The one time that my chemist would not give me what i wanted was as i asked him for a liter of chloraform , he would only give me 200ml. So i made myself self employed (maybe thats not the right expression ) , = i got the papers to allow me to do buisness , ( it cost about 50 e. ) sent an order and a foto copy of it to a chemical wholesaler and he sent me what i wanted . He has asked me several times what i wanted certain things for . I always find out what legal things you can do with the chemicals i want so i am prepared in advance for his questions . I also wrote to merck , a very big chemical handler , under a false firm name and got sent their catalogs . My experience is that they wont suply things to make drugs with or legal tryptamines . They also sell all sorts of laboratory equipment , the catalog is full of things that will make an amateur chemist happy . It is expensive and often you have to buy in bulk . Ive been to hospitals and bought small things from staff when no one was looking ( used operation equipment , syrynges , small glass recepticals , kidney dishes ) . Other sources of equipment are university notice boards , students ofen sell things and big companys make chemistry and medical students cheep offers there .
Filtering is one of the harder , most frustrating , parts of extractions . Coffee filters are good but it takes a l-o-n-g time .
Try to find a brewing /wine making shop , they have fruit presses , hand and electric vacume pumps , filters , filter paper , gauzes and sieves at afordable prices . They also have synthetic sieve material wich has a very fine mesh wich can be used to sieve grass and make a sort of raw hash powder , wich you can press .