Stoned wallabies make crop circles

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité

The great crop circle mystery in Tasmania has been solved. Australian wallabies are eating opium poppies and creating crop circles as they hop around "as high as a kite", a government official has said.


Lara Giddings, the attorney general for the island state of Tasmania, said the kangaroo-like marsupials were getting into poppy fields grown for medicine. She was reporting to a parliamentary hearing on security for poppy crops.

Australia supplies about 50% of the world's legally-grown opium used to make morphine and other painkillers.

"The one interesting bit that I found recently in one of my briefs on the poppy industry was that we have a problem with wallabies entering poppy fields, getting as high as a kite and going around in circles," Lara Giddings told the hearing. "Then they crash," she added. "We see crop circles in the poppy industry from wallabies that are high."


Rick Rockliff, a spokesman for poppy producer Tasmanian Alkaloids, said the wallaby incursions were not very common, but other animals had also been spotted in the poppy fields acting unusually. "There have been many stories about sheep that have eaten some of the poppies after harvesting and they all walk around in circles," he added.

Retired Tasmanian poppy farmer Lyndley Chopping also said he had seen strange behaviour from wallabies in his fields. "They would just come and eat some poppies and they would go away," he told ABC News. "They'd come back again and they would do their circle work in the paddock."


Some people believe the mysterious circles that appear in fields in a number of countries are created by aliens. Others put them down to a human hoax.
Cute story and again raises a question:

Australia supplies about 50% of the world's legally-grown opium used to make morphine and other painkillers.

Why can't Afghanistan export legally grown opium but instead, 'we' are trying to force them to grow less interesting (commercially and botanically) 'stuff'?
We live in a world where every penny is sucked out if possible, and every opportunity is taken through individual greed if hymn is in reach.

IMO crop circles are just human made by creative souls who do not want to take credit for their work. And for many amoung mankind, for who efforts without any reward is an alien act and a mind-set they do not understand, it's a mathematical stamp coming from... aliens. :roll:
uuuuhm this is a joke, right?
well i don't think it's only like that. i would think that if you grow drugs like this for legal puposes, you do that in a resonably well organised country. and you probably put the factory's that process the plants in the same country, so that it's easy to transport over the world.

i would think that if you do that in afganistan, the trucks with poppy-stuff would be robbed (? overvallen) by the taliban. or even the factories where it's processed. the taliban really needs the opium trade as finance so it would be a very uncontrollable environment to harvest and produce dose stuff.

am i making sense?
Yes forest, you make sense, that's what I also thought. I still dig HeartCore's comment though.

Restin, it's not a joke, though "crop circle" is of course tongue-in-cheek, as the circles created by the wallabies will look really messy.

Brugmansia, I appreciate your suggestion and will not argue against it, as I'm not at all an expert in this field. What I do want to add is that some of the art that is created this way is really outstanding, especially the way it's designed (most documentaries discussing whether they are real or fake focus on the practical creation rather than the significance and complexity of the designs). Thanks to the advent of powerful personal computers perhaps, but still, impressive.
i'd also like to know more about brugmansia's suggestion... where do you base your opinion on?
Complex Ivar, but always, always patterns of geometry. ;)

At 2:00 it is explained how I believe they are created, but I may be quite an abstract thinker which makes me attract to this explaination the most. A board, a pole and a rope for the practical creation.



Brugmansia a dit:
Complex Ivar, but always, always patterns of geometry. ;)
Yes, that's what I meant actually, though there are also crop formations without geometric patterns containing complex messages in binary code etc. For example, these ones.

And how do you explain this one?


Clearly that one's not a hoax.
Illegalsmile a dit:
i noticed that in the part where we wrote all the elements necessary for life when we got it back they added silicon to the list
a hint to solar power?
I don't know. Ahuaeynjxs has written quite a bit about silicon, but not in relation to this crop circle. This particular crop circle was already mentioned on the third page of this thread, and it's being discussed in the videos on the first page.
Well, the mary-jane leaf is too much of a human-society symbol, level headed hippies if you ask me. :P

Though in the video there are some which are quite amazing, I just don't feel much appealed by conspiracy, heavy esoteric beliefs and these kinds of mysteries. Despite, I'll leave the space open for any subjective insight/belief of others.
If its just strait up circles its possible i think. Its like how one foots slightly larger on most people so they go straight in the desert but it turns into a circle. Also tiredly leaning to the side causes you to naturally move in a tighter circular motion.
So that could equal nice little circles, but i think it'd make more sense if It was kids who took opium and made circles, or some sort of god or alien.
mrvitorsky a dit:
i think it'd make more sense if It was kids who took opium and made circles, or some sort of god or alien.

i would too but humans (let alone intoxicated ones) could not possibly construct the same patterns and symmetry of these crop circles in a single night
looking at the pictures of how intricate some of these are lets you know that even if it was humans doing it, we have no idea how.
I didnt see any pics for the wallabies ones were yours those? As for the ones you posted , yes a human could do that easily, I think you underestimate what a human can do with some math, rope, boards and measuring wheels that are widely available nowadays. Really we arent that stupid man, just look at a baseball feild, bush maze, pyramids(it wasnt aliens damnit it was smart determined people with slaves), castles, cathedrals,etc. Binary messages... welll uhhhh computer science students, its the kind off shit they learn. Stuff carl sagan did, well the stuff astronomy students learn. If aliens traveled 100s of light years, why would they not just go hey whats up, or ignore us if peaceful in order not to disrupt us, or simply take us over for new land? Why half assed contrieved messages if they feel like contacting us?
mrvitorsky a dit:
I didnt see any pics for the wallabies ones were yours those? As for the ones you posted , yes a human could do that easily, I think you underestimate what a human can do with some math, rope, boards and measuring wheels that are widely available nowadays. Really we arent that stupid man, just look at a baseball feild, bush maze, pyramids(it wasnt aliens damnit it was smart determined people with slaves), castles, cathedrals,etc. Binary messages... welll uhhhh computer science students, its the kind off shit they learn. Stuff carl sagan did, well the stuff astronomy students learn. If aliens traveled 100s of light years, why would they not just go hey whats up, or ignore us if peaceful in order not to disrupt us, or simply take us over for new land? Why half assed contrieved messages if they feel like contacting us?

i didnt post any pics other than the binary code one
and my point was not how intricate it was. my point was the silicone part
thats all i brought it up for.
and yes i know humans can do more than they think they can
most of the circles, i do believe humans did
but i dont have a doubt about people using giant symbols to communicate to
"gods" in the past
we were talking to something
thats what im interested in
i like to think what if they already have contacted us
many times
odds are the message we got back was bullshit
but the people that sent it might know more than us
its still worth looking at