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sniffing MDMA?

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
1 264
I heard something about sniffing mdma.

if I make a pill into powder would it be okay if I would sniff it?

anyone has any info about it?
Yes it would be ok
It will hit you harder but it doesn't last as long as it would be if you swallowed it
that's just what I was looking for.

only just now aftyer reading your post I crumbled only 1/4 of a pill and made a little line and sniffed it but it hurts in my nose like hell and my nose is bleeding and the nice feeling wil need a bit more time
aah crap I'm not doing that again it hurst really bad and it just took away a peace of my nose, or well it feels like that. and so I sniffed some water hoping it will go away
Snorting a pill is really a bad idea, because there can be a lot of shit in the pills. That explains your nosebleeding and the burning sensation.

Snorting pure MDMA can be done, and will work just fine, but be carefull there's no other shit in it.
now I'm getting the taste in my mouth. it is more like paracetamol, but a little bit like coke. nose is still havind a hard time
it was a stupid action. hjaving pain on the left side of my head an eye, I used the left nosehole.

so for everyone: don't sniff mdma pills!
Damn, I'm really sorry, I was thinking about mdma when I replied :?
You can sniff E but not every E.Only hard ecstasy and real ecstasy(MDMA) must be like crushed to dust.And smell E before crushing because if it has strong or evevn moderate smell like Ariel,Vanillia, or just chems,its some kind of hocus-pocus ecstasy with maybe benzenepiperazin.efedrin.coffein,acid, PCP,aspirin,soda bikarbona,amphetamin which is if you get only that in hands is weary weet or oilish and it also canot be snorted, its need to be eaten.On this question material is from first eyes.My buddy always snort MDMA but it has snort and the other material like one above and blood from his nose we was traying to stop for half an hour. Peace and bless Forest guy 8)
thnx, moody :P , no problem, pretty fine already, if you wouldn't have replied I would have tried it anyways. and from these things you learn, right?

it are nice mdma pills, but from the first time I tried them i already thought there was more other stuff in them, more spacend
The first time I snorted a pill I tasted washing powder :vom: Weren't the best pills though. Never bought pills of that dude again. But some other time I snorted a real good pill, only it stinged more than amphetamine. Snorting pure mdma is good, but I prefer to swallow it.
FOREST,mdma doesnt have smell and its nice crystal powder when is produced and then you can snort 5grams without pain in head,bloody nose and other shit.Only thing which can partialiy give cemical taste and smell is other sub materials to form tablet in E worm like titanium oxid,jelly,etc.And my friends with me call that kind of E beta version :D You know now what is alfa version of E-REAL ECSTASY NOT SOME KIND OF QUASI-ECSTASY! Remember that it is useful imfo :!:
some kind of hocus-pocus ecstasy with maybe benzenepiperazin.efedrin.coffein,acid, PCP,

Can't tell about Croatia, but I can tell you that in Europe, there is little to no chance you'll get PCP or acid in a pill. PCP is nowhere to be found around here, and LSD is rarer, more difficult and expensive to synthethise than MDMA or meth.. Therefore, you'll never get it in an E.
then you can snort 5grams without pain in head,bloody nose and other shit.

But then you die... 5 grams of MDMA!!?? Are you kidding, mate? I sure hope that was a typo..

No offence, Goran, ths is not personal. But when one is claiming to be a Wiccan, the accuracy of the informations displayed has to be double-checked!
well I guess you could do 5 grams on a night. can't you?

not that I ever sniffed mdma-pure-powder....
but a night from like 23:00 till 7:00?

hmmm yeah you're probably right it would be way to much
LD50 of MDMA on humans can only be guessed. According to Erowid, it ranges from 40 to 100mg/g in different animalsand. Other documents seem to guess the human LD50 between 20 and 80mg/kg. That's oral and single dose, though. But 5g is way over LD50 with those figures.

I'd say that even if doing 5g over a night is possible, that's not an advice I would give anyone.It could be heavy on some organisms :shock:

But I'm sure that was a typo from Goran.


Harm reduction is the way to go...
Sniffing mdma crystals isn't a problem. Wouldn't do it with pills though 'cause of all the bad shit in it.

But believe me dude, you don't want to take 5 grams.
I once did 1 gram of pure crystals and shiiiiiiiit, that was a really heavy experience.
My whole room was shaking and moving. But not in a peacefull way like on shrooms or acid, but really heavy.

It was fun though :D

But man, never again...

If you manage to take a gram, your the man!
:?: I dont know why everybody bite centenses and consume them so raw. Talking about 5grams or taking 5grams of pure MDMA trought the night.It was metaforic expresion for not haved no nose or other shitfuk sensetion even if you have tooked 5grams or if everyone will be satisfy I will write then 5kilos.Please I apollogise couse I think and write whith hidden meanings in text but for once, friends read with IQ, the text-I do not whant to offend nowhone cause this conversation has gone in diffrent direction! And in Croatia, Zagreb in first place is making ecstasy for whole continental europe(I meen 1000 EXY for 0,13€ for one E or 1000 E for 130€). When you whant to buy exy on party where is like in all the world more expensive you will in Zagreb pay from 1,7€ to 2,3€- Please tell me how much is in your city and state.And yes PCP, piperazin, full unpure and polluted acid(not real lisergide but ergot alkaloid product-nobody, even state do not know what is it. They think something which is about in 1/3 stage of process to syntesited LSD.There was in last year about 30 abortus in clubs from ERGOT-ACID(uterus contractor),I see one grous!!!! and 16 deaths.And I know for sure that PCP is crawling trought exy cause police busted 2 factorys,not lab but fucking factorys and pludged 56kilos of high pured PCP, 12kilos of benzenepiperazine and 30kilos of sodium amatel(barbiturates for combining with bad uppers for inhibition of epileptic attack.) in both factylab. So please ask me first and dont tell something in my name.Please,I respect other opinion. 8)