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"Speed" - is it amphetamine or meth?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion tryptonaut
  • Date de début Date de début
DevXavier a dit:
SWIM gets 1 gram of decent amphetamines for about 5 euro. Meth, don't know.

From net sources (Wiki ?), Meth around 600 $ / g in the US only...? or did I missed something here ?

No connection to get any amphe, Meth, E...

If above price's true, I would now doubt Meth to be used as coke's cut, counter to once wondered.
Can't be that expensive because in the news they always say it's one of the cheapest to make street drugs. People literally make meth in garages with household warez - but with a high risk of blowing themselves up with the chemicals...
Maybe it was 600 $ for a pound or something like that?

btw. the cocaine poem in your sig is great!
tryptonaut a dit:
Can't be that expensive because in the news they always say it's one of the cheapest to make street drugs. People literally make meth in garages with household warez - but with a high risk of blowing themselves up with the chemicals...
Maybe it was 600 $ for a pound or something like that?

btw. the cocaine poem in your sig is great!

You probably right.

+ http://www.textfiles.com/drugs/cocaine. Enjoy !
tryptonaut a dit:
1 gr meth cost 60 Euros
1 gr "NICE" Amphetamin cost MAX(!) 8 Euros !!!!

and yes, yummmm, I luv all uppers. I love them so much that I can't allow myself to take them more often...

I have been fooled recently bying coke getting... "something". Could you help me identify it ?

It looks like cut coke, like powder pressed in rocks shape, white slightly beige, strong acid smell, NO anaesthetic at all, but when injected, a kind of short rush with audio similar (not exactly) to coke...

Taking injection, I noticed it was different from usual coke behavior, which dissolves completely in water and immediately at water contact, leaving the cut in the spoon. Here, it was dissolving more slowly, and did not seem to be different compounds, but one only, not as dissolving as coke, i:e: leaving lot material also, and hard to flter.

What do you think ? Is there ways to clean this product ? Make it better ? Make (easely) Meth from it should it be amphet as I hope ? What should I check ?

Or should I, as I still am about to, just through it away in the toilets ?

Let me get this straight.

You injected something and you didn't know 100% sure what it was?

What I can make out of you're story is that you wanted to buy coke but you got speed? If so :p, you need to get a better source mate 8)
I know !

First, I thought the connection safe, otherwise I would'nt have done it ! Though taking injection is anymay a kind of roulette russe...

The guy even sent me a warning texto 1/2 h after the deal, but he dont' know me ! I had already got 3 shoots... And could pretty well have passed on... Now he is supposed to replace the mess with true excellent coke... A minimum to forget the frustration AND the damm risk I took !

"all that dont kills makes stronger" or something..;

What about your thoughts on the shit ? What could it be ? That's my wonder !
Injection is ALWAYS risky. And for most, a gore one !

But I am doctor's wife, so in fact I am very much careful and informed with all related. But there is NEVER absolute certitude with products, each new supply is a new chalenge.

This last semester, I mostly got real shit instead of coke... From several connections, even some long ago trusted... As if war had done it real hard.

Now with injecting, I get rid of impurities, and seing the amount of junk I would not like to have it in my nose !

Do you know (for purification / "certification" purposes) if Meth can be made out of this supposed "speed' I got ?
Nirvanana, you really gotta stop what you're doing, seriously!
Injecting street drugs is one sure way to kill yourself (well, you already know, I guess).
Get yourself a shitload of shrooms or ayahuasca and see if you can break your habit with a psychedelic shock, it might help. Maybe I sound pathetic, but I just don't like people killing themselves :)
Oh you didn't know!?!?

If you throw away all your needles and flush your speed down the loo, the meth fairy will visit you during the night and leave you a nice chunk under your pillow.

I thought this was common knowledge?
rofl Brew :)

Nirvana, you sound like one heavy drug addict. Sorry if I sound harsh.
Brewmaster a dit:
Oh you didn't know!?!?

If you throw away all your needles and flush your speed down the loo, the meth fairy will visit you during the night and leave you a nice chunk under your pillow.

I thought this was common knowledge?

Lol @ brew!

Watch out what you're doing Nirvana, especially as a docters wife you should know better! Try to minimize using mind-narrowing drugs... Maybe even start an adventure with psychedelics, believe me, it's way better ;)
So cute of you guys to worry as you seem about my helth !

It is clear to me, that a huge difference of age produces a kind of misunderstanding.

Look, I am near 50 now, and you would give me no more than 35 acc. with the little girl of my man. This is to say, I am in a perfect condition. Not a miserable junkie or something.

In such a long drug's experimented life, you should figure out that I already rocked with all available things... ALL, hash, shits, shrooms, LSD, meds, opium and opioates, coke, as well as alcohool which can be considered as a drug to me (though not my favourite !)... Via all possible ways also. The only ones I don't used yet are Salvia, DXM (tried without success at all), Exctasy... "new drugs" in general. And hopefully and willingly, speeds and Meth which I do not want to.

As a doctor's wife I can tell that many medicaments are much dammaging that the old good opium, which I will always keep as my favourite to lots of pains help. And, in the context of the medical safety of my injections, with trustable products (e.g. medical morphine, pure water for solutions, sterile material aso), I am having the best and the highest.

The only concern I submitted to you was products composition related, not behaviour ones !

At the moment, as in general, my sole addiction is tobacco (which I never managed to quit). And morphine in gellules. So what ?

Do not judge and discriminate "this is good" / "this is bad". Things are never that simple in life. And as life goes on, lighting changes and underrstanding continuously evolves. And to me, drugs help opening minds to "alien", curiosity and intelligence, better than following the general consensus. That's at least what I thought it should do...

But thanks anywat for your care, if this is really care as I hope.
Hell I'm the last one not to understand that drugs are great. Cocaine is great, morphine is great (though I've only tried codeine once and another time tilidin with booze and weed).
I'm kind of an alcoholic (not because it's the best drug, but it's always available and socially accepted). I'm a smoker. I have been a pothead. I have been doing up to 10 xtc pills a week (luckily I quit that habit)

All I say is don't kill yourself, ok? :)
You all are probably right.

I had a very bad experience last week. I saw myself covered with blood, and such a terror vision...

I got rid of ALL my stuff, and from then, am trying to get back calm, with the help of a gentle caring man...

So so long fellows, try not reaching the hell I finally met in the nowhere of my coke's cruel cold bloody trips... Which only be the reflect of my own demons... Which I hope real love of live will shut down definitely.
We got that potent 90%+ purity meth over here in the states. big clear chunks referred to as ICE becasue it's as clear and pure as ice. heat some in a pipe and inhale and wow it makes regular amphetamines pussy as hell. Doses as little as 5mg of pure "ice" type meth amphetamine smoked will have you speedin like a mofo. Also for the myths of meth labs "blowing up" they used certain synthesis techniques that are just dumb. Just use Iodine and red phosphorous with the ephedrine let it react UNDER REFLUX for 12 hours. meth made without reflux is jus crap. Change position for vac distillation and distill off the yellow oil that is pure meth you will collect. so fucking easy if u cant do this than dont ever touch another chemical again. anyways you let the oil evaporate in a big glass pyrex baking dish and scrape up the lovely PURE meth amphetamine. Id suggest cutting it b4 using it tho unless u want to die. dont inject the pure oil either. So if this meth sells for so much in europe ya'll can get rich with this. have fun
laststop a dit:
So if this meth sells for so much in europe ya'll can get rich with this. have fun

I ve also tried this way to get pure products during mu "coke time"... But I dont believe this is that simple as you state, having carefully red all possible net literature, specially the ones, probably the more honest, that point out the difficulty of such chemical operations, as well as their HIGH DANGEROUS behaviour. As it is said, "I dond say IF, I say WHEN (it'll fire on, aso)". Take care !
This is quite unconscious to encourage non competent people to take such risks, for thelselves, their home, their nebourhood aso. And anyway, your comment is NOT usable as is. When you read Shulgin (or others) and the accuracy the measurements / operations require, the necessary equipment, how can you pretend your vague infos could deliver anything but something (but WHAT !?!).
Without speaking or the certain risk of being cought by police, even with foolish receipes but with the willing to produce drug, bringing yourself and yours in bad troubles.
My opinion only of course !
Peace and love.