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super high me

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Rymmen
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Theres a big diference in 1.5 grams a month and 1 gram in each pipe .

The 5 % isnt right , i had read 40 - 50 % and the rest gets lost in the smoke from the end of the joint , the heat and the smoke you breath out . But i dont know exactly .
GOD a dit:
If one vaporises that amount at one time either one takes it in one extremely expensive suck or the vast majority condenses on the sides of the aparatus .
That's not what I meant. I meant that if you have such a large amount of material (might be less than a gram actally, what fits on a table spoon?), and you grind it, there will be a lot of surface area that will give off the THC. You can fill many balloons, it's not that everything ends up in the first.
OK then i missunderstood .

A table spoon is a lot more than a gram and i think the powdering is the most important part .

I used to powder it and then tap the pile with my finger and turn it over quickly . What stuck on my finger was about as big as 2 euro cents and from that i got 1 - 3 hits .....depending on how greedy i was .
Yeah you're right that normally you don't get highly dense vapours, usually looks semi transparent, and surprisingly even on contact with a cold container, cannabis vapours don't seem to condense fast at all, for some mysterious reason, because that would render the volcano bag quickly useless...

And you don't know some people, I know some people who would put a gram in the vaporizer, and toke it in a few... then do it again 2 hours later.

If I asked them for a puff they'd look at me like... uhh dude why don't you get your own. :lol:

Or some people smoking 2-3 gram joints on their own too... 3-4 times a day, happily for them it's cheap around here.
but if you vaporize, even though the plant matter doesnt enter into combustion, still other things appart from thc are vaporizing, such as terpenoids and so on. Maybe this produces more smoke, and that would answer your question?
How can it produce more "vapour" than other vaporisers with the same grass ?
I don't quite seize the question , can you rephrase ?
the basic question was, why the volcano produces more vapor than mine and that's GODs question here.
Ahh... I would say most likely the method of vaporization... if I understand the volcano well it reuses the same air over and over and hot air actually does the vaporizing.

I'm not sure about yours, but if it's only a hot plate heating then of course since you suck on it at the rate it vaporises, it dosen't have time to saturate the air and condense.

Like I said THC vapors are strange somehow... butane oil on a charcoal does the same effect, it goes up invisible, then as the mushroom heat cloud evolves it gets white, but as it disperses it seems to vanish in the air... one would expect that it would condense further and fall, but no it just disapears evenly in the air and coats the room evenly. Hot vapors also can remain in an ice cup for quite a long time, the vapor becomes very cold, yet it's still airborne.

I'm not sure I have a scientific explanation for this, but there must be one ; you can even "drink" the vapors from the ice cup and it looks like CO2 vapors from dry ice.
"suck on it at the rate it vaporises"

First you vaporise your stuff then you suck .

Strange you advertising the volcano and having so much knowledge about its use ? I thought you dont smoke ?
I thought vaporizing isn't smoking?
I have never used the volcano... but I know about the differences between hot air vaporization and a heater-plate... it sounds like a freakin hairdryer in there :P

Who said I didn't vaporize, I'm a sick man, I need the medicine ! But I use a charcoal... I don't see any need to use a vaporizer, my charcoal serves me well.

I know you let the vaporizer "fill" before you smoke and thats exactly the effect I'm trying to point out, since it's a closed bubble the heat from the plate remains constant, when you start sucking on it usually only half the stuff vaporised, not enough to saturate the air, and you smoke continuously for the next 10 minutes as the rest burns up , until it starts to taste less good, at least thats my experience with it...

I'm not even sure what kind of mechanism you are refering to :) But moving hot air tends to create movement so the particles stick together, then it gets white, if is slowly oozes out the herb, then it remains quite transparent.
GOD a dit:
How can it produce more "vapour" than other vaporisers with the same grass ?

do you know the temperature that they both work with?

higher temperature could mean more particle/vapors, even if its not combusting yet
Ahuaeynjxs' answer sounded quite good.. Mine doesn't re-use the hot air.[/quote]
I decided only to use cannabis in cooked eggs with lots of butter. It find the high really pleasant and healthy that way. I wonder what vaporisers do. Never tried them but I consider my lungs as Gods that should be respected.
Hmm this is good of course but I do not always want to use weed as a psychedelic and for such a long time, 1-2 hours is a good time. Vapor itself doesn't harm your lungs.
The Volcano also doesn't reuse any air, but it does employ the Venturi effect.

Most vaporizers do not have a temperature control: you have to adjust the strength and speed of your inhalation to get the right temperature. Some have a temperature dial, but the result still very much depends on your technique.

The Volcano, the HerbalAire, the ExtremeVaporizer and lots of others allow you to set the exact vaporization temperature, usually between 150 and 230 degrees Celsius.

I actually measured how much I can stuff in the Volcano, and it turned out to be 0.4 grams. Still, that's a whole lot more than you can put in any other vaporizer that I know of.