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Smoking weed and gaming

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion MaistoHelix
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Hey all :D

I like to play videogames when i'm stoned,do some mahjong puzzles or play some chess with my pc.

I'm pretty convinced it helps me to stay sharp,and games are alot more fun when you are stoned.

Racing games are awesome and you get a better feeling for speed,reaction time is a different story but i manage :lol:

I still do a little mindexploring myself once in a while,but gaming is what i like to do most when i'm stoned,apart from eating :lol:

So do you guys just explore the mind or do fun things like me,or is it that i've been smoking for such a long time and its cultivated into my lifestyle? :D
Chess is a whole different game when high. It becomes more organic instead of a heuristic game with strict movements. Pieces work together and form an organism. Very good for your game.

I don't play videogames anymore, although I do remember playing both better and worse on cannabis. You can focus completely on the game, which makes you play better, or you can focus completely on some thought and forget you were playing a game.
I played a lot to the Need for Speed series when high. I play a lot better when I'm high than when I'm sober, sometimes I impress myself :P

Any videogame I play when high seems to get a much more profound meaning, and most of the time I'm better (except when I'm too stoned and can't focus on the game). People sometimes called me a aimbotter in Call of Duty 2 when I was just high as needed for optimal video game performance :P .

Playing chess when high hmmm.... that would be something to try :P
Generally I prefer trancing out or listening to music, but I'll occasionally play games when high! Last year I was playing Oblivion a lot, it's a very lush game to begin with and after smoking enough weed it almost feels like you are really there running around in the woods and cities .. by that point the GUI starts to get a bit confusing tho :P

As for chess.. I'd actually like to play that while tripping sometime... (not on computer, with a real chessboard hah)
Ohhhh I LOVED Oblivion! Such a fantastic game. I played Counter-Strike on PC for about 8 years, and definitely got a major accuracy bonus when high.
I consider gaming a waste of time, for myself at least.

"How can we dance when our earth is turning
How do we sleep while our beds are burning"

The world is in a mess: people are locked up for smoking herb, religious fanaticism abounds, the environment is raped... How can anyone waste his time solving riddles and defeating enemies in games, when there's so much work to be done in the real world?

Also: why should I waste my time not learning anything useful, when I can spend my free time reading good books or articles, or writing them?

One could say gaming is a way to relax and unwind, but I'd say there are better ways to do that, ways that are good for the body. Gaming is not healthy for the eyes, can get you RSI if you're not careful, doesn't burn any calories, doesn't strenghten the muscular system or the heart, doesn't improve the capacity of the lungs etc. It also doesn't take you to a state of deep relaxation as meditation or breathing exercises do.

So in a nutshell: gaming doesn't teach you anything, doesn't help the world become a better place, doesn't help you achieve financial independence, doesn't make you fit, slender and strong, doesn't help you relax and go within etc.

I didn't mention the nature of the games (violent or nonviolent) because that's not really relevant to me.

Gaming is a form of escapism, not different from watching dull movies or TV. I agree it's alright for everyone to escape every now and then, but escapism shouldn't become a habit. One who plays games on a daily basis engages in escapism on a daily basis. Their health, intellect and finances will sooner or later deteriorate.

If anyone reading this considers me somewhat knowledgeable about certain matters, here's my secret: Don't waste time, ever. Keep learning new things whenever and wherever you can.
I do not agree, Caduceus...

Lots of games stimulate the mind and body.

- Playing games can improve your reaction time definitely.
- when people loose their memory because of an accident or something, they always get memory games, riddles etc to stimulate their mind.
- and there's the Wii computer these days...

So it's not a complete waste of time in my opinion. Although I'm not saying that there are not better things to do with your life.
Agreed, there are exceptions. But the average gamer doesn't just play memory or IQ enhancing games (like BigBrain), or physically active games on the Wii.
st.bot.32 a dit:
Generally I prefer trancing out or listening to music, but I'll occasionally play games when high! Last year I was playing Oblivion a lot, it's a very lush game to begin with and after smoking enough weed it almost feels like you are really there running around in the woods and cities .. by that point the GUI starts to get a bit confusing tho :P

As for chess.. I'd actually like to play that while tripping sometime... (not on computer, with a real chessboard hah)

I also love Oblivion, but it can be a pain in the ass to play a RPG when you're stoned. =p Sometimes you're walking for ages just to find out you've been walking in the wrong direction all that time :roll:
Nomada a dit:

Nice stuff, i especially like the music :)

I like to play games on my playstation from time to time but not as much any more, indeed i have other things to do. I don't think it's a waste of time tough, i like games that are more like an artwork or very original ( like ico, shadow of the colossus, psychonauts or grim fandango), so no racegames for me (ow well maybe mariokart on my ds;))
i would like to see more weird-out of this world- games

i started playing chess a couple of weeks ago with a friend and whenever i'm at his place we play now
I also love Oblivion, but it can be a pain in the ass to play a RPG when you're stone. =p Sometimes you're walking for ages just to find out you've been walking in the wrong direction all that time :roll:

I had Oblivion for the xbox a few months ago. I absolutely loved it. I was pretty far in the game when my brother decided to sell the console.......... A few weeks ago I checked if I could run Oblivion on my laptop, but the game is too big. I guess I have to wait untill I can afford a decent computer.

I like games every now and then, and I think every human being has some sort of escapism, wheather it's drugs, computer games, tv, work or other life-patterns.

I never have had the urge to sit behind a tv screen or computer while high on cannabis though.
I consider gaming a waste of time, for myself at least.

I (respectfully) couldn't disagree more. :D Games essentially are about creating and sharing experience, both the beautiful and the terrible. Nowadays they come in every conceivable vein of shapes and colors and cultural backgrounds, there is some incredible creativity in the field. Not a waste of time at all in my book!

You can treat them as an escape and you can be genuinely interested in them, how they work, what makes them tick.

Anyway I don't have a lot of time for games these days, but I do enjoy them occasionally!

Oh speaking of weird games.. anyone here play Katamari Damacy? It is difficult to describe.. Lately I've been into Patapon as well (strange Japanese drumming game)
well I guess CM is right, you don't get any wisdom from gaming. Nevertheless I do not consider it a waste of time...it is fun for recreational reasons, you can have a nice time and kill some time. Of course a book is better, but I am not always in the mood for books...maybe that's the sin of my generation :wink:
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
I consider gaming a waste of time, for myself at least.
If anyone reading this considers me somewhat knowledgeable about certain matters, here's my secret: Don't waste time, ever. Keep learning new things whenever and wherever you can.

TOTALLY agree!!! Why look/endulge in others their dreams when you can dream your own dream? Or something like that 8)
Looking, engaging in one doesn't mean you can't engage in both..

Why? Because it is fun and pleasurable to create, and share what you have created. In this aspect, it's no different in my mind than any other creative medium that people share, books, movies, music, etc.

I have a lot of friends who work in video games and seeing the process involved and having experienced the whole gamut of genres and approaches involved has only increased my respect for the potential of video games.
Games essentially are about creating and sharing experience, both the beautiful and the terrible. Nowadays they come in every conceivable vein of shapes and colors and cultural backgrounds,
My children are currently playing Titan Quest, and indeed I see them sharing their experiences in a delightful way. Admittedly the game itself has an amazing background, filled with Greek, Egyptian and Chinese symbols, historical names, legendary creatures, mythological cities etc. It's a great game, and I know there are many other games ever greater.
there is some incredible creativity in the field. Not a waste of time at all in my book!
There is creativity in the field of game development, but not much creativity going on while playing the game itself. It's the difference between listening to MTV all day, and playing in a band yourself. Watching cartoons all day, as opposed to learning how to draw and paint yourself.
There is creativity in the field of game development, but not much creativity going on while playing the game itself. It's the difference between listening to MTV all day, and playing in a band yourself. Watching cartoons all day, as opposed to learning how to draw and paint yourself.There is creativity in the field of game development, but not much creativity going on while playing the game itself. It's the difference between listening to MTV all day, and playing in a band yourself. Watching cartoons all day, as opposed to learning how to draw and paint yourself.

that's quite true.[/quote]
There is creativity in the field of game development, but not much creativity going on while playing the game itself. It's the difference between listening to MTV all day, and playing in a band yourself. Watching cartoons all day, as opposed to learning how to draw and paint yourself.

For sure, I very much agree! Playing games can't be all you do, that would be a very poor mental diet.

I know a fair amount of people though for whom video games got them interested in making their own music and drawing and creating. Myself included. But I also had good parents who rationed my time in front of the tube..