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Support bringing climate change issues to the G8

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion HeartCore
  • Date de début Date de début
GOD a dit:
Stop selling / using plastic bags . We dont have a problem with that here . If people were educated not to do it and why and then fined if they did it would stop .

Here is South Africa, we have started making the changes, we now charge for plastic bags at the shops,note we do not sell paper bags as they are almost twice as bad for the environment due to deforestation, thus most people have bought reusable hemp bags which are sold at the counter as well.

We have recently had an energy crisis which led the government to subsidize all alternate renewable energies. The government has also sponsored efficient lighting in such a way that if you go to the store you can trade you old filament light bulbs for new compact florescent bulbs for free!

They are also paying for everyone geysers (water heaters) to be insulated to keep the heat in. They are also wanting to connect everyone's geysers to a central control system which will turn the geysers off during high peak time to conserve energy.

Those are but a few things happening here and there are a few other models for energy conservation that are being implemented but there scope is too broad to be listed in this thread.

So far, since January this year the country has decreased it's total power consumption by roughly 13%!

That's in one year.


With NO impact to my lifestyle or way of living.
Thats a lot . If the US started doing things like that it would probably cut the whole worlds consumption by the same amount............
GOD a dit:
Thats a lot . If the US started doing things like that it would probably cut the whole worlds consumption by the same amount............

It is a boatload, only shame is what brought on the change was not good judgment, but rather the need due to our old power grid starting to buckle. Our new government is putting uneducated people in high powered positions and ruining our infrastructure.

The same thing is happening to our fixed telephone line and internet infrastructure. Thus the whole bloody country is wireless! Wireless internet and telephone is cheaper than fixed line!

Everything is backwards here.
You have lots of good weather , nice waves , good grass , good psy trance partys and no bombs going off .
GOD a dit:
You have lots of good weather , nice waves , good grass , good psy trance partys and no bombs going off .

Gotta love it.

No place like it in the world. We do have quite an amount of freedom in this country due to all the attention being placed an Black Economic Empowerment, politics, crime and all the other nastiness.

Otherwise it's fucking paradise, wouldn't live anywhere else in the world. I feel privileged.

The weather is a bit on the buggered side of late due to the whole climate change thing. It's mid spring and still raining?
You been here before, if yes where?
Unfortunately no . Not enough money . Also to much chance of encountering racism for me . I hate nazis .
GOD a dit:
Unfortunately no . Not enough money . Also to much chance of encountering racism for me . I hate nazis .

Pity, it's a wonderful place.

The racism thing has subsided pretty much over here. It was still really bad up until Mandela was made president in 94. Everyone has pretty much taken a chill pill and embraced their brother.

The currant government still hangs on to racism though, it spreads propaganda about "the white man" to stay in power. Keeping the majority uneducated, unemployed and ignorant. Blaming it on others but using that fact to keep the people voting them into power.

All freedom fighters become power hungry, greed filled politicians eventually. The next president is actually in a huge court battle on charges of rape, obstructing justice, money laundering, fraud and a couple of others.

Yet he still has supporters, and will become president next year.
I agree about that to .
You should definitely come if you have the chance though, the positives outweigh the negatives 10 to 1.

You are right, the psytrance scene is great, very big, very loud, and the police have never raided a gathering yet. They just somehow know to leave us alone.

Also sorry for derailing this thread.