monsanto's St. Louis headquarters for new employee training, Azevedo shared his enthusiasm for Shapiro's vision during a meeting. When the session ended, a company vice president pulled him aside and set him straight. "Wait a second," he told Azevedo. "What Robert Shapiro says is one thing. But what we do is something else. We are here to make money. He is the front man who tells a story. We don't even understand what he is saying." Azevedo realized he was working for "just another profit-oriented company," and all the glowing words about helping the planet were just a front.

A few months later he got another shock. A company scientist told him that Roundup Ready cotton plants contained new, unintended proteins that had resulted from the gene insertion process. No safety studies had been conducted on the proteins, none were planned, and the cotton plants, which were part of field trials near his home, were being fed to cattle. Azevedo "was afraid at that time that some of these proteins may be toxic."

He asked the PhD in charge of the test plot to destroy the cotton rather than feed it to cattle, arguing that until the protein had been evaluated, the cows' milk or meat could be harmful. The scientist refused. Azevedo approached everyone on his team at Monsanto to raise concerns about the unknown protein, but no one was interested. "I was somewhat ostracized," he said. "Once I started questioning things, people wanted to keep their distance from me. . . . Anything that interfered with advancing the commercialization of this technology was going to be pushed aside." Azevedo decided to leave Monsanto. He said, "I'm not going to be part of this disaster."

Monsanto's toxic past
Azevedo got a small taste of Monsanto's character. A verdict in a lawsuit a few years later made it more explicit. On February 22, 2002, Monsanto was found guilty for poisoning the town of Anniston, Alabama with their PCB factory and covering it up for decades. They were convicted of negligence, wantonness, suppression of the truth, nuisance, trespass, and outrage. According to Alabama law, to be guilty of outrage typically requires conduct "so outrageous in character and extreme in degree as to go beyond all possible bounds of decency so as to be regarded as atrocious and utterly intolerable in civilized society."

The $700 million fine imposed on Monsanto was on behalf of the Anniston residents, whose blood levels of Monsanto's toxic PCBs were hundreds or thousands of times the average. This disease-producing chemical, used as coolants and lubricants for over 50 years, are now virtually omnipresent in the blood and tissues of humans and wildlife around the globe.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/029325_Monsa ... z19NPJ8fs4

these are points for you to work backwards from

I cannot make you drink but you have been led to water, now go develop a grown-up thought process to go with that grown-up attitude you have.

spice just unleashed a can of uber-pwnage on a n00b

sorry im drunk and disorderly atm

but if u see what i mean its true....

and im drunk so i didnt even go through the links