Quoi de neuf ?

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Yeah I know what you mean by the feeling that you're going to explode :P The peak was very very intense and not for beginners in drugs, and you need to have strong nerves also, and he most important, DO NOT PANIC :P Like I said at the peak I was convinced that i was gonna die that night, but I just myself that it was the drug playing tricks on me, and that if I was really gonna die, well I couldn't do anything about it and well, lets have a good time before it happens! With that combo, music is magic, you become music, your body becomes vapour and the vapour dance with the music... argh good souvenirs :P

lol, Fried mushrooms :P
Fried mushrooms!
Now available at your local snackbar :mrgreen:
Psychoid: "I was convinced that I was gonna die that night, but I just myself that it was the drug playing tricks on me, and that if I was really gonna die..."

I think this is a bad or misguided mindset to think about this experience in, although overall it was utterly astounding and changing, the willingness of your mind to accept the experience as real is the biggest hurdle for the psychonaut. For essentially its all real, as real as anything can be; its felt experience and that is really the only manner of perception you can subject your earthly mind, and accompanying infinite spirit, to. Whilst these two elements are connected in some way, each will ultimately have an influence on the other and the expressions within the trip.

Perhaps this feeling is totally correct. You were going to die. But this didn’t mean you in a physical sense and this is the point. Your ego was dieing, the essence of your physical personality and the traits which identify you as YOU in a material and thus superficial sense. As this dies, you simply reconnect, although to some degree because of the present connection of your mind to your body, to the infinite pool of this experience. Being ‘alive’ whilst these substances are administered will always invoke some sense of subjectivity to the meanings or descriptions of these experiences, visual and felt.

The concept I’m attempting to convey is that taking the psychedelic experience for anything other than what it is, is a mistake. Confusing the journey for one totally or to some extent manifested entirely by your brain defiles the meaning of the experience altogether. Of course you will experience products of the human memory and concision, but this is a constant while you are bound in this physical sense; the void between birth and death where nothing is as it seems.

In closing of this off topic rambling session, I would just like to say, think outside your body; it’s only a tool for your mind but it shouldn’t dominate the mindset and priority that is life; it should only show you the true nature of life itself, one that is without boundary.

buffachino a dit:
Perhaps this feeling is totally correct. You were going to die. But this didn’t mean you in a physical sense and this is the point. Your ego was dieing, the essence of your physical personality and the traits which identify you as YOU in a material and thus superficial sense. As this dies, you simply reconnect, although to some degree because of the present connection of your mind to your body, to the infinite pool of this experience. Being ‘alive’ whilst these substances are administered will always invoke some sense of subjectivity to the meanings or descriptions of these experiences, visual and felt.

I have always been very curious and interested, but also confused about the egodeath. I'm don't even know if I did experience it or not... what is it you call an egodeath? How do you know when it happens? how does it feels?
Well, I have experienced this phenomenon in every one of my mushroom experiences, all except from the hippyflip.
It is exactly as you described the difficulty within your trip to be; its simply the discomfort of feeling the rift grow between what your experiencing and travelling through to the regulated procedure of your ego's hold on your body, and until you trip, your mind also.

It’s the confusion, the tendency to want it to end or to go back. The paradox of beginning and end, and the infinite loop of perceived information that swirls around in your mind as this transition occurs. It’s uncomfortable but none the less powerful, needed and overall an essential part of the experience. Once you’re in hyperspace, you are no longer you anymore. You both know and ignore this fact because of the influence of your physical mind (the ego) on your consciousness and thus make it seem hard or painful to let go of that personification; that false identity of the material that binds you to your body.

There is no one way to describe ego death; no one way to explain its infinity and its transcendent knowledge that the experience itself conveys to the journeyman as he or she moves throughout hyperspace; through time and essence itself. I cannot tell you how this would feel for you, by doing so is to pervert your experience through my imposition.

It seems to me that you have already experienced this to some extent but with larger doses and a clearer mind you can go anywhere, do and be anything for all eternity and return. That’s the beauty of the tryptamines; there the gateway in and out of this physical dimension, between death and birth, and as such can be used to travel between worlds while still bound to some degree to this realm.
Hope that clarified it to some degree.

Oh man thanks for your post you clarified everything!!!! YEAH I did experience egodeath twice, and one of those were when I hippyflipped! It also happenned in my biggest shroom trip (3g dry). I can't wait till I do shrooms again, I plan on trying 5g the next time, shrooms are so hard to find where I live it's sad :(
i think mdma+shrooms provides best trips ever :D but try to take mdma first ;D
With mushrooms i myself wouldn't want to mix, never sure about the outcome, maybe to try in little doses first, to see