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Smoking weed and gaming

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion MaistoHelix
  • Date de début Date de début
Yeah... There are a handful of games out there that problem solving, language, etc, though not enough.

Back in the early 90's there was this amazing Space Simulator game. For the time it has pretty impressive visuals, the whole solar system, all the phases of the moons (For all the planets) etc. It literally came with a big fat handbook teaching you how to launch rockets and get the mathematics right so that they would make it to the moon, to venus, etc. You could explore the surface of the planets (well the areas that humans had explored and mapped)

I spent hours and hours playing that thing, listening to classical. Learning the constellations, the stars, etc.

It would be amazing to see modern resources of big budget games put into something educational like that again.
Nomada a dit:

I didn't really play the game yet, haven't got much time on my hands. But the design looks awesome and the music is even more awesome!! :shock: Thanks for sharing this man!

btw: The artist behind the music goes by the name of: Floex for everyone who's interested.


Edit: why doesn't quoting work dammit! (Forkfix :ninja:, BBCode was turned off)
I must say I owe a lot of my mythological knowledge to RPGs :oops:
I love playing Counter Strike 1.6 online multiplayer after getting stoned..... its so much fun. Hehe, getting a new 22" lcd display... can't wait to play on it.
i play a lot of first person shooters while high.
there was a time id play 18 hours + on acid. its good at the time but you end up playing the game in the background (of your mind) for hours afterwards. dont do that any more.
id be walking down the street when an old lady would come round the corner. id be selecting a suitable weapon and looking for cover

one thing i find positive about gaming (and martial arts) - ive ritualised my aggression. in fact i dont really have any aggression any more. its a long time since ive been called Dougie the thugee. it works for me
Oooh... that could explain why I'm so not aggressive, even when any normal person would become lol... I used to be a gamer freak. It's true that video games are a kind of frustration evacuation for me. Nothing in life has made me more frustrated than videogames.

P.S: sorry if my post and my following ones sound confused, I just drank a moderate amount of alcool for the first time since a few months... damn it's not that bad after all ^^ I LOVE THE MUSIC! Had forgotten how alcool makes every song the best you've ever heard ^^
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
not much creativity going on while playing the game itself.

You have obviously never played a Legend of Zelda.
Yeah there are some very creative games, and many with complex problem solving involved. Zelda is great. That game Nomada posted was awesome, although not too hard.

Games like civilization and sim city are very open to creativity and also teach about growth of complex systems, not to mention history in civ and some elements of city planning, sociology, and city management for sim city (particularly the later versions of the game).

Myst and Riven are two games i know of that are like Nomada's game, except more complex with huge, strange landscapes to wander around in. The old Manhole game for macs in the 90s was awesome too. All of these are very psychedelic and truly are a trip in themselves. I do agree that having your own experience is generally preferable to consuming someone else's, but I'd say that these games are comparable to a good book at least.

I must say I found Riven sorta boring. But then, I never smoked when I played it :)

My two favorite board games are Settlers of Catan and Go. Smoking is great for settlers, but for Go (ancient chinese board game of alternately placed black and white stones on a grid) I find smoking can sometimes ruin my ability to play well.

Go is an amazing game. Its rules are really simple, but its variations are so complex that people have been playing it for thousands of years and are still learning new ways; not to mention too complex for computers even today to play at a skill level better than an average amateur. It is a really cool metaphor and is linked to a lot of oriental philosophy.

Plus, the stones grow like mycelium :)
sorry CM, I think you got the lame games :)
???????? a dit:
sorry CM, I think you got the lame games :)
Funny you should mention Zelda. I bought it as a gift for my children (and Mara) a couple of months ago, and I might even play it myself one day.

Dougie the thugee
@Caduceus :
Hum, i think you're doing a fast conclusion when you say that videogames are a waste of time when our world is running to death... i'm very interested in culture, politics, everything, and i play videogames / smoke weed to R E L A X!!!! Our world is so sad, it makes me feel depressed when i think of it when i'm not stoned, when i see this 15yo boy shot dead in the streets of athens by the cops... So, excuse me, we all need to take away our thoughts...
"So do you guys just explore the mind or do fun thing"

They do fun things . Since i`ve been on this forum i`ve never heard of anyone using psychedelics for personal growth , enlightenment . Most off them have never thought that far . They are fantasts , escaspists running away from themselves and their responsibilitys . Others are just lyers and have never taken the things that they claim to .


I havent got time in my life for putting my head in a box , turning off the real world , and hiding from reality by playing computer games .

"the average gamer doesn't just play memory or IQ enhancing games"

Exactly . Its mostly loosers pretending they are not loosers . Killing people / aliens . People locking themselves in a fantasy world where they arent spotty , fat , bald , stupid , impotent kids with nothing to say and nothing to decide . Suddenly they are strong , in control ....... they are the center of attention .
Cannabis & videogames is a nice combo, with Starcraft it makes me more macro/micro-oriented, with Red Faction it makes me more accurate when I use railgun (more calm, more precise).
It reminds me those snipers who take benzos for not shaking.
In some circumstances downers can also be uppers ^^
i play videogames / smoke weed to R E L A X!!!!
It's a very inefficient way to relax. Try closing your eyes, lying down and taking a couple of deep, slow breaths instead. Play some good ambient, and drift off. Or practice a couple of minutes of meditiation after you've been running through the park.

If video games help one relax, then please explain the phenomenon of RSI and the Gameboy thumb?
I think it's interesting to see how it modifies people's way of doing on circumstances like gaming.
I won't say I play better on cannabis, but I play very different for sure.
I'm not the same harassing bitch when I play Starcraft high than if I play it sane. Much more aggresive gaming on cannabis, but practically no defense.
GOD a dit:
"So do you guys just explore the mind or do fun thing"

They do fun things . Since i`ve been on this forum i`ve never heard of anyone using psychedelics for personal growth , enlightenment . Most off them have never thought that far . They are fantasts , escaspists running away from themselves and their responsibilitys . Others are just lyers and have never taken the things that they claim to .


I havent got time in my life for putting my head in a box , turning off the real world , and hiding from reality by playing computer games .

"the average gamer doesn't just play memory or IQ enhancing games"

Exactly . Its mostly loosers pretending they are not loosers . Killing people / aliens . People locking themselves in a fantasy world where they arent spotty , fat , bald , stupid , impotent kids with nothing to say and nothing to decide . Suddenly they are strong , in control ....... they are the center of attention .
anyone ever tell you you're an asshole?
since when are drugs FOR exploring your mind?
THC is naturally occuring, it has no true purpose other than the one nature designated it which certainly wasnt for pricks like you to 'explore their minds' if you think it does then you're wrong, its as simple as that, anyone can use it for whatever purpose they choose, no one should dictate the use of anything to others
self exploration is masturbation
you dont want to lock yourself in a box?
you're not an escapist?
what are you doing when you take drugs? its all inside your 'box' no one else sees what you're seeing and it wont change a thing

what purpose does your self exploration serve? you're gona die and it will all have meant nothing anyway
are you trying to better yourself? if so you really dont need any external sources to do that

instead of acting like a pompous bastard and looking down on others try enjoying your life a bit more
why so serious?
i play video games sometimes, its fun
and im none of the above mentioned loosers (loser is spelt with a single 'o')
i have a job, a car, a few really good friends, a bunch of other friends, a couple girls interested in me, im somewhat good looking (not to delve too far into the mirror)
so why would you generalize a huge group of people into 'losers' with zits and no lives simply because they occupy a small amount of their free time to playing a video game
GOD a dit:

Exactly . Its mostly loosers pretending they are not loosers . Killing people / aliens . People locking themselves in a fantasy world where they arent spotty , fat , bald , stupid , impotent kids with nothing to say and nothing to decide . Suddenly they are strong , in control ....... they are the center of attention .

Sounds like what gaming is for somebody else, Psychonaut is for you.
It's funny ; I more agree with GOD on that one :lol:

The only game I played (and I was raised with nintendo and games) that I found was really worth it ever was Ultima Online.

The only thing that made this game different is that huge communities of people who really cared and met in real life evolved within. We would see communities of 50, 100 even 1000 people who really cared, it was really strong of a bond, and for the most part not too superficial.

You made the wrong decision you were responsible, you were creative you made people laugh and smile.

Sadly enough, wicked characters making money with the game transformed it into just another MMORPG. I have been intimately witnessing this and purposefully took no part in it, I let my account rot without making any profit from it even if I knew it was worth thousands.

I have yet to see anothr game with this much lore and creativity potential in it, nothing ever even came close !