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stupid fucking mice

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Ultima
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VerusDeus a dit:
:o Hope he had a good trip though :P

your mouse probably is dancing on the desert by now
Mice arent as intelligent as you ? Why not just make it imposible for them to get at your cacti ? And they must be EXTRA fucking hungry to eat something that tastes a s shity as cacti .
well that was the first thing i did when the cacti was eaten.. i put it on top of a woden table, but sumhow the mouse got up there.. so i put it on top of a dresser and it was good there for a while, then i put it back on the table.. and its all gone:(

but yeah, like i said they werent very large.. only about a year old.
so well see whats going on with the new clones. pics will be up soon!
mice can get virtually everywhere, at a kitchen I worked we closed for a few weeks because of a mouse problem, one morning i walked into the kitchen and saw a mouse climbing a wall using the concrete between the tiles on wall. mouse can get everywhere, a table or a dresser isn't much of a problem, place your cacti in something made of glass.
Ultima a dit:
well that was the first thing i did when the cacti was eaten.. i put it on top of a woden table, but sumhow the mouse got up there.. so i put it on top of a dresser and it was good there for a while, then i put it back on the table.. and its all gone:(

but yeah, like i said they werent very large.. only about a year old.
so well see whats going on with the new clones. pics will be up soon!

Have U ever heard bout wire cages? Buy some or made from copper wire. Shape them so they will fit superb onto pots with cacti. And reinforce cages on parts where wires cross. Cause rodents can sometimes make bigger hole between wire crosses and enter trough that . Also use wire to hang pots. No chance that mice can climb up or down on 0,3mm wire! Use imagination! Also young cacti have something value in them! One cacti with 2 years bird chop up and probably eat it. Who could know? But no leftovers remained! :!: :wink:
I think that young cacti without alkaloids is like food to rodents and birds! Or maybe they mix them for let's say cherry?
hrmm thats a good idea. i live out in the desert so there isnt a whole lot of food for rodents. i guess the mouse eating my cacti is my fault.. i knew there was a mouse the day before it decided to eat my cacti and i didnt do anything about it. smoking alot of green makes me kinda lazy. (which is why i quit, and because i got ripped off 2 days in a row this week) in total i paid $60 and only got about .5 in total.

im sick of stupid people.
Ultima a dit:
hrmm thats a good idea. i live out in the desert so there isnt a whole lot of food for rodents. i guess the mouse eating my cacti is my fault.. i knew there was a mouse the day before it decided to eat my cacti and i didnt do anything about it. smoking alot of green makes me kinda lazy. (which is why i quit, and because i got ripped off 2 days in a row this week) in total i paid $60 and only got about .5 in total.

im sick of stupid people.

Happy Easter. Doesn't know how to say it otherwise? :wink: Happy Easter, beware of bunny's! Lately they eat people! :lol:
U aren't stupid! How can U say something like that to yourself??
When U buying weed never but never give away money before U get stuff!!! This is first and ULTIMATE law in drug traffic! Fuck them if they are to pathetic not to have enough on them or in stash.
Also don't do exchange in flats or dark side-streets. Do it near lot's of people where U can easily call help from friends who are in that "people" beside others. I know that dealers very often call U and doesn't want that U have company. If someone especially wants U solo percentage of jacking is huge! Or U have paranoid dealer. Next thing, TELL ME DO U BUY WEED IN PACKS (5$ for 3 joints, 10$ for 8 joints and so on for example) OR DO U PAY IN GRAMS? (let's say 10$ for 3-4grams)

If U buy weed in grams then carry small scale with U. Thats 100% sure way to know if U are buying what U are going to pay.

Hear U.
yeah i usually buy in grams.. i have a small scale that my friend gave me after i got ripped off the first time. i was with a friend the next day i got ripped off.. (the guy ripped myself and a friend off) im 100% not worried about getting jumped or anything of that sort. im the kinda guy you wouldnt fuck over face to face.

but yeah, i just moved to a new area and im trying to find hookups.. i have 1 but hes not always around.. so i guess you learn from your mistakes!

happy easter goran:)