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"Speed" - is it amphetamine or meth?

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I'm wondering what substance exactly is "speed" or "pep" that is sold in Europe/Germany? Is it amphetamines (like I always thought) or is it the more powerful methamphetamine (called crystal or meth in the US)? Or can it be both?

Does meth always look like clear crystals? Because if it always does, then I never had it (except maybe in pills where you never know what you get...)
so methanfetamine is speed, it is the best kind of meth you can get, pure crystals that fuck your world up, f*** that SH*T stay away....do shrooms more..
The "old" speed is amphetamine. Crystal Meth is speed as well, but it has been methylated. Which means it's taken up easier by the brains and works longer.
Crystal Meth is speed as well, but it has been methylated.

... and do you know if meth is common in Europe? Because dealers usually say they got "speed" or "pep" - they usually can't tell you if it's methylated. ;)

What I wanted to know was: if you buy "speed" in Europe (especially Germany), what are the chances you get meth, and what are the chances you get good old amphetamines? Because I think I have never seen meth in my life.
This is just out of interest, I'm not doing speed very often, like once or twice a year (won't allow myself to do it more often!)
Meth isn't being sold a lot yet, though there are attempts to create a market for it.

I know a lot of people who get a little bag of meth with their order of cocaine, so they can try it.

Chances you get meth instead of normal amphetamines, I'd call it a very small chance, though not unlikely to happen sometime in the future.
Hey Trypto,
i have much expirience of Speed and they never use Meth for PEP or Schnelles... becouse:
In Germany (Where i am ^^)

1 gr meth cost 60 Euros
1 gr "NICE" Amphetamin cost MAX(!) 8 Euros !!!!

BTW: Nice Amphetamin smells like Bubble Gum, i think ^^
Dont know how Meth smells.
Maybe anyone of here knows it :)

Greetings from NRW

Thanks! That's what I wanted to know!
Methamphetamine has become epidemic here in the States, becoming more widely used than marijuana.

I think a lot of the problem goes comes from the ease of manufacturing the chemical. Its dosent take a skilled chemist to produce it and most of the ingredients can be found over the counter.

Another factor I belive gave way to this epidemic is the use of amphetamine based medication for treating children with ADD/ADHD. Should we be suprised that these children grow up to be addicted to "meth"amphetamine?
Hmmm amphetamine and metamphetamine are both speed...
1 gr meth cost 60 Euros
1 gr "NICE" Amphetamin cost MAX(!) 8 Euros !!!!

There's quite a discrepancy between the states and germany here. One gram of meth is 60 Euro - that's in the price-range of coke (should be between 50 and 100 Euro per gram, good quality!) and one gram of good old amphetamine is in the price-range of a burger and a coke at mcdonalds ...
Well, I paid 15 Euros for my last gram of speed, but it was really good and as I said I don't have good sources as I don't take it that often. 15 Euros is still a very good price concerning one beer is often 3 Euro or more...

and yes, yummmm, I luv all uppers. I love them so much that I can't allow myself to take them more often... I could so easily become very addicted to anything like speed, X or coke. I can't even talk about these drugs without getting agitated... yummmm ... but it's a fake "paradise" I don't want to enter...
tryptonaut a dit:
1 gr meth cost 60 Euros
1 gr "NICE" Amphetamin cost MAX(!) 8 Euros !!!!

There's quite a discrepancy between the states and germany here. One gram of meth is 60 Euro - that's in the price-range of coke (should be between 50 and 100 Euro per gram, good quality!) and one gram of good old amphetamine is in the price-range of a burger and a coke at mcdonalds ...
Well, I paid 15 Euros for my last gram of speed, but it was really good and as I said I don't have good sources as I don't take it that often. 15 Euros is still a very good price concerning one beer is often 3 Euro or more...

and yes, yummmm, I luv all uppers. I love them so much that I can't allow myself to take them more often... I could so easily become very addicted to anything like speed, X or coke. I can't even talk about these drugs without getting agitated... yummmm ... but it's a fake "paradise" I don't want to enter...

I totaly agree with you !!!
I love it too!
Havent try Meth or Coke...
I would take it but
my connection is geting down :(

so long... ^^
It seems LOTs of connections going down those times... Mine too ! Shame ! I DO love coke, would like to try Meth besides, but knowing it ! Not as a coke cut - which currently happens I am sure...

SWIM want to produce some Meth... This seems feasible, but not EASY is,t'it ? As everybody, SWIM found receipes on the net... But which is the best ? And as regards pseudo-ephedrine, who can purchase 750 pills easily ??? It means hudge organisation, time, and care !!!

If you have experimented, I am sure SWIM would be glad to know about !
SWIM gets 1 gram of decent amphetamines for about 5 euro. Meth, don't know.
I never paid more then 3 euro's a gram for speed, cheap ass shit.

Except for this one time, I paid 8 euros but the crystals we're very clear.
I'm also a firm believer of the fact that the more pure you get your drugs, the less damage they do in your body.

But meth I think I'll stay away from, haven't done uppers in a long time and don't need them anyway. Got enough energy as it is :D

Ontopic: there both speed, only amfetamine is speed classic and meth is kinda new and not yet on the market in the Netherlands (thank god...)

Pep is amfetamine with extra caffeine and speed is more pure (at least from a good source)
ell, I paid 15 Euros for my last gram of speed,
Well that was for amphetamine base as I got to know. It was wet paste and it was extremely good.

Last time when I went off I reallly wondered. Smoked a joint and went off to wonderland. Didn't know the people too well but they all went to a very dancy place. I was half there (would have smoked more I knew it was that kind of joint...). What was that, meth? What is it that you can smoke in one, two or three breaths and make you high like a line of coke or speed?
Sounds like it, but I once encountered paste you could make a "bomb" with.
Put it into a small paper and drop it...
first time i get an "BombTest"
its realy shit
its bigger than an E and the fucking paper stops like to have a lump in one's throat
first time i get an "BombTest"
its realy shit
its bigger than an E and the fucking paper stops like to have a lump in one's throat
:shock: clandestine synthesis,comes in all colours and consistances...if you are unsure when buying ;(as a rule of thumb).the whiter and solid the gear the better!!!!!!
DevXavier a dit:
SWIM gets 1 gram of decent amphetamines for about 5 euro. Meth, don't know.

From net sources (Wiki ?), Meth around 600 $ / g in the US only...? or did I missed something here ?

No connection to get any amphe, Meth, E...

If above price's true, I would now doubt Meth to be used as coke's cut, counter to once wondered.