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Support bringing climate change issues to the G8

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion HeartCore
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Since a year or so I am member of the Avaaz network which I think tries to do a great job on bringing more awareness to people in the world related to pressing issues. Especially where human rights, values or survival is at stake, Avaaz tries to jump in by moving large number of people to help donate/petition/whatever helps, in order to be heard.

Since I am a member, I've never shared any of those actions on this community but I just feel I have to share this one which I just received.

Dear friends,

Canada, Japan, and the USA are blocking talks at the G8 on targets to cut climate change by 2020. Join the call for action:

The vast majority of the world's people want urgent, bold action on climate change -- but here at the G8 summit, three politicians stand in the way. Canada's Harper, Japan's Fukuda, and the United States' Bush are refusing to discuss climate targets for the year 2020.

Scientists agree that the next 12 years will make or break our response to the climate crisis. But if the facts haven't grabbed these leaders' attention, something else might: humour.

Avaaz has arranged a full-page satirical advert for Tuesday's global Financial Times newspaper, shaming Harper, Fukuda, and Bush for their climate irresponsibility. The paper will be delivered to the hotel rooms of every G8 delegate. Together, we can make it costly and embarrassing enough that these leaders will think twice before squandering another opportunity for climate progress. Click below to endorse its message and donate to help cover the cost, and then pass this message to friends and family!


Our message will be delivered in a full-page Financial Times ad on Tuesday, using the Japanese "Hello Kitty" cartoon to shame Harper, Bush, and Fukuda.

Why this last-moment push? Our strategy is based on two important stories--Australia and Bali.[2]

At the UN climate negotiations in Bali, Harper, Fukuda, and Bush were trying to block any reference to climate targets for the year 2020 -- just as they are now at the G8. But a global uproar turned the tide. Negotiators from the global South rose, one after the next, to demand that the spoilers step aside. Citizen groups in every nation raised their voices -- including 320,000 Avaaz members in the final 72 hours. And a satirical full-page Avaaz ad in the Jakarta Post (a remake of the Titanic movie poster featuring Harper, Bush, and Fukuda) made headlines worldwide. A major Japanese paper later reported that this ad was waved at a top-level Japanese cabinet meeting -- leading to a step forward in Fukuda's climate policy.[3]

The second story, of Australia, shows what happens when humour combines with mass political power.

In Australia, former Prime Minister John Howard was as bad on climate as Harper, Fukuda, and Bush are now. Last fall, he chaired a summit global summit, APEC, where he tried to paint himself as a world leader on climate change. But Avaaz and other groups pushed back -- with stunts, marches, and a terrific parody television spot from our friends at GetUp, exposing Howard's charade and demanding real targets for climate emissions cuts. Climate change emerged as the defining issue of the election -- and when Howard lost, the first action of the new government was to ratify the Kyoto Protocol.

Harper faces a difficult election this fall, and climate change is emerging as a key issue. In the US, the campaign to succeed Bush could hinge on climate policy. And Fukuda's political opponents are challenging him sharply on how to confront the climate crisis.

In short, Our global efforts now can send political shock waves through all three countries. It's up to us to raise a cry once again. Sign, donate, and spread the word:


We can't always be certain of the results of our actions. But in the face of the climate crisis, it's worth trying everything we can. We make green decisions in our private lives. And when the big public decisions are made, if enough of us stand together -- this time, next time, and every time -- then, one way or another, our message will be heard. Our leaders will change ... or we'll change our leaders.

With hope and determination,

Ben, Iain, Alice, Ricken, Paul, Graziela, Pascal, Veronique, Mark, and Milena -- the Avaaz.org team

PS: The climate change ad is one of four full-page ads we're running in the global Financial Times this week, all designed to multiply the impact of member-driven Avaaz campaigns. Look for them in the paper, or find them at http://www.avaaz.org/ads.

PPS: Here are the sources for this alert.

[1] Global and Mail: "Climate-change goals fall short at G8"
http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/ ... 7/TPStory/

and AFP: "Climate deadlock seen at G8 despite 'constructive' Bush."
http://afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5jP0 ... V7sk34R6hA

[2] See the ads and learn more about the Bali and Australia stories at http://www.avaaz.org/climate-victories.

[3] Fukuda announced that Japan would adopt mid-term targets for 2020. That was a major step forward -- except that Fukuda now refuses to include these targets in the G8 negotiations. Moreover, though Fukuda has promised 2020 targets, he hasn't actually set them. See: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/ju ... matechange


Avaaz.org is an independent, not-for-profit global campaigning organization that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people inform global decision-making. (Avaaz means "voice" in many languages.) Avaaz receives no money from governments or corporations, and is staffed by a global team based in London, Rio de Janeiro, New York, Paris, Washington DC, and Geneva.
GOD a dit:
I dont know if anyone has posted this but its worth looking at .


Quote from that letter which sums it up:

"Clear thinking and bold leadership of the international community are essential in the next 1-2 years to change the course of human history. "
"Clear thinking and bold leadership of the international community are essential in the next 1-2 years to change the course of human history. "

This is whats pissing me off at the moment about some people on this forum , they seem to want to talk shit , more shit and even more shit . People who seem to have pleasure sabotaging anything constructive or helpfull that anyone says . I ask myself how many times must people burn their fingers before they learn . How long do we have to argue with them and try to convince them untill they stop having fun talking childish crap . Look at the magick thread to see people chasing their own tails like a dog , arguing about personal definitions and just being plain obstructive .
This is whats pissing me off at the moment about some people on this forum , they seem to want to talk shit , more shit and even more shit . People who seem to have pleasure sabotaging anything constructive or helpfull that anyone says

I don't think anybody feels pleasure in deliberately sabotaging a good cause. What I feel is, is that our community is just as asleep as is the rest of our culture. It's almost as if being part of the psychedelic culture is some free ticket to wonderland where you can just rest in your own version of reality and really believe that it doesn't matter what you do because everything is as it should, we all are one etc.

I only have a problem when people try to dismiss rationality based upon bullshit stories or pseudo science related to spreading stories (often unknowingly aka white lies)either discrediting use of psychedelic plants or spread confusion frustrating solutions to real problems (hence global warming which we are causing and are actually able to reverse IF we act as one and cut the blatant crap that is being sprouted by the misinformed and ignorant.)
We are on the same wavelength .

I get pissed off by people talking about what colour the boat should have been if it hadnt sank while watching it sink . The dumb fuckers will masterbate their crippled egos while watching the world end on TV in 2012 .
I don’t think this will be all that influential in the long run, or anything of this kind for that matter. It’s another case of treating the symptoms and hoping the disease will falter or change; it only prolongs the suffering.

The leader/follower mentality remains unscathed.

It all comes down to a fundamental part of the human psyche, nurtured and reinforced over the course of history.
Good morning HeartCore ,

I dont want to argue with you , i think its realy cool how you keep trying to mobilise people and get them to start thinking and do something about the worlds problems . But i also agree with Buff , all we are doing is fighting individual symptoms when we should be fighting the disease . The disease being the "governments" of the world and the vested interests that controle them . Look at the nazis/mafia bosses at the G8 , they stoped talking about the climate problems and are now talking about starvation = how to sell poor people more expensive food . When everyone who wants to know knows that there is enough food in the world , its just that speculators are making big money playing with the prices . Its the same with oil and the reason why green energy is not being encouraged as much as it should be . Its the same reason why gods flesh and holy sacraments are "illegal" . What ever the G8 decide it will mean that the rich get richer , the poor get poorer and personal freedom will get even more limited .
I sent a bit of money as well. I'm a member of Avaaz for some time now and felt this will be crucial for the near future.

But damnit, I saw a glimpse of them on tv this afternoon...
They were like walking past a building and waving to some women who were waving to them. And they were having such STUPID arguments with each other about the waving thing.
DAMN. It frustrates me to see that we are being lead by such dumb losers who don't really want to solve ANYTHING. They just like their power.

I really hope Avaaz's efforts will still be of some use.
"They were like walking past a building and waving to some women who were waving to them. And they were having such STUPID arguments with each other about the waving thing.DAMN. It frustrates me to see that we are being lead by such dumb losers who don't really want to solve ANYTHING. They just like their power. "

Am i a prophet ??? Can i do magic/magick ??? Or am i just a genius ???
you are a person with the brain in the right place

i've been a member of that thing for over a year too, i really hope they are doing something...the idea of the "Hello kiddies" wasn't bad. i really hope it works.
in any case i am doing my share by being careful what i buy, how much time i keep the PC on, and try to keep the light use to the minimum essential, i bike much more and use busses (that started using natural gas instead of benzine or gasoline) and trains....

and fart near my plants to make them absorb the CO2 before it gets in the atmosphere...

joke aside i'm really trying hard
Dantediv86 a dit:
and fart near my plants to make them absorb the CO2 before it gets in the atmosphere...

nice you can fart CO². i thought farts were made of methane.

:weedman: peace
GOD a dit:
"They were like walking past a building and waving to some women who were waving to them. And they were having such STUPID arguments with each other about the waving thing.DAMN. It frustrates me to see that we are being lead by such dumb losers who don't really want to solve ANYTHING. They just like their power. "

Am i a prophet ??? Can i do magic/magick ??? Or am i just a genius ???
Well, just like you I'm disgusted with the way they're 'leading' this world right now. And I have a fear that it's only getting worse. :P

So if you're a prophet, that makes two of us. :D
If only we could make a profit out of it.........
i usually keep out of threads like this. i apear on several of my governments watch lists. the greenparty used to meet in my living room.
the thing is the "climate change cynics" bring the worse out in me. there are two arguments; either humanity is contributing to climate change or it is not.
because there is a tiny bit of doubt some people are choosing to believe there is no climate change. these are usually the same as say "i dont believe in science" like it was santa claus or the tooth fairy. the same people will argue untill they are blue in the face that climate change is a myth, or some hippy bullshit made up to stop them enjoying there greedy little lies.

maybe they are right. i dont know

but just in case they are wrong, while there is the smallest chance we are destroying our biosphere, or altering it enough to radically limit what will live on it
while there is the slightest chance it is true, i chose NOT to take the chance, NOT to participate in its destruction

and ill call everyone else a CUNT and mean it.you know who you are!

what other species would willingly destroy its own biosphere and with it its own future?

btw, i dont drive and everything i own is energy efficient.
"what other species would willingly destroy its own biosphere and with it its own future?"

Good on ya Drugy . Is there another species that talks for talks sake , runs in circles chasing its own tail waiting for 2012 , chakras , telepathy , the machine elves , teleportation , time travel , mono atomic gold , wiches . magic like people here do every time someone trys to do something positive .
Call me cynic or not, but I believe humanity will definitely be using all the oil there is in the world and only in the last minute try to convert to regenerative energies. Which will be just a bit too late, which will lead to a massive energy crisis, people dying, massive revolutions, and so on.

Humnanity as a whole is just like some stoner/couch potato. Activist groups can and will always warn about things. There will always be active people who are ahead of their times - but the majority (especially the capitalist majority) will always be laid back about changes and only do something when its really necessary (translates to: when the old way doesn't bring profit anymore).
I am always willing to be ahead and go with the activists. I don't own a car, I don't eat meat, I hardly consume any milk products anymore. I have a much better co2 asset than most people - but still I do not believe that humanity will change in advance to catastrophe. Power has to go down, there have to be shortages everywhere until humanity as a whole will be willing to invest in new sources of energy.
This is just common knowledge from an ex-student who always wrote his homework in the last night before due (like 80-90% of the people I know...)
Humanity is just the same as a lazy student: when everything goes down, then they are going to change, not one minute earlier.