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looks like prices in belgium
The prices are Dutch , somewhere near the border of Belgium
Shrroms are free in the wild???
You have magic mushrooms growing in the wild there?
Magic mushrooms grow in the wild all over the world. They're actually legal in florida.
Helloooo!WOW,what a difference in prices.I'm really going to move to holland!!!And you can find liquid lsd?that's preety cool! ...Shrooming in the WeedLands of Holand,what a dream!
Stay Cool...
GHB = Gamma-Hydroxy-Butirate
It's hard for me to explain the effect in english (i can tell it you in dutch
but on this link you will find very much information about it in english :
GHB is a liquid substance with the effects of MDMA and Alcohol mixed together but if you take MDMA and Alcohol you don't experience the same effect GHB has (?!?!?!?), it's an upcomming partydrug in the netherlands and very nice to use , it's not poisening your body like XTC does it's also very cheap and easy to make.

Drug_Z is ArT -..-
ghb is also used as the "rape drug" , héhéhé...
Hellooo!Can anyone post an experience with GHB?I'm specially curious,since i've only heard about it as a dangerous drug to use because of the correct dosages,too much and it puts you in a coma from wich you may never wake up.Can anyone describe a personal experience,and what about the dosages? Thanks.
Hee all,
You can buy packages at internet with different
substances wich you must put together , the packages are
legal worldwide because they don't contain illegal substances, only the final substance is illegal, GHB.
(i will put a link to an company who sell's it on this forum later).
GHB isn't a rape-drug, it's inpossible because the tast is very salt and no one can use it without tasting it, the rape-drug story's are all made up by the media!!!
GHB is the most safe harddrug that i've used, no long or short term damage.
I don't know what the exact dose is , i always take the whole vial in one time , after 3 hours i usually take a half vial and about 2 hours later i take the other half.
Meneercactus has a interresting story about GHB on his personal website, about how it could function like an anti-depressiva.

Drug_Z is ArT -..-
i don t know if ghb can be a rape tool , i ve never tried , but you say it s a hardrug without short or long term damage ,
it s important to know the difference between hard and soft drugs : hard drugs induces a physical addiction while soft drugs dont.
so we can consider alcohol and nicotine as hard drugs
I can't wait to make some.. hurry up and post!
hahaha sorry I get excited about this stuff..
Yeah, me neither. I couldn't find any places that sold the kits, the only thing i came across was a company sellin' it to remove ink. But I'd feel much safer buyin' the kit.
That is probably a big reason. Damn, I really want to try this substance.
hee all,
I also think that's the reason but i don't understand it because the kit's where containing legal substances.
How fucked up is this society ? story's of the media are THE (main) reason why this substance is forbidden almost everywhere in the world , also to the US goverment with it's 'war on drugs' has helped a lot to schedule GHB.

Drug_Z is ArT -..-