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snorting lsd

Hahahaha acid pirate lmfao

One thing i've put on my list of things to do before i die is to bang a heavy hit of liquid acid into my arm
it'd be like going from normal life, normal consciousness to....VOOMM REOOORROOOOWWW.....

i've heard (though not through anyone whos done it before) that it hits you almost immediately
god damn that would be nice
Crimzen a dit:
Hahahaha acid pirate lmfao

One thing i've put on my list of things to do before i die is to bang a heavy hit of liquid acid into my arm
it'd be like going from normal life, normal consciousness to....VOOMM REOOORROOOOWWW.....

i've heard (though not through anyone whos done it before) that it hits you almost immediately
god damn that would be nice

Anything IV is instant and always reduced in dose usually 1/3.

I have never done anything IV, but would do LSD IV if prepared and administerd by a qualified doctor 8)
People who make and blot acid quite often end up tripping due to the the solvent boiling off - as the molecules of solvent rise away, they can pick up and carry away some of the thing dissolved in them, particularly if a fan or warm air is used to dry the solvent off. It also possible to trip touching anything that the liquid has dripped or splashed onto.

This is perhaps why LSD was discovered. Hoffman never intended to eat any of his experiment. After he first produced LSD in 1938, he wrote it off for the pharmaceutical use he was designing it for. It took him a long time to decide to resynthesize LSD. It's quite possible he accidentally absorbed a tiny amount through his skin or inhaled just enough to tingle, shimmer and sparkle.

In 1943, five years after the first run, he selected LSD out of the series of alkaloids he'd been working on for resynthesis based purely on some feeling that it might be important. During the synthesis he accidentally absorbed quite a bit.

"Last Friday, April 16, 1943, I was forced to stop my work in the laboratory in the middle of the afternoon and to go home, as I was seized by a peculiar restlessness associated with a sensation of mild dizziness. On arriving home, I lay down and sank into a kind of drunkenness which was not unpleasant and which was characterized by extreme activity of imagination. As I lay in a dazed condition with my eyes closed (I experienced daylight as disagreeably bright) there surged upon me an uninterrupted stream of fantastic images of extraordinary plasticity and vividness and accompanied by an intense, kaleidoscope-like play of colors. This condition gradually passed off after about two hours."

A few days later he purposefully drank 250 micrograms.


They injected somewhere around 0.3g, I believe thinking it was speed.

250 or so milligrams has been IV'ed into an elephant at one point. After going crazy for a while, the elephant died.

The only people to come close to 0.3g injected tried snorting rails thinking it was coke. None of them died, but they weren't in a good way when they all arrived at hospital.

Following the 1/3 rule, that snorting is usually worse than ingesting and the two examples above. I would take a guess that a lethal oral dose is somewhere between 0.5 and 1.5g.

I would take a guess that the blotter versus liquid speed of come up and intensity may be set by the fundamental rate the acid can get from the blood to the synapses. The liquid might help it dissolve into the blood quicker, so more of it ends up at the brain in the same time or more of it gets into the blood before being damaged by the digestive system, so it's more visual for the same dose. Don't know, not something I've tried, so I'm just suggesting some ideas to explain your experience.